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Hillary Clinton’s Challenging The Election Results. 7 Reasons That’s Idiotic.

Hillary Clinton is now backing Jill Stein’s efforts for a recount, as she will resort to any last-ditch efforts to fulfill her dream of becoming a president. Unfortunately for her, challenging the election results is idiotic, and here are seven reasons why.

1. Hillary already conceded. The fact that Clinton already gave a concession speech, only to challenge the election results weeks later, reeks of a petty, sore loser attitude.

2. Hillary went after Donald Trump during the campaign for railing against a supposedly rigged vote.

Now that Clinton is backing recount efforts, she is now not respecting the results of the election.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Hillary Clinton.

3. There is no reason to think that there was a rigged election. The Daily Wire has explained here that there is no indication that there were rigged electronic voting machines, and Trump’s advantage over Clinton in that regard was due to demographics, not because of a widespread conspiracy.

4. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania would all have to be overturned in order for Clinton to become president. That’s not happening. Nate Silver points out that Trump leads by “roughly 11,000 votes in Michigan, 23,000 votes in Wisconsin and 68,000 votes in Pennsylvania.”

“There’s no precedent for a recount overturning margins like those or anything close to them,” Silver wrote.

Indeed, recounts typically only have a shot at changing results if the margin was in the hundreds, but since Trump is leading by tens of thousands of votes in all three states Clinton needs to win, there’s no way that a recount is going to change anything.

5. The recount deadline for Pennsylvania has already passed. Stein missed it, so she is resorting to a legal challenge, and a judge would have to conclude that a widespread vote rigging occurred, and there is simply no evidence of that.

6. Hillary’s people have admitted that the recount likely won’t change anything. According to the uber left-wing Huffington Post:

Now here’s the “but” part of the recount call. It almost certainly won’t change anything. Clinton campaign officials have pretty much said as much. The number of votes Trump got over Clinton in Pennsylvania appear to be too great to overcome, even if irregularities are found in some voting districts. This means the electoral vote win Trump got in the state will stand. Though there is suspicion about the vote in some precincts in Wisconsin, there as yet is no tangible evidence of theft, tampering or hacking to boost Trump’s numbers there.

The Clinton team knows that nothing is going to change from the recount efforts, but they’re backing it anyway. It’s a clearly a dog-and-pony show.

7. Stein’s recount effort is a scam. As the Daily Wire has explained here, Stein is clearly running a scam with the recount because she kept moving the fundraising goals, her legal costs suddenly surged, and she admitted that she can’t guarantee a recount and that extra money would go toward promoting “voting system reform.” By backing a recount, Clinton is indirectly lending credence to Stein’s scam, and lending credence to scams is never a good thing.

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The Daily Wire   >  Read   >  Hillary Clinton’s Challenging The Election Results. 7 Reasons That’s Idiotic.