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Major Education Group Urging Teachers To Discuss ‘Sexuality’ Topics With Pre-K To 8th Graders
BARCELONA, CATALONIA, SPAIN - JULY 09: Rally against LGTB-phobic aggressions, in the Jardinets de Gràcia, on 9 July, 2021 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. This protest has been called by the Observatori Contra l'Homofòbia. It comes in the midst of the controversy generated by the murder of Samuel Luiz, a young man from A Coruña who was beaten to death last Saturday, July 3, in a nightlife area of A Coruña.
(Photo By David Oller/Europa Press via Getty Images)

The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), a membership group that services more than 1,600 schools nationwide, is taking steps to encourage teachers to implement graphic sexual material into curricula, according to a Breitbart News report.

Breitbart obtained footage and documents related to a nearly one-hour long training at the group’s main 2020 conference. The footage, geared toward pre-K to eighth grade, included a conversation about “gender, and sexuality, and identity,” and for instance, how educators should discuss “penises and vaginas.”

“Starting in pre-K we talk about their bodies, the parts that they were born with, about penises and vaginas and whether they make somebody a boy or girl,” a lecturer said. “But also their feelings, what do they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl? What does their head say? Do their heart and their body match up.”

The educator who ran the lecture claimed that second-grade students should learn about “gender identity,” and specifically, “in terms of your head and your heart and your body parts matching up. . . and what happens if it doesn’t.” She also said fifth-graders should be taught about “gender identity,” “gender expression,” and “sexual orientation,” Breitbart noted.

NAIS’s training stressed that accredited schools should make strides to derail against certain parental concerns about teaching the subject matter. “Puritan Speak,” as the lecturer referred to it, relates to various phrases that parents might recite to oppose their kids learning left-wing ideology. This included:

  • That’s my job.
  • They’re just not “ready.”
  • That’s too much too soon
  • They’re too young to know that.
  • Won’t they lose their innocence?
  • But, what if my child isn’t ready?
  • But what if they tell other children?
  • Don’t you have to wait until they ask?
  • But what if they keep on asking questions?
  • You’re just trying to put ideas in their heads!

In one part of the training, an educator described how she accidentally taught pre-K children about “the vulva and the labia,” which made them shocked. But the teacher said that her colleagues should be “kind to yourself” when making such mistakes.

An informal group called “Undercover Mothers” sent the outlet the information. It is a network of parents seeking to “to protect [kids] from the abuse being inflicted by schools and the cartels of the regional and National Association of Independent Schools.”

Private schools affiliated with NAIS have implemented enrollment contract sections that bar parents from having “strong disagreement” with curricula and policy, or else risk student expulsion, according to Breitbart. One contract obtained by the outlet states that “parent/guardian approval will not be a prerequisite for respecting a student’s gender identity” and “The School shall accept the gender identity that each student asserts.”

Undercover Mothers shared flyers in school hallways that members’ kids attend, according to Breitbart. One is an image of a “pansexuwhale,” alluding to “a whale that is attracted to whales of all genders,” and another is of an “asexuwhale,” which allegedly defines “a whale that does not feel sexual attraction to any other whales.” Another example highlighted was an NAIS-affiliated school that has a book in its library called “Gender Queer.” The book depicts boys having oral sex.

In an article in The Wall Street Journal last week, two education activists described their horror at watching about 100 hours of leaked footage from NAIS trainings.

“No longer are private schools focused primarily on teaching critical thinking, fostering intellectual curiosity, and rewarding independent thought,” the authors said. “Their new mission is to train a vanguard of activists to lead the charge in tearing down the foundations of society, reminiscent of Maoist China’s Red Guards.”

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