During a supposedly comedic segment on California wildfires, “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah railed against “gender reveal” parties as “outdated” celebrations of “a baby’s genitalia,” particularly given what we’re “learning” about “gender” in 2020.
While attempting a humorous bit about a gender reveal party in California that potentially sparked the El Dorado Fire, Noah interrupted the jokes with some Woke knowledge: children don’t “know” their gender until they are old enough to choose one themselves.
“This has to stop, right? Or, if you insist on a gender reveal, you have to do something that helps the situation: ‘The water’s pink! It’s a girl!'” the comedian said, as a graphic of a helicopter dropping pink water over fire appeared over his left shoulder.
Then Noah got deeply serious: “And aside from all the damage it can cause, celebrating a baby’s genitalia is starting to feel very outdated. Like, given everything we’re learning about gender, gender reveal parties should only happen when the child is old enough to know their actual gender,” he said, adding, “and to pitch in some cash for the fire damage.”
Though Noah attempts to disconnect gender from biological sex, the two are inextricably connected, which is why if a person thinks their gender is the opposite of their biological sex, it is called “gender dysphoria.”
In very progressive language, the American Psychiatric Association acknowledges this fact: “Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify. People with gender dysphoria may be very uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned, sometimes described as being uncomfortable with their body (particularly developments during puberty) or being uncomfortable with the expected roles of their assigned gender.”
Noah has been open about his left-wing views. Last year, for example, the host lost it over Kanye West suggesting black people don’t have to be Democrats. Noah argued West’s comments about “brainwashing” were insulting and stressed that the Democrat Party is the “best choice” for minorities. The Daily Wire reported:
“OK, let me get this straight. So you’re saying that every black person in America is brainwashed? You’re saying that 70, 80, 90 percent of black people who are voting Democrat, they’re brainwashed?” Noah said. “So you’re saying you’re the only person who’s enlightened and all these black people are stupidly following this Democratic-victim [narrative]?”
Noah went on to claim that blacks overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party because it is the “best choice” they have in a two-party system.
“What is more likely? The fact that these people are brainwashed, or the fact that, in America, you have to vote for the system that gives you the best chance?” asked Noah. “You only have two choices … if you are a black person you go, ‘Well, I’m going to vote for the choice that gives me the best chance of success.’”
.@Trevornoah: The problem w/ gender reveal parties is that parents don’t know the gender until the child grows up and decides pic.twitter.com/JZP96GcJzR
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 9, 2020