Fox News host Jeanine Pirro blasted Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday as a “two-faced, mealy-mouthed politician” for keeping quiet amid the increasing sexual misconduct allegations against Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
“Finally, tonight, she is a fraud, a phony, a woman without a moral core, a regular two-faced, mealy-mouthed politician who swings with the wind,” Pirro said during the conclusion of her show Saturday evening.
“A real role model, ain’t she?” Pirro said, pointing out how Harris’ victory was portrayed in the media as a great leap forward for women and girls nationwide. “But remember, a woman who couldn’t get 1% of support in her party’s presidential primary nomination, a woman destined to be president, many believe, in the very near future, who can’t even answer a question about whether or not Andrew Cuomo should resign after seven women accuse him of sexual harassment and assault.”
After playing a clip of Harris slinking out of the room after ignoring a reporter’s question about Cuomo, Pirro mocked, “Some supporter of women, huh? A woman paraded around as a champion for women quick to believe all women, unless it doesn’t work to her political advantage. A woman who once prosecuted cases on behalf of rape victims who then turns around to raise money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund that bails out the men who rape women.”
"A woman who stands up for all women unless they are accusing a member of her political party unless it works to her political benefit…this is certainly not the kind of woman we need running this country as President." #CLOSINGSTATEMENT
— Jeanine Pirro (@JudgeJeanine) March 14, 2021
In contrast to her silence regarding the allegations of seven women against Cuomo, Harris has been very vocal in the past regarding accusations leveled against men such as Justice Brett Kavanaugh and even President Joe Biden.
During Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing in 2018, Harris praised Christine Blasey Ford for coming forward to claim that Kavanaugh raped her in high school. “I want to thank you for your courage and I want to tell you I believe you,” Harris told Ford. “I believe you and I believe many Americans across this country believe you.”
Drawing on her experience as a prosecutor, Harris went on to say, “Study after study show that trauma, shame, and the fear of consequences almost always cause survivors to at the very least delay reporting, if they ever report at all.”
In 2019, Harris called on Kavanaugh to be impeached, telling MSNBC host Rachel Maddow: “Christine Blasey Ford, who literally had nothing to gain by coming forward … she looked at the fact that this guy was being nominated and said, ‘The American people had the right to know what I know,’ and she was treated like a criminal.”
“So yes, I call for impeachment,” Harris added. “I believe that is the clearest way for us to get an investigation of these allegations, and we should open an investigation of these allegations.”
During the Democratic primary, Harris said she believed the women who accused Biden of inappropriately touching them.
“I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris said of her future running mate’s accusers at the time.
Related: Gov. Andrew Cuomo Refuses To Resign, Questions ‘Motivations’ Of Accusers