Marvel actress Evangeline Lilly issued an Instagram post Thursday emphasizing her stand against COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Lilly, who voiced her support for freedom at the start of the pandemic, said she attended a rally in Washington, D.C. over the weekend “to support bodily sovereignty.”
The native Canadian wrote in the post that she stands with Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates and “believes nobody should ever be forced to inject their body.”
“I was in DC this weekend to support bodily sovereignty while Canadian truckers were rallying for their cross-country, peaceful convoy in support of the same thing,” Lilly said. “I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under threat of: violent attack, arrest or detention without trial, loss of employment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education, alienation from loved ones, excommunication from society … under any threat whatsoever.”
“This is not the way,” the “Ant-Man” actress continued. “This is not safe. This is not healthy. This is not love. I understand the world is in fear, but I don’t believe that answering fear with force will fix our problems.”
“I was pro choice before COVID and I am still pro choice today,” she wrote, adding the hashtags: #medicalchoice #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy#bodilysovereighnty #defeatthemandatesdc #canadiantruckers#iamwithyou.
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In March 2020, Lilly drew ire from Hollywood when she suggested on Instagram that she values “freedom” over the promise of supposed safety.
“Lilly had previously gone on her own Instagram Live to chat about how life had been going for her and her own endeavors despite the public health crisis,” an InStyle report outlined at the time. “She called her life ‘#businessasusual’ and recounted taking her children to gymnastics camp, after they ‘all washed their hands before going in.'”
“I have two young kids,” Lilly said via Instagram. “Some people value their lives over freedom, some people value freedom over their lives. We all make our choices.”
After backlash to her position from celebrities, like actress Sophia Turner, Lilly issued an apology on the social media platform.
“I am writing you from my home where I have been social distancing since Mar 18th – when social distancing was instituted in the small community where I am currently living,” Lilly wrote. “At the time of my Mar 16th post, the directives from the authorities here were that we not congregate in groups of more than 250ppl and that we wash our hands regularly, which we were doing. Two days later, those directives changed and, despite my intense trepidation over the socioeconomic and political repercussions of this course of action, PLEASE KNOW I AM DOING MY PART TO FLATTEN THE CURVE, PRACTICING SOCIAL DISTANCING AND STAYING HOME WITH MY FAMILY.”
“I want to offer my sincere and heartfelt apology for the insensitivity I showed in my previous post to the very real suffering and fear that has gripped the world through COVID19,” she said. “Grandparents, parents, children, sisters and brothers are dying, the world is rallying to find a way to stop this very real threat, and my ensuing silence has sent a dismissive, arrogant and cryptic message.”
“I never meant to hurt you,” Lilly closed the post. “When I wrote that post 10 days ago, I thought I was infusing calm into the hysteria. I can see now that I was projecting my own fears into an already fearful and traumatic situation. I am grieved by the ongoing loss of life, and the impossible decisions medical workers around the world must make as they treat those affected.”
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