Recently, Democratic Sen. Tim Ryan of Ohio made it clear that the case for his candidacy rests on two talking points: the events of January 6th and a push for more abortion. That’s it.
Presumably, Americans should vote for an agenda defined by what they don’t get, not by what Ryan and his party have to offer.
For those who point to the number of articles supporting these talking points, consider that failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is now connected to more than 50 manufactured “news” outlets clutching their proverbial pearls about the party line.
You can’t believe everything you read.
Democrats simply want to scare America. But we are already scared, friend.
We are terrified that the leader of the free world says we are close to nuclear Armageddon, yet no one is talking about it.
The United Nations reports that up to 50 million people are on the verge of starvation, with a famine pending that is “a global emergency of unprecedented magnitude”.
Forget the alarming Y-2K predictions. Now, for the second time in my adult life, I’m wondering how much medication and food I can stockpile for my family’s future safety — and if it even matters if we come to nuclear war.
China continues to make credible threats to take over Taiwan, which makes the semiconductors for almost all of the mechanics of our lives, from phones to refrigerators, not to mention our medical equipment.
We have criminals walking over our border who are raping young girls. And of those women who survive that journey, too many are being sex trafficked in our own country without our law enforcement significantly engaging to stop that flow or help the innocent caught in it.
Instead, our government responds with championing abortions for the minors who suffered along the way.
Such crimes go unpunished, and the crime rate is rising, drowning our culture nationwide. I wouldn’t send my staff on the subway in New York City on a bet, and my own team faces physical violence and threats for their pro-life views while the Department of Justice looks away.
Imagine how it felt to be a young, pro-life woman with Students for Life at the recent Women’s March facing vicious, screaming abortion agitators yelling that they hope she’ll suffer rape. Who would wish that on a girl, even someone you disagree with? What’s wrong with them?
I’m scared of a world that hasn’t recovered from the self-imposed shutdown of the pandemic engineered by bureaucrats like Anthony “I represent science” Fauci who contradicted himself almost daily, holding firm to one thing — obey the arbitrary rules of the day.
Meanwhile, military enlistments are down, and others, like some of the National Guard heroes in Fort Myers, are kicked out because they didn’t want to take the experimental COVID vaccines that are no longer required.
And we need a strong military, fixed on the goal of protecting our nation, not retooling Veterans’ services for abortion or a fighting force for social experiments.
We also face the maneuverings of evil leaders in Russia, North Korea, and China, who sense there is no real American leadership.
Earlier this month, while the Left-leaning “Saturday Night Live” made fun of our mentally unfit president, our allies in Japan told their citizens to run for cover as North Korea launched missiles over their nation.
There are real things happening at this moment in time, but you can’t even trust the president’s talking head, Karine Jean-Pierre, who seems to read her binder of talking points for the first time during the daily press briefings, struggling to answer any tough questions and to say-anything-to-avoid-Trump-winning-again messaging. I’m now reading Al Jazeera and other foreign press to get an international update and a more honest assessment each morning.
Yet, the gaslighting from Democrats continues. They tell me that what I’m supposed to be scared of is not war, plague, or famine — issues our current governmental leadership seem ill-equipped to handle — but instead a woman’s lack of availability to pay someone to end the life of her “inconvenient” child, and Donald Trump.
Have they noticed he’s not president , but that we have a president coming in and out of world events led by his wife, or the governor of Michigan it would appear, reaching into the air for handshakes, and unaware that dead Congresswomen rarely attend media events.
I’m scared about who is really running the country.
I’m pro-life, and I’ll vote pro-life first. But you don’t have to reject Senator Ryan’s abortion platform and that of his party to be afraid of what’s coming next. All the hyperbole in the world won’t erase this critical moment in which such a meager platform is dwarfed by real events.
I’m afraid, but I’m not stupid, and neither are my fellow Americans.
Kristan Hawkins is president of Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action with more than 1,300 groups on educational campuses in all 50 states. Follow her @KristanHawkins or subscribe to her podcast, Explicitly Pro-Life.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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