Within hours of President Trump pledging to declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization for the destruction and havoc it helped reap throughout the nation over the death of George Floyd, the Twitterverse has lit up with scores of leftists proudly defending the communist organization.
Under the hashtag #IamAntifa, people largely took the organization’s name (which stands for Anti-Fascist) at face-value seemingly unaware or proud of its communist roots.
“How did I know I’d eventually be designated a ‘terrorist’ by my own country? I’m an accomplice, here to leverage my privilege and platform, in support of movements for social and environmental justice. Also, will punch Nazis or help you find a medic,” tweeted activist B. Nolan.
“Let’s be crystal clear: 1. #ANTIFA = Anti-fascist 2. Domestic terrorism is overwhelmingly carried out by the RIGHT, not the left,” tweeted activist Peter Daou.
“What’s weird is that if you spelled out what the acronym for this loose movement called ‘antifa’ stands for and rewrite Trump’s tweet accordingly, it would read: ‘The United States of America will be designating anti-fascists as a Terrorist Organization,'” tweeted MSNBC’s Joy Reid.
“ANTIFA” is not an organization. This means Trump is classifying anyone who is against fascism as a terrorist. Fascism is defined as: ‘authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition.’ This is how Hitler happened. #IAmAntifa,” said one Twiter user.
“I Stand in Solidarity with Antifa & all activists protesting across the country. Black & Brown people have been terrorized by the police for too long. Our Racist System needs to be dismantled & rebuilt,” tweeted another user.
“Antifa isn’t an organization. There’s no hotline or website to hit up for info. Antifa stands for anti-fascist and has a long legacy in this country of resisting white supremacy & fascism. This is a dangerous, authoritarian trap to criminalize dissent,” tweeted another.
Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union” and ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, national security adviser Robert O’Brien said that ANTIFA has hijacked the protests to cause damage and destruction, mostly against minority-owned businesses.
“And they did it in Seattle. They have done it in Portland. They have done it in Berkeley. This is a destructive force of radical – I don’t even know if we want to call them leftists. Whatever they are, they’re militants who are coming in and burning our cities, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it,” said O’Brien.
“It’s the violent ANTIFA radical militants that are coming out, under cover of night, traveling across state lines, using military-style tactics to burn down our cities,” he said on “This Week.” “And they’re especially targeting the most venerable parts of our cities, George. The minority section, the African American sections, and Hispanic areas and burning down businesses of people that are trying to get a leg up. And the president’s outraged by that. And we all are. And that has to stop.”
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