“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9
Last week, Sandinista-loving, Soviet Union-honeymooning communist loonbag Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) decided to proffer mass genocidal child sacrifice as a means by which to alleviate the purported coming ills of global warming “climate change.” The Daily Wire reported on the underlying exchange on CNN:
“Empowering women, and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact,” [CNN’s Martha] Readyoff [said]. “Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?”
“The answer’s ‘yes,'” Bernie responded. … “So I think, especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very strongly support.”
Bernie Sanders, a nominal ethnic Jew who has imbibed like mother’s milk the catastrophic nostrums posited by the world’s preeminent self-hating Jew of the past two centuries, claims to “not [be] an atheist.” But Sanders has also conceded that he is “not actively involved in organized religion,” and it would be genuinely shocking if Bernie Sanders were not the kind of “spiritual but not religious” Jew who enjoys a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on Yom Kippur. For Sanders, as for so many adherents of Reform Judaism and other politically obsessed leftist Jews in America, the notion of tikkun olam — “repair the world” — distorts, overwhelms, and conquers anything that might otherwise be recognized as authentic, halakhic Judaism. Consider Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro’s blurb for Jonathan Neumann’s 2018 book, “To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel”:
“For too long, Jewish leftists have used Jewish sloganeering to serve their leftism, claiming that ‘tikkun olam’ dictates their politics. Neumann shows that the linkage between Judaism and leftism isn’t merely false, but fatally damaging to Jewishness itself, and that those who claim they are healing the world on God’s behalf are in fact ripping out the roots of Judeo-Christian civilization while cynically flying the Biblical flag.”
For many on the tikkun olam-obsessed, halakhically unmoored, biblically defiant Jewish Left, progressive politics becomes a de facto “religion.” The trend is widespread among non-God-fearing secularists in America today: When one excises God and religion from his or her life, that void is so often filled by the temptations of hedonistic, self-indulgent, politically leftist paganism. Whether it is the pagan “sacrament” of “abortion on demand and without apology” or the pagan cult of enviro-statist command-and-control economic radicalism, large swaths of the contemporary Left have reached a far greater effective level of religious zeal than the “Religious Right” rubes and yokels they so contemptuously mock. They have merely replaced God with the Earth — and have replaced dutiful obedience to God’s commandments with the pagan sacrifice of the unborn.
As Erick Erickson of The Resurgent has long been fond of saying, the modern-day leftist/secularist abortion movement bears no small resemblance to the pagan child sacrifices to Moloch dating back millennia. As Erick wrote last week: “[P]rogressives have replaced true religion with a new religion — a secular variety. They worship creation and sacrifice to Moloch just as tribes did thousands of years ago. Babies must be slaughtered to save the world now, just as then. People must sacrifice now, just as then.”
Bernie Sanders, with his acceptance of thoroughly discredited Malthusianism and promotion of the sacrifice of an entire class of children to help save the Mother Earth idol, has merely provided Americans with an unusually clear lens into the modern pagan worldview. Sanders’ harrowing and affirmatively evil proposal directly mirrors the Canaanite offerings to Moloch that hail from the biblical era. There truly is, as the Book of Ecclesiastes tell us, nothing new under the sun.