Washington Nationals pitcher Trevor Williams is speaking out and teaming up with Catholic app Hallow after posting a viral tweet calling out the LA Dodgers’ decision to re-invite and honor an LGBT drag group that mocks Christians, specifically, Catholics.
Williams – a devout Catholic, husband, and father to four children – was one of the only MLB players in the league to admonish the Dodgers for honoring the so-called “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a group of men who mockingly dress like drag queen versions of Catholic nuns, habits and all.
“It had to be said,” Williams told EWTN in his first interview since the controversy. “We cannot stand idly by while Our Lord gets mocked.”
The pitcher is teaming up with popular Christian app Hallow for an exclusive and totally free 12-Day Sacred Heart Prayer Challenge. The challenge starts Friday, June 16, the day Catholics celebrate the solemnity of the Sacred Heart – and the same day the Dodgers will be honoring the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” with a “Community Hero Award.”
“These prayers come together to unite everyone under the love of Christ and allow us to conform our hearts to Christ’s during the division in our culture,” Hallow told The Daily Wire.
“[When] St. Peter greets me at the gates, he’s not going to ask what your win-loss record was in 2023. He’s going to ask, ‘How did you build the kingdom of heaven?’” Williams said in his interview with EWTN, underscoring that his faith comes first in his life.
“To invite and honor a group that makes a blatant and deeply offensive mockery of my religion, and the religion of over 4 million people in Los Angeles county alone, undermines the values of respect and inclusivity that should be upheld by any organization,” Williams said of the Dodgers in his viral post back on May 30.
“Creating an environment in which one group feels celebrated and honored at the expense of another is counterproductive and wrong,” he said.
— Trevor Williams (@MeLlamoTrevor) May 30, 2023
Williams further told EWTN that the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” mock Catholics and all Christians. “Anyone with two eyes and a brain can see that they’re mocking the religious habits of nuns, they’re mocking what we hold most deeply and our core convictions,” he said.
“When you go out of your way to steal a consecrated eucharistic host to defile it, that is not out of love; when you’re desecrating a crucifix or dancing on what appears to be Jesus on a cross, that isn’t out of love,” Williams continued.
“We look at the cross and the crucifixion, and we see Jesus dying for us and his blood soaking us and washing us of our sin,” the pitcher added. “For someone to do that because they say it’s ‘art’ and out of love and tolerance, it doesn’t make sense.”
Related: Catholic MLB Pitcher Slams Dodgers For Honoring Drag ‘Nuns’