Here in California, our government gives welfare to illegal aliens, takes away citizens’ guns, teaches our sons they can be daughters, and our daughters, sons.
So it’s to be expected that many, if not most, of this state’s candidates for office are veritable crazy people.
I encountered this firsthand while reading the California Statewide Direct Primary Official Voter Information Guide. It’s a 95-page pamphlet that California voters receive in the mail before a statewide election, and we have one on June 5.
Candidates use the pamphlet as an opportunity to introduce themselves to voters via a “candidate statement.” These statements are amazing, hilarious — and often terrifying.
First, a little background on elections in California: They are no longer of any particular consequence. This is a state bluer than Tobias Funke auditioning for The Blue Man Group. This is a state in which the bounds of policy debate are “left” on the right and “lefter” on the left. This is a state in which a Democrat facing a Democrat is increasingly normal . . . in general elections.
The Left’s newfound dominance in California (it wasn’t long ago that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pete Wilson were governors and Ronald Reagan won it twice) is no small deal. California is the nation’s largest state in terms of population, gross domestic product, and electoral votes. But it also hasn’t come without a steep cost for California’s residents. The state is shrinking, increasingly impoverished, and broken.
Who’s to blame for this if not Democrats? But for Democrats there’s no personal responsibility, they blame the one man who’s to blame for everything: Donald Trump. He, along with “big business,” is somehow responsible for Democrats in Sacramento and San Francisco and Los Angeles governing the Golden State into the ground.
I can’t explain how, so, for that, let’s go to the candidates’ statements.
We start with U.S. Senate candidate Ling Ling Shi. Ling didn’t include a photo or even a party, but she’s sure that the “2016 U.S. Presidential Election should be nullified by the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. should rehold 45th U.S. Presidential election.” Rehold?
Democratic Senate candidate Kevin de Leon says that “the President is hellbent on dividing our people and demeaning our California ideals.” He concludes by recounting his role in helping destroy California:
“I led historic efforts to improve the lives of everyday Californians by taking action on universal healthcare, pay equity, immigrant and civil rights, a $15 minimum wage, debt-free higher education, and making California a world leader in the fight against climate change.”
Candidate John Thompson Parker of the Peace and Freedom Party (read: Socialist) cuts to the chase real quick, “End capitalism— don’t enable it.” Hey, it worked for Sen. Bernie Sanders, who owns three houses.
In the race for governor, there’s some interesting statements from Green Party Candidate Josh Jones, such as “Trans rights; not extra rights for corporations.”
Democratic candidate Michael Shellenberger wants you to know that Time Magazine recognized him as a “hero of the environment” for his views on climate change.
Peace and Freedom candidate Gloria Estela La Riva believes that “corporations, banks and the Pentagon have dominated society” for “too long.”
The #Resistance continues with another Democrat candidate who wants to make sure everyone knows he’s done his part. Cameron Gharabiklou says, “Because when history is written, it’ll say California rose up, resisted and led this country forward.”
Kevin Akin, another Peace and Freedom socialist wants to use his power as treasurer should he win, wants to promote socially-owned economic units like co-ops, unions, and open up a “State Bank.” Akin wants “democratic control and social ownership of our economy.” So, socialism.
Xavier Becerra is California’s current Attorney General and a flaming leftist. He brought charges against the pro-life undercover team that revealed that Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts.
He also wants voters to know he really doesn’t like the National Rifle Association. “I’ve been fighting for California values all my life and I will never back down whether it’s Big Oil, the NRA, or the Trump administration.”
Nathalie Hrizi’s Peace and Freedom Party wants to abolish health insurance companies. Hrizi states, “Healthcare is a right! Abolish health insurance companies. State must create non-profit provider for all required insurance. Vote Hrizi 2018!”
Democratic candidate Asig Mahmood wants you all to know that if you don’t elect him you must hate him. “As a Muslim immigrant from the state of California — I’m a triple threat to Donald Trump. I’ll be the first Muslim ever elected to statewide office in the country. Let’s send a clear message — it’s time to get tough on hate.”
I’ll end with the most brief and best statement of them all:
Mr. Johnny Wattenburg has no party preference. He has no campaign website, no campaign headquarters. But he asks this simple question about whether to elect him: “Why not!”
Pray for us, America.