According to the far-left National Catholic Reporter, a committed socialist who supports abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender ideology, and radical environmentalism is “the future of the Catholic Church.”
In an op-ed published on Monday, Heidi Schlumpf said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) passion for human dignity and social justice comes from her “Catholic values,” which is at odds with the fact that the Catholic Church specifically condemns socialism, abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgender ideology. Schlumpf based her declaration on AOC’s recent speech on the House floor last week condemning Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) for allegedly calling her “dangerous” and a “f***ing b**ch.” Yoho has emphatically denied that the conversation happened in the way AOC has alleged.
“Ocasio-Cortez repeatedly railed against the ‘dehumanizing’ of others and instead called for treating people with dignity and respect,” argued Schlumpf. “These are themes often repeated by Pope Francis, who has specifically cautioned about gossip and urged the use of respectful language, saying ‘it is possible to kill someone with the tongue.'”
“Perhaps such Catholic references are not surprising, since the rock-star millennial leader of the left grew up Catholic and even wrote about how her faith influences her views on public policies such as mass incarceration, for a Catholic magazine,” added Schlumpf.
Schlumpf made no mention of the fact that Ocasio-Cortez has completely jettisoned all other tenets of the Catholic faith that would put her at odds with today’s Democratic Party. Regarding abortion, the congresswoman has said that abortion bans are about “owning” women’s bodies.
She tweeted in 2019:
Abortion bans aren’t just about controlling women’s bodies. They’re about controlling women’s sexuality. Owning women. From limiting birth control to banning comprehensive sex ed, US religious fundamentalists are working hard to outlaw sex that falls outside their theology.
Ultimately, this is about women’s power. When women are in control of their sexuality, it threatens a core element underpinning right-wing ideology: patriarchy. It’s a brutal form of oppression to seize control of the 1 essential thing a person should command: their own body.
Ultimately, this is about women’s power.
When women are in control of their sexuality, it threatens a core element underpinning right-wing ideology: patriarchy.
It’s a brutal form of oppression to seize control of the 1 essential thing a person should command: their own body.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 16, 2019
On transgenderism, AOC has said that cisgendered people are “privileged.”
“I’m a cisgendered woman,” she said. “I will never know the trauma of feeling like I’m not born in the right body. And that is a privilege that I have, no matter how poor my family was when I was born. But it’s really hard for some people to admit that they — you know, it’s part of this weird American Dream mythology that we have, that for a lot of — in a lot of circumstances isn’t as true or isn’t as clearly communicated as we’d like for it, or we wish it was.”
“As a young Latina, Ocasio-Cortez represents the demographic future of the Catholic Church,” Schlumpf concludes. “But — if there is to be a future for the Catholic Church in the United States — it must also resemble Ocasio-Cortez in her passion for justice and human dignity, and in her courage and integrity, even in the face of vulgar attacks.”