I was just two weeks postpartum when the madness of the Biden administration’s agenda began to unfold. I had resolved to take a break from social media, thinking my life — as a first-time mother — had already undergone enough transformation without the added stress of a country on the brink of radicalization.
So, two months later, on the day I finally worked up the nerve to sink myself back into the political wasteland that is Twitter, I was rather shocked to discover that one of the top trending hashtags was pertaining to Greta Thunberg — and it was far from favorable.
Thunberg, the 18-year-old climate activist who’d become a darling of the far-Left for her radical positions on climate change, was now facing an angry backlash, with thousands of users tweeting the “GretaThunbergExposed” hashtag.
Perhaps more surprising than what was being said about Thunberg was who was saying it. It wasn’t right-wing voices perpetuating the digital barrage, but left-leaning publications and activists.
After researching the origins of the hashtag, I quickly learned that Thunberg was being taken to task by citizens of India for a rather amusing blunder. She had accidentally tweeted out a “tool kit,” that was intended for her eyes only. The contents included a step-by-step guide instructing her to draw attention to farmer protests in India through various social media measures.
This “tool kit,” which was not intended for public view and was quickly scrubbed from her feed, revealed specific dates that Greta was instructed to tweet and post to Instagram in an effort to inspire outrage in a country in which she does not live, regarding a cause she presumably knows little about.
Soon, #IndiaAgainstPropaganda began trending, backed by prominent Indians who were sickened by what they perceived to be a globalist effort to destabilize their country.
Sound familiar?
For years, the world has been led to believe that Greta Thunberg is just an innocent child. If you believed the media’s portrayal, she was nothing but an impassioned little girl in pigtails, so scared about the future of the planet that she dropped out of school to dedicate herself fully to the environmental cause. Any person who questioned Thunberg’s remarkable rise to prominence was immediately stonewalled. After all, who would dare question the intentions of a child? In 2019, TIME magazine even named her the most influential person in the world.
But this tool kit, and her “Freudian tweet,” pulled back the curtain, revealing Greta to be far from some indiscriminate, independent activist — but rather a young woman who is part of calculating, intentional, and contrived political apparatus.
Anyone with a thinking brain figured this out long ago. But thinking brains were in short supply on the Left while Donald Trump was in office. Completely blinded by their obsession with hating Trump, any person who opposed him was quickly elevated, whether their credentials warranted such status or not. Virtually anyone ascribing to the “Orange Man Bad” philosophy was propped up, heaped with praise, and hailed as a hero, without any further analysis of their qualifications or motivations.
And so Greta, who at times seemed more opposed to Trump than climate change itself, quickly climbed the ranks with each scathing one-liner sent the President’s way.
This rise to prominence would be shocking if it weren’t now a routine occurrence in the Leftist echo chamber. For four years, the Left propped up any and every person willing to oppose Donald Trump, with a direct correlation seen between the fervor of their hatred and the rapidity of their climb.
You see, the reason Greta is important isn’t because of who she is, but because of what she represents. Thunberg is the embodiment of the woke activist portrayed by the media as an up-by-the-bootstraps, ideologically pure hero. In reality, she is like so many before her — little more than a pawn in the Left’s larger game.
So thank you, Greta. Your tool kit has made a real difference. Just not in the way you or your co-conspirators intended.
Candace Owens is an American writer, producer, conservative commentator and the host of “Candace.”
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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