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Limbaugh: Turns Out Ukraine ‘Whistleblower’ Was ‘Deep State Plant From The CIA’
John Brennan, Former CIA Director; NBC News Senior National Security and Intelligence Analyst, appears on "Meet the Press" in Washington, D.C., Sunday, April 15, 2018. (Photo by: William B. Plowman/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images)
William B. Plowman/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images

On his radio show Thursday, Rush Limbaugh addressed the revelations from The New York Times about the identity of the “whistleblower” who sparked the controversy of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s president that has given the Democrats a rationale to move forward on their impeachment campaign.

According to the Times, the whistleblower is “a CIA officer detailed to the White House,” and, according to Paul Sperry, former D.C. bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily,  rumors are “swirling” that the whistleblower was one of former CIA Director and current NBC analyst John Brennan’s “old CIA humps detailed over to — planted inside — the White House to spy on Trump and help thwart the investigation of #Spygate which also involves Obama DOS/FBI/CIA skullduggery in Ukraine.”

“This is part of the same intel cabal that ran the Russia collusion mess!” Limbaugh exclaimed after reading an excerpt of the Times’ report on the as-of-yet still anonymous whistleblower (transcript via “So he was a CIA officer. He was a plant! He was a deep state plant from the CIA at the White House!”

“Okay, what does this prove?” Limbaugh said. “It proves the intelligence community is spying on the president. It proves it. Trump said it during the 2016 campaign. They laughed at him; they mocked him. They said, ‘You’re insane. You’re crazy. Nobody’s monitoring your calls. Nobody’s tapping your wires. The CIA’s not spying on you!’ Yes, they are. Not, ‘yes, they were.’ Yes, they are.”

“He ‘is a CIA officer detailed to the White House,’ meaning not a Trumper,” Rush continued. “This is somebody the CIA, the intel community, sent over there. This guy was put there as a spy and did his job … I knew the intel community was part of this — and, folks, nothing’s changed. Nothing’s new. It’s the same operation. They just failed to get Trump on Russia.”

“It’s the same theme! Trump interfered in the 2016 election. The Russians meddled; Trump colluded. The FBI tried to plant spies to prove this,” Limbaugh said before stressing something he’s stated repeatedly on his show: “It did happen because the meddling happened with the Democrats. The Democrats meddled and interfered by creating (the Hillary Clinton campaign buying) the Steele dossier.”

Along with the Times report, Limbaugh pointed to a tweet from Sperry, stating, “Rumors swirling the anti-Trump whistleblower was of Brennan’s old CIA humps detailed over to — planted inside — the White House to spy on Trump and help thwart the investigation of #Spygate which also involves Obama DOS/FBI/CIA skullduggery in Ukraine.”

“Trump is right. The whistleblower is a political hack,” said Rush. “The rumors are circling now that he is one of John Brennan’s buddies. John Brennan ran the CIA for Obama. He was one of the original Never Trumpers running the Russia investigation. He was on TV every day promising people Trump was going to jail. He was promising people that Trump was gonna get frog-marched. He was promising people that Trump was going to be found guilty of treason. And then when the Mueller report came out no collusion, Brennan was out: I must have been given false information. No, your efforts bombed. Your efforts failed. So the whistleblower, one of John Brennan’s old CIA buddies planted inside the White House to spy on Trump and to try to undermine the Barr investigation into the original FBI investigation, like when did it begin, who’s really responsible for it.”

“The FBI was tasked with taking out Trump in the Russia investigation,” said Limbaugh. “The CIA has been tasked with taking Trump out on this Ukraine business.”

Limbaugh also noted that the Democrats have reportedly had the whistleblower complaint since August, yet chose to sit on it. “Adam Schiff’s had this on his desk since August! Pencil Neck had it,” said Rush. “This whistleblower report is just like the Christine Blasey Ford letter, which had just been waiting there for Dianne Feinstein, in that case, to unveil it. This has been an operation needing only a timeframe for execution. The timeframe is they decide to go with this shortly after everybody thinks that Pelosi has authorized impeachment.”

“So this is supposed to go on top of that as the perception of evidence that Trump has done something impeachable,” he said, stating in a mockingly dramatic tone: “‘He has asked Ukraine to meddle in the 2020 elections.’ That’s based on the fact that Trump supposedly asked the guy to look into Biden. It’s okay for Hillary to hire Christopher Steele and to create a phony document, the Steele dossier — and it’s okay for the Democrats to take that to the FISA court and use that as evidence for a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign and the Trump transition. Oh, that’s perfectly fine. Perfectly fine. The Russians can collude with the Democrats and vice-versa all day long if the objective is to get Trump.”

Related: Shapiro: Democrats’ ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Claim Against Trump Is Weak; Here’s Why

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