Scott Smith, the father of an alleged sexual assault victim from Loudoun County Public Schools, is demanding an apology and retraction from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) for writing a letter he claims described him as a “domestic terrorist.”
In a press release from the law firm representing the Smith family, their attorneys stated:
In its September 29 letter to President Joe Biden, the NSBA characterized Scott Smith, father of the sexual assault victim, and other parents attending school board meetings to voice opposition to policies as “domestic terrorists.”
The press release went on to note that the “NSBA went so far as to ask for federal law enforcement assistance for ‘enforceable actions against these crimes and acts of violence under … the PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism’ as well as other federal criminal statutes.”
The legal group added that the letter branded Smith as a “domestic terrorist,” and “specifically cited Mr. Smith’s arrest at a meeting of the Loudoun County School Board.”
In a letter to Dr. Viola Garcia, the president of the NSBA, and CEO Chip Slaven, the family’s attorney noted, “Despite your factual assertions to the contrary, Scott Smith is not a domestic terrorist, and your statements contained in your September 29 letter were defamatory per se, and have impugned the good character of Mr. Smith.”
The attorney also explained:
Most notably, your letter stated that “[i]n Virginia, an individual was arrested, another man was ticketed for trespassing, and a third person was hurt during a school board meeting discussion distinguishing current curricula from critical race theory and regarding equity issues.” Your letter then cited a news source in its footnote number 13 (NBC4: “The Meeting Has Degenerated”: 1 Arrest, 1 Injury at Loudoun School Board Meeting on Equity”), which reported the arrest of my client, Scott T. Smith for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest without force at that meeting.
The group’s press release noted that on October 22nd, the NSBA reportedly distributed a memorandum to its members apologizing for the letter, saying “there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.”
However, “[t]he NSBA’s memo on Friday did not include any specific apology to Mr. Smith for labeling him and other parents ‘domestic terrorists,’” noted Bill Stanley, attorney for the Smith family, in the release. “Today, Mr. Smith seeks that apology.”
In the release, Smith stated, “I am a father who cares deeply for his daughter, who would go to the ends of the earth to protect both her and other students who attend public school in Loudoun County from suffering what she has suffered due to the misguided social policies adopted by the Loudoun County School Board. I am not a ‘domestic terrorist.’”
“The NSBA defamed me, impugning my reputation and that of other concerned parents who dared challenge our local school board. I am owed an apology and I deserve one. I demand the NSBA retract its statement that I am a ‘domestic terrorist,’ or I will have no other choice but to seek a court to do it for them.”
As The Daily Wire exclusively reported, Scott Smith alleged that a boy wearing a skirt went into a girls’ bathroom at a local high school where he sexually assaulted Smith’s ninth-grade daughter.
“Juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school,” The Daily Wire reported.
Smith was arrested after attending a school board meeting where the topic of a transgender policy was raised. At the meeting, the superintendent said that concerns about the policy were misplaced since the school system had no record of any assault occurring in any school bathroom.
Smith has said he was then confronted by a left-wing community activist who told him she didn’t believe his daughter. A police officer pulled on his arm, and Smith yanked it away, which led to an altercation. “Before he knew it, Smith says, he was hit in the face, handcuffed, and dragged across the floor, with his pants pulled down. Images of the incident were splashed on televisions and newspapers across the world,” The Daily Wire noted.
The Smith family also recently announced they are pursuing civil action against Loudoun County Public Schools under the provisions of Title IX after the publication of The Daily Wire’s blockbuster report, alleging that Loudoun County Public Schools covered up the sexual assault.