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HAMMER: The Trump Administration Is Right. The U.N. Can Never Dictate An Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal.
CARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES - 2019/03/28: White House adviser on Israel Jason Greenblatt speaks during 7th Annual Champions of Jewish Values Gala at Carnegie Hall. (
Photo by Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

“The Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz.” – Zvi Rex, Israeli psychiatrist

Last month, Jason Greenblatt, who is the Trump administration’s special representative for international negotiations and, along with Jared Kushner, a co-leader of the administration’s yet-to-be-unveiled comprehensive proposal for Israeli-Palestinian peace, addressed the United Nations Security Council. In a paradigm-shifting speech, Greenblatt assailed the longstanding consensus of much of the morally relativistic “international community” — for which the anti-Semitic dullards of Turtle Bay serve as quintessential proxies — in no uncertain terms. Whereas the institutionally anti-Israel U.N. Security Council has long tried its best to unilaterally impose a “two-state solution” from the outside in — based on a fundamental misunderstanding of international law with respect to eastern Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria — Greenblatt rebutted that “if there is to be such a solution, only the parties themselves, through direct negotiations, can work this out.”

Later in the speech, Greenblatt reiterated, “Both Israel and the Palestinians have asserted a claim to certain land. This is an unresolved dispute and it will only be through direct negotiations between the parties that we have a chance of resolving that dispute and achieving a comprehensive peace.”

Greenblatt’s speech is well worth watching in full:

Common sense, right? Alas, perhaps not to anti-Israel, sycophantically pro-Palestinian Europeans on the U.N. Security Council.

As Reuters highlighted, Germany, France, and Russia did not exactly respond favorably to Greenblatt’s address. That would be the same Germany that refuses to recognize all of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and is leading the European effort to undermine President Trump’s decision to exit the catastrophic Iran nuclear deal, the same France whose insane immigration policies have led to crisis levels of Islamist-inspired anti-Semitism, and the same Russia that de facto allies itself with the genocidal Jew-hating mullahs in Tehran to prop up a murderous madman tyrant in Damascus.

“For us, international law is not menu a la carte,” said Germany’s U.N. ambassador, Christoph Heusgen. “Security Council resolutions are international law, they merely need to be complied with,” oh-so-helpfully added Russia’ U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia.

Greenblatt pushed back this week against the European backlash, publishing a German newspaper op-ed that firmly but diplomatically rebuked Heusgen. “With respect, Ambassador [Heusgen] … we clearly stated that a solution cannot be forced upon the parties, and the only way ahead is direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians,” Greenblatt wrote. “Our point was that collectively, U.N. Security Council resolutions passed with the intent of providing a framework for resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have failed to create progress.” Greenblatt also excoriated the Europeans’ insistence on the U.N. as a focal point of the peace process, coupled with their own failure to recognize the U.N.’s institutional anti-Israel bias, as “disingenuous.”

At the risk of stating the obvious: Good for Greenblatt and good for the Trump administration.

Hamas, a genocidal Islamist jihadist outfit set not merely on eliminating Israel but also set on killing every Jew in the world, currently controls the Gaza Strip. So-called “moderate” Fatah, which directly subsidizes murderous (and celebrated!) jihad against Israeli Jews, is currently led by Holocaust-denying kleptocratic chieftain Mahmoud Abbas. Much as Ezra Klein’s Vox would imagine it to be otherwise, there is no bridge connecting Gaza with Judea and Samaria. There is approximately zero appetite whatsoever among either the Palestinian-Arab leadership or the Palestinian-Arab populace to forfeit the so-called “right of return” — a legally risible claim that would demographically destroy Zionism itself. There is approximately zero appetite whatsoever right now among either the Palestinian-Arab leadership or the Palestinian-Arab populace to recognize Israel as a Jewish and secure state within any cognizable boundaries at all.

In short, those, like the Europeans and the global pro-Palestinian/pro-“international community” Left, who insist that Israeli-Palestinian peace can be imposed from the outside in, are simply not living in the real world. There are endless unresolved issues that can truly, only be finalized via direct negotiations between the two sides. The only reasonable conclusion is that such quixotic insistence on an outside-in imposition is hardly motivated by genuine concern for the establishment of a durable, lasting peace — the facts and reality on the ground make such calls, in the present, fanatical to the point of lunacy. On the contrary, such calls for an “international community”-imposed solution are ultimately reflective of Europeans’ loathing for Israel. Perhaps there is something fundamentally sinister here, too. Zvi Rex, the above-quoted Israeli psychiatrist, was likely onto something.

In any event, good for Jason Greenblatt and the Trump administration. The jury may still be out on the administration’s yet-to-be-unveiled comprehensive peace proposal, but the jury is very much in on the administration’s continued efforts to stand up for Israel and rebuke bullying Israel-haters at the U.N. The Trump administration is in the right — and the Europeans are in the wrong.

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