The forgotten American is the blue-collar taxpayer who attends church on Sundays. He toils diligently so that he can put bread on the table for his family and children, but he lives paycheck-to-paycheck on a tight budget. He is frustrated that neither major political party seems attuned to the quotidian trials and tribulations that necessarily come, in today’s society, with raising numerous children while fiscally constrained. Who will stand not with the cronyist interests of Silicon Valley or the corporatist interests of Wall Street, but for the economic interests of the forgotten American family man?
The forgotten American is the law-abiding patriot who has never had a skirmish with law enforcement more dire than a speeding ticket. He proudly exercises his Second Amendment right and owns firearms to protect home and hearth. But he also believes it is a core function of government to ensure law and order by locking up murderers, rapists, sex offenders, drug traffickers, burglars, and other appalling criminals. He is frustrated that neither major political party seems attuned to the fact that deterring crime and removing the worst of the worst from the streets is an indispensable tenet of the American social contract. Who will stand against the leftist/libertarian jailbreak alliance, and will stand athwart the under-incarceration epidemic that wreaks havoc on the safety of the forgotten, law-abiding American?
The forgotten American believes in sovereignty and the integrity of the nation-state. He accepts the truism that to lack borders is to lack a nation itself and, as such, he opposes illegal immigration. He believes that the federal government’s response has been woefully inadequate to the phenomenon of augmented transnational criminal cartels trafficking economically motivated faux-asylee human migrants for profit. He is frustrated that neither major political party seems committed to deploying the resources necessary to protect the republic’s territorial and narcotics-related integrity against the siege of military-style, Hezbollah-intertwined cartels. He is distressed that neither major political party seems attuned to those who oppose the social transformation without representation that is imposed via the diktats of judicial amnesty. Who will stand not with the open-borders lobby, but with the forgotten American who values the nation-state and wants to see criminal aliens deported en masse?
The forgotten American keeps his copy of the U.S. Constitution in his bedside nightstand. He has read this simple, straightforward document and he cherishes the unbounded political wisdom embedded therein. He is a big proponent of the Tenth Amendment and believes that politicians and lawless judges alike have been complicit in fundamentally distorting the original relationship between the states and federal government that James Madison once described in The Federalist No. 45. But he has also read the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the Constitution, and he therefore understands that sanctuary state and sanctuary city jurisdictions across the nation operate today in subversive, neo-Confederate fashion. Who will stand against the modern-day analogue of John C. Calhoun-style thought and will instead stand for the uncountable forgotten American victims of sanctuary jurisdiction-abetted violent crime?
The forgotten American is both pro-science and pro-common sense. He knows from rudimentary biology, the Book of Genesis, and observable human nature alike that there are two distinct genders: Male and female. He has immense compassion and sympathy for those suffering from gender dysphoria, but he believes in neither bestowing social affirmation upon mental illnesses nor in incentivizing doctors to violate the Hippocratic Oath via genital mutilation “surgery.” Furthermore, he worries greatly about the fact that biological males may well soon be permitted to enter his daughter’s high school girls’ locker room with impunity. Who will stand not with the de-civilization agenda of those would seek to redefine and ultimately eviscerate God’s man/female biological complementarity, but with the forgotten American who believes in biological and biblical truth?