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NYC Woman Accused Of Anti-Semitic Attack Let Loose AGAIN After Second Arrest
JANUARY 18: (L-R) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York city Mayor Bill de Blasio attend the National Action Network Martin Luther King Day Public Policy Forum on January 18, 2016, in New York City.
Johnny Nunez/WireImage

Democrat-controlled New York City allowed 30-year-old Tiffany Harris to walk free on Monday after being arrested two times since Friday for allegedly committing two attacks, one of which was an alleged anti-Semitic attack.

“At her second arraignment in three days, Tiffany Harris, 30, was ordered into supervised release for the latest incident, in which she allegedly slugged a woman in the face in front of her two young children early Sunday in Prospect Heights,” the New York Post reported.

The alleged Sunday attack happened after Harris was let out of jail without having to post bail after she was arrested on Friday for allegedly attacked striking three Orthodox Jewish women while yelling “F**k you, Jews!”

In the alleged Sunday attack, Harris was charged with “assault, menacing and endangering the welfare of a child,” The Post added.

Prosecutor Evan Hannay said, “We’re here two days after the defendant was here on another charge. We believe that the highest level of supervised release is appropriate.”

As reported by The Daily Wire on Sunday, Democrat New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was blasted during a Fox News interview over the weekend for the attack and over his soft stance on crime.

“Several of the suspects arrested in these anti-Semitic attacks have all been released on bail because of something that’s called bail reform,” Fox News host Ed Henry said. “But your administration is already implementing it, even though it’s not really starting until January. If the victim, in this case Jewish, but it could be anybody in the city, is not, quote unquote, ‘injured,’ they can be released out in the neighborhood.”

“And one of those folks, Tiffany Harris, 21 charges of menacing, harassment, and attempted assault charges,” Henry continued. “She punched and cursed three Orthodox women, as you know. She allegedly shouted ‘Eff you, Jews.’ She was released. Her court date is not until January 10th. Mr. Mayor, how do you defend that?”

“This is exactly the same system that has existed for years and years,” de Blasio responded. “There’s a whole attempt here – not directed at you, but in the –”

“But the facts of that are true,” Henry interjected, later slamming de Blasio for implementing the Democrat policy.

Later in the interview, Henry grilled de Blasio for giving alleged criminals, who are released without even having to post bail, “metro cards to ride around on the subway, two debit cards with $25 each, and burner cell phones.”

“It sounds kind of soft on crime,” Henry said.

“No, it’s not,” de Blasio responded. “It’s trying to get people out of crime and keep them out of crime. Look, if you want us to do what we have done for decades, which bred career criminals, which ensured that a lot of people were locked up and that only made them worse, we could keep doing that.”

“But Mr. Mayor, what if they take the metro card and then they go beat up more people before they go to court?” Henry pressed. “You don’t think that happens?”

“We’re missing the forest for the trees here,” de Blasio responded.

“How so? You give a criminal a metro card,” Henry pressed. “Tiffany Harris, who said ‘Eff you Jews’ and beat up three Jewish women — did she get a metro card?”

“And she will have a trial. I don’t know what happened with her; that’s not the point,” de Blasio responded. “She will have a trial, as all Americans are due. That trial will determine the consequences and the punishment.”

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