Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel warned against the Democrat Party’s election reform push, referring to the proposed Freedom to Vote Act as “the Freedom to Cheat Act.”
McDaniel shared the remarks in a news briefing with National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) ahead of President Joe Biden’s speech on election reform in Georgia on Wednesday.
“We call it the Freedom to Cheat Act. It eviscerates state voter ID laws which 36 states have passed. This bill eliminates states’ more secure voter ID requirements, replacing them with a process that is rife with fraud, no IDs presented, and a third person only needs to attest that a voter is who they claim to be,” McDaniel said.
“I know, based on polling across every spectrum, Democrat, Republican, every minority group, people want people to show ID to vote and this is one aspect, just one, in which — and there are others — in which the Freedom to Cheat Act would eviscerate any type of verification for people to vote,” she added.
GOP dubs Democrats’ voting bill ‘Freedom to Cheat Act,’ argues they don’t want ‘fair elections’ | Just The News
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) January 11, 2022
In a Tuesday statement, McDaniel also spoke out against the Biden administration’s plan to remove Senate filibuster rules to pass its own voting reform bill as a “federal takeover” of elections.
“Joe Biden and Democrats’ election takeover attempts are blatant power-grabs designed to rig the game. Democrats want to destroy the integrity of our elections by eliminating photo ID requirements, allowing non-citizens to vote, using taxpayer dollars to fund career politicians, and silencing voters. No number of lies told or fake hysteria pushed today justify Democrats’ agenda to break the Senate and destroy American elections,” she said.
The statement shared that 75% of Americans — including 69% of black voters and 60% of Democrats polled — support voter ID requirements.
During an interview on Fox News’ “The Faulkner Focus” on Wednesday, McDaniel emphasized that Republican voting reform measures are intended to make elections secure.
“You can’t go to a restaurant without showing your vaccine card, but they want to strip away showing your ID to vote – which 80% of the American people agree with according to NPR. This is something that most of us think should happen just to make sure our elections are secure. They are overreaching here. Joe Biden is in Georgia; he should actually be in New York where they just allowed non-citizens to vote in their elections. Maybe he should be fighting that instead,” she said.
Republican Sen. Scott also spoke on the Senate Floor on Wednesday against Democrats’ plans to make permanent and fundamental changes to the legislative filibuster, a Senate rule that requires a 60-vote supermajority to move forward pending legislation.
“Senate Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, have fiercely defended the legislative filibuster in the past, but are now flip-flopping so they can jam through a bill that would completely upend America’s current election system. Senator Scott took to the floor to expose their gross hypocrisy,” Scott said in a statement.