Not every story in the COVID-19 pandemic features Americans mobbing each other at Costco for the last roll of toilet. Some stories, such as one out of Houston, Texas, show us that Americans are using this crisis as an opportunity to come together as good neighbors.
According to CBS17, a couple left employees a $9400 tip at a restaurant after hearing news of the coming shutdown during the pandemic.
“Irma’s southwest restaurant in Houston, Texas, says a person came in on Monday after Harris county announced a mandatory shutdown of bars and nightclubs,” reports the outlet. “That’s when, restaurant employees say, a customer left them a $9400 tip.”
The couple left a note on the receipt that read, “Hold tip to pay you guys over the next few weeks.”
The tip will be distributed evenly among employees, who will be taking home about $300 a piece, which should be enough for groceries. The kind show of compassion came from two regular customers whom employees described as “generous people.”
“This is beyond. I mean, I don’t even have words for it,” Janet Montez, the restaurant’s assistant general manager. “It doesn’t surprise me because they’re so kind. Generous people. Always have been.”
“We have to let our staff know that we may be off of work for 15 to 30 days,” said restaurant owner Louis Galvan. “But the gift we got today should help soften the blow.”
As noted by The Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, people should use this opportunity to purchase gift cards at local establishments to be used at a later date.
“Small businesses are getting crushed right now,” Shapiro wrote. “Many have been shut by local governments, and even the ones that haven’t are being destroyed by Americans following protocol and staying away from crowds. This means that if you have disposable income, you should seriously consider buying a gift card from a local business and using it later – or shopping online from them. It’s essentially an advance for businesses that could certainly use the hand right now.”
Earlier this week, the food publication Eater listed several organizations that people can donate to keep restaurants and their employees afloat during this time.
“Restaurants across the country have been forced to close their doors in order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, either by choice or as a result of state or municipal orders to enforce social distancing,” reported Eater. “So now, many are in trouble. Diners can help in a number of ways — by ordering delivery or buying gift cards, for example. But some companies, nonprofits, and grassroots initiatives are allowing individuals to make a direct financial contribution to the restaurants and bars that make their cities a better place to live — as well as the workers behind those establishments — during this difficult time.”