A nationwide poll of 1,500 registered voters found that most voters want the United States to return to President Donald J. Trump’s policies on a variety of issues, which could explain why the vast majority of voters feel that the economy is heading in the wrong direction. The poll also reported that President Joe Biden and Trump’s unfavorability rating are currently tied at 54%.
The poll was sponsored by The Wall Street Journal, ALG Research, and the firm Fabarazio Lee, and conducted between November 16 and November 22.
Voters were asked, “Regardless of how you may feel personally about each man, would you rather continue pursuing Joe Biden’s policies and proposals or return to Donald Trump’s policies and proposals?” According to the survey, 46% said they somewhat or strongly wanted to continue Biden’s policies while 48% said that they somewhat or strongly wanted to return to Trump’s policies.
When asked, “Specifically, would you say that the economy is going in the right direction or headed in the wrong direction?” a whopping 61% of voters said it was going in the “wrong direction.”
In terms of favorability rating, Biden eeks out Trump with a 43% favorability rating compared to the former president’s 41%, but both are tied at 54% unfavorable.
Likewise, 57% of voters either somewhat or strongly disapprove of the job that Biden is currently doing as president, while only 50% disapprove of the job that Trump did while he was in office.
As stated earlier on Thursday by The Daily Wire, Biden’s unfavorables match up with other polls, which show that voters do not want him on the ballot in 2024:
A new poll should ring alarm bells in the White House after showing Americans don’t want President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket in 2024.
The new poll, from I&I/TIPP, asked respondents who they wanted to run in 2024, and just 22% said they wanted Biden, while 12% said they wanted Harris. But, the Boston Herald pointed out, there is some good news for the administration, since “no favorite has emerged among the large field of potential challengers to run against Biden in the 2024 primaries.”
Likewise, The Daily Wire reported that “Biden’s approval rating is even dropping among young Democrats and Independents”:
A recent Harvard poll found that Joe Biden’s approval rating among young people has fallen 13 points since spring, with his overall disapproval rate now at 51%. He saw a double-digit drop among Democrats and Independents.
The poll, conducted by Harvard Public Opinion Project, surveyed adults ages 18-29 about a number of key political opinions. Overall, 2,109 people were polled throughout Fall 2021.
Biden’s approval among the demographic was nearing 60% back in March, but that has dropped as he has a 51% disapproval rate among the same group now.
It should be noted that the ideological makeup of the Journal poll was fairly evenly split and included slightly more Democrats than Republicans.
According to the poll findings, 26% of those polled described themselves as liberal or very liberal, 30% said they were moderate, 40% said conservative or very conservative, and 4% didn’t know or refused to answer.
Forty-two percent of those polled said they leaned Democrat or were Democrat, 40% said they leaned Republican or were Republican, 15% said they were independent or something else, and 3% didn’t know what they were.
The full Journal poll can be found here.