Actor James Woods and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) came to national prominence two utterly different ways but both have found themselves in recent years thriving in the same space, social media. Both men have became must-follows for conservatives online and, since Woods made his big return to Twitter a few weeks ago, the two conservatives have been drawing attention at times to each other’s posts.
With socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) increasingly looking like the prohibitive favorite to take the Democratic nomination, Woods and Cruz have weighed in recently on Sanders and what his rise means about the direction of the Democratic Party, and the two conservative voices have found a lot of common ground.
In response to former Democratic candidate Andrew Yang telling CNN, as Sanders was cruising to victory in Nevada over the weekend, that the Democratic Party is no longer the party of the working class, Cruz agreed and expanded on Yang’s premise.
“Yang is right: This is the most fundamental political shift of the past decade,” Cruz tweeted. “The Democratic Party has abandoned the working class, has abandoned union members, and the GOP has become the blue-collar party of jobs.”
Woods, in turn, noticed Cruz’s tweet, likewise agreed with the premise, and offered his own, less senatorial and a little more dramatized take on the Democratic Party.
“The Democratic Party has been hijacked by screeching socialists, ranting ‘intersectionalists,’ whatever they hell they are, and masked Antifa street thugs,” he wrote. “Republicans stand for jobs, borders, and national security. The Democratic Party is a vampirized husk, gone forever.”
Yang is right: This is the most fundamental political shift of the past decade. The Democratic Party has abandoned the working class, has abandoned union members, and the GOP has become the blue-collar party of jobs.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 23, 2020
The Democratic Party has been hijacked by screeching socialists, ranting “intersectionalists,” whatever they hell they are, and masked Antifa street thugs. Republicans stand for jobs, borders, and national security. The Democratic Party is a vampirized husk, gone forever.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 23, 2020
Cruz, who eventually retweeted Woods’ response, followed up his “abandoned the working class” post by highlighting Sanders’ anti-Israel stance, pointing his readers to Mark Levin’s highlighting of an article presenting eight of the candidate’s “anti-Israel outrages.”
“This is the Democratic front runner,” wrote Cruz.
Cruz, a Cuban-American, then addressed Sanders’ most recent praise of a dictatorial communist regime, his defense of murderous Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro. “We’re very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but it’s unfair to say everything’s bad,” Sanders told “60 Minutes” on Sunday. “When Castro came into office you know what he did? He had a literacy program.”
“It really makes a difference when those you murder at the firing squad can read & write,” Cruz replied.
This is the Democratic front runner.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 23, 2020
It really makes a difference when those you murder at the firing squad can read & write.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 24, 2020
Woods likewise continued to offer commentary over the weekend about Sanders. After his Cruz-retweeted post, Woods blasted out an even more politically incorrect summary of the current state of the “commie curmudgeon”-supporting party he once backed.
“The election of [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez], [Rashida Tlaib], and [Ilhan Omar] was a perfect storm that destroyed the Democratic Party,” the actor wrote (posts below). “Nancy Pelosi rolled over for them like a two dollar hooker, and the Democrats are now stuck with a commie curmudgeon screaming at billionaire boogeymen under his bed.”
He followed up that post with a mocking image of “Commie” Bernie holding up a baby version of his most prominent advocate, Ocasio-Cortez, gleefully waving a Soviet flag.
As for Sanders’ fellow democratic socialists, Woods had this to say about Ocasio-Cortez in a subsequent tweet: “What’s critical to remember about democracy is that stupid people also get to vote. What’s dangerous about that is that stupid people feel comfortable when they vote for other stupid people. It’s a vicious circle.”
Later, a Sanders tweet offered Woods a chance to sum up what he suggested was the fundamental flaw of the senator’s socialist policies.
“What would free, quality child care and pre-K mean for you and your family?” Sanders tweeted.
“More taxes,” Woods replied.
Woods continued to voice his complaints about the Democratic Party on Monday. In response to somebody announcing online that they were leaving the Democratic Party, Woods took a moment to explain his rationale for doing the same some years back.
“I was a Democrat my whole life,” he wrote Monday morning. “The party in my youth stood for strong national defense, jobs for the working American, strong borders, the sanctity of human life, and equal rights. I never left the Democratic Party. It left me. And you. Welcome to sanity.”
Related: Democrat Congresswoman Of Cuban Descent Rips Bernie After Castro Defense: ‘Absolutely Unacceptable’
The election of #AOC, #RashidaTlaib, and #IlhanOmar was a perfect storm that destroyed the Democratic Party. Nancy Pelosi rolled over for them like a two dollar hooker, and the Democrats are now stuck with a commie curmudgeon screaming at billionaire boogeymen under his bed.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 23, 2020
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 23, 2020
What’s critical to remember about democracy is that stupid people also get to vote. What’s dangerous about that is that stupid people feel comfortable when they vote for other stupid people. It’s a vicious circle.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 23, 2020
More taxes.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 24, 2020
I was a Democrat my whole life. The party in my youth stood for strong national defense, jobs for the working American, strong borders, the sanctity of human life, and equal rights. I never left the Democratic Party. It left me. And you. Welcome to sanity.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 24, 2020
Related: Sanders Praises Fidel Castro; Kaepernick Did Same Thing; WATCH How Miami Fans Responded