From the halls of Congress to the halls of local public schools, Critical Race Theory has often been at the center of domestic policy discussions in the United States.
Since the death of George Floyd and subsequent waves of racial activism, influential proponents of critical race theory — such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo — have become household names. Among the many conservative commentators taking on this secular ideology, however, is a young rising star named Samuel Sey.
In worldly terms, Sey — who runs the blog Slow To Write — has an arsenal of weaponry against critical race theory and its proponents. He is African by descent — the son of two Ghanaian-Canadians. He is an immigrant — arriving in Canada at the age of ten. He was raised by a single mother in an impoverished home. He is a high school dropout. In the left’s so-called “oppression Olympics,” he would be a contender for gold.
Though he certainly discusses these realities when relevant, Sey — a Christian — explained in an interview with The Daily Wire that he prefers one strategy above all: combating Critical Race Theory with the plain truth of the Bible.
“Slow to speak, and quick to listen”
Sey’s mother — also a Christian — raised him to understand that he “was a sinner in need of the grace and mercy of God.”
“I understood from an early age that Jesus died and resurrected to save repentant sinners from the wrath of God,” he recounted. “However, I did not repent from sin and I did not believe in Jesus Christ until God made me born-again at a young adult retreat when I was nineteen years old.”
What is the gospel? The fact that “God became a man in order to offer Himself as a sacrifice to rescue all humanity from the wrath of God in hell.”
“Being fully God and fully man, Jesus lived a perfect and righteous life — then on a cross, He bore our sins and imputed His righteousness unto repentant sinners. Therefore, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, sinners who believe in Jesus Christ are declared righteous by God. And they will be with Jesus in perfect joy and peace forever in heaven.”
Leftism, however, is “fundamentally a rejection of what the Bible says about our history and future.”
“Leftists reject the concept of original sin and they reject the hope of heaven,” said Sey. “They refuse to accept that like Adam and Eve, we all want to be like God. They refuse to accept that God has already come up with a better plan for the future than they can. So they attempt to become like gods to establish their own version of heaven on earth — a utopia, through any evil means necessary.”
Indeed, Sey launched Slow To Write six years ago as a response to the nascent Black Lives Matter movement. As the organization became an “influential and radical force in Canada,” he witnessed many of his friends compromise their theology and positions on social issues.
“I created my blog to encourage my friends to be ‘slow to speak, and quick to listen’ — as the Bible says in James 1:19 — by writing articles that address racial, cultural, and political issues with conservatism and biblical theology.”
“God is wiser than academic fools”
Many of Sey’s articles are devoted specifically to countering Critical Race Theory — which “cannot coexist with Christianity.”
“Critical race theorists label what the Bible calls good as evil, and they label what the Bible calls evil as good,” Sey noted. “Critical race theory essentially labels Christianity as racist. For instance, critical race theory rejects the biblical concept of impartiality by labeling colorblindness as racist. Naturally, that encourages partiality or racism against white people.”
“Critical race theory also rejects the gospel’s proclamation that all people fall short of the glory of God. Instead, they believe white people are uniquely evil and non-white people are uniquely innocent.”
Sey also explained that Scripture — even in the hands of one with little formal education — is entirely sufficient to expose the irrationality of critical race theory. “God is wiser than academic fools like Ibram X. Kendi. A high school dropout like me who repeats what the Bible says cannot be wrong.”
“Critical race theory is just the latest race-centric version of the same lies Satan shared with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,” he continued. “There’s a reason why Martin Luther King quoted the Bible in his speeches. A person with a Bible is a person with the wisdom of God — wisdom greater than the supposed wisdom of academic fools like Ibram X. Kendi.”
In the past eighteen months, Sey — like Voddie Baucham, Owen Strachan, Allie Beth Stuckey, and other Christian commentators — has become a leading voice among conservatives seeking to refute the claims of critical race theory. Sey notes that conservatives — both Christians and non-Christians — are drawn to biblical responses to critical race theory because they address “the spiritual, immoral, or sinful conditions that produce leftism.”
“We know leftism is a lofty ideology raised against the knowledge of God,” Sey observed. “We recognize leftism is fundamentally a religion that opposes Christianity and its influence on Western civilization. People are discovering the only thing that can save America and Western nations from disaster is also the only thing that can save sinners from the wrath of God: the gospel.”
“The only answer to leftism’s false religion is the only true religion: Christianity.”
“Jesus died on a cross for repentant sinners”
Leftism leads to abortion, fatherlessness, and other social degeneracies posing an existential threat to Western nations. Sey frequently discusses how these issues — alongside Critical Race Theory — reject the authority of God over human life and society.
“The Bible teaches that abortion is murder. Abortion suggests God’s blessings are a curse,” Sey said. “Abortion doesn’t merely reject a baby’s humanity, it also rejects God’s divinity. Abortion rejects God’s authority on life.”
However: “Abortion isn’t an unforgivable sin. Jesus died on a cross for repentant sinners — including people who are repentant over their abortion.”
The Bible likewise teaches that “fathers are the leaders in a household.”
“A household without a father is a household without a leader — and I know through my own experiences as a fatherless man that a household without a leader inevitably creates disastrous consequences for mothers, children, communities, and nations.”
As a result of his writing, Sey has received thousands of messages from people “telling me real and specific ways God has used my words to help them.” He has also become “more reflective, more candid, and more disciplined” through his work.
Nevertheless, Sey said that the best fruit from his work was meeting his fiancé. “If I gain nothing else from writing — if I get canceled one day — that’s okay: I met my favorite person in the world through my blog.”
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.