Welcome back to Education Insanity, a weekly column updating you on the most insane events taking place in our nation’s schools. Here, we’ll delve into the growing presence of critical race theory, the ideology that claims that America is irredeemably rooted in racism, and “woke” culture.
Let’s get started.
10. New Mexico State University Professor Says He Is Barred From Classrooms After Bucking The School’s Mask Policy – Las Cruces Sun News
New Mexico State University professor David Clements was removed from his classroom after posting a video to Rumble claiming that he will not abide by the school’s COVID restrictions, including the school’s mask mandate. “As you can see, I am not wearing a mask,” Clements said. “Why is that? Because I haven’t lost my mind, that’s why. I will not wear a mask.”
9. Christian University Commissioned Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Democratic Murals For Dorms – Campus Reform
A local artist and alumnus at Atlanta’s Emory University painted a mural of Democratic politicians and LGBT “pride” on a residence hall. The mural features slogans such as, “We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it!” It also includes two prominent Democratic politicians native to Atlanta, the late Rep. John Lewis and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.
8. University Hosts ‘Welcome BBQ’ ‘Intended’ For ‘People Of Color’ – The College Fix
The University of Wisconsin-Madison hosted a “Welcome BBQ” intended for “self-identifying people of color.” The BBQ is hosted by the school’s “Center for Cultural Enrichment,” where their stated mission includes “embracing all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender expressions, religions, classes, abilities, or any other aspects of identity we hold.”
7. Cambridge University To Add Signs Contextualizing The ‘Whiteness’ Of Its Roman And Greek Statues – The College Fix
Cambridge University’s Archaeological Museum will reportedly install signs that explain the “whiteness” of the statues in a move aimed at appeasing students over the numerous Roman and Greek sculptures in the museum. According to reports, the white statues may give students a “misleading impression” that there was little diversity in the ancient world.
6. D.C. Prep Schools Embrace Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion – City Journal
The top five D.C.-area private high schools, including Sidwell Friends, Georgetown Day, Holton-Arms, the National Cathedral School, and St. Albans, committed to a diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plan. The plan will require every classroom in a given institution to demonstrate commitment to “antiracism,” this will include chemistry classes, athletic departments, and boards of trustees.
5. Fairfax Teachers Win $32.7 Million Bonus For ‘Extraordinary’ Work During Pandemic – Washington Free Beacon
Virginia’s Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) district shelled out $32.7 million in bonuses for teachers who made “extraordinary contributions and sacrifices” during the coronavirus pandemic. Nearly all teachers within the FCPS district worked from home and many teachers lobbied to keep schools closed, even after data showed it was safe to reopen schools.
4. Virginia Education Department Instructs Teachers To Avoid Teaching About Muslim Extremism On 9/11 – The Daily Wire
Virginia’s Department of Education hosted a speaker who instructed teachers to exclude the role Muslim extremism played when teaching about 9/11. The presentation reads, in part, “School and classroom 9/11 commemoration are sites for increased anti-Muslim racism. This year’s 20th anniversary commemorations will likely result in heightened risks of racist discourse, threats, and violence targeting Muslim students in schools and society. Educators are well-positioned to disrupt these risks by centering the socio-emotional needs of Muslims in their commemoration plans.”
3. California Teacher Tells Class To Pledge Allegiance To Gay Pride Flag – Fox News
Kristin Pitzen, an Orange County school teacher, is under investigation after she posted a video admitting that she encourages her students to pledge allegiance to the LGBT pride flag in place of the American flag, which she removed from her classroom. “Okay, so during third period, we have announcements and they do the pledge of allegiance,” Pitzen said. “I always tell my class, stand if you like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words.”
2. L.A. Teachers’ Union President: ‘There Is No Such Thing As Learning Loss’ – Washington Free Beacon
Cecily Myart-Cruz, the president of the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), stated that students received a sufficient education via online learning, despite a slew of studies that rebuke this claim. “There is no such thing as learning loss,” Myart-Cruz said. “Our kids didn’t lose anything. It’s OK that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They learned resilience. They learned survival. They learned critical thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest. They know the words insurrection and coup.”
1. WATCH: Sacramento Teacher Admits He Bribes Students With Extra Credit To Attend Antifa Events – The Daily Wire
In a now-viral video, Sacramento area teacher Gabriel Gipe admitted that he bribes his students with extra credit to attend Antifa events in the community. Gipe admitted to having an Antifa flag and Mao Zedong poster in his classroom. “I have 180 days to turn [my students] into revolutionaries,” Gipe said. “[I] scare the f*** out of them.”
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RELATED: Education Insanity: Top 10 Stories Of The Week (Vol. 30)