On Wednesday morning, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the entire government resigned as President Vladimir Putin proposed constitutional changes to potentially extend his rule.
“Russian President Putin on Wednesday proposed a nationwide vote on sweeping constitutional changes that would shift power from the presidency to parliament and the prime minister, a move that could allow him to extend his rule after leaving the Kremlin, Reuters reports,” NBC News reported.
BREAKING: Russian President Putin on Wednesday proposed a nationwide vote on sweeping constitutional changes that would shift power from the presidency to parliament and the prime minister, a move that could allow him to extend his rule after leaving the Kremlin, Reuters reports.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 15, 2020
Following the breaking news, Tass state news agency reported that Medvedev submitted his resignation to Putin. “Russian news agencies said Putin thanked Medvedev for his service, but added that the prime minister’s Cabinet failed to fulfill all the objectives set for it,” noted NBC News.
BREAKING: Tass state news agency reports that Russian PM Medvedev has submitted his resignation to President Putin.
Russian news agencies said Putin thanked Medvedev for his service, but added that the prime minister’s Cabinet failed to fulfill all the objectives set for it.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 15, 2020
“Of course these are very serious changes to the political system,” Putin said during his annual state-of-the-union address.
“It would increase the role and significance of the country’s Parliament … of parliamentary parties, and the independence and responsibility of the prime minister,” the Russian president said, adding a proposal for a nationwide vote on such changes.
According to The Wall Street Journal, “Mr. Medvedev will stay on as prime minister until the new government is formed, Mr. Putin said on state television. He added that Mr. Medvedev would be offered the newly created post of deputy chairman of Russia’s security council.”
“The prime minister and government’s approval ratings have fallen steadily over the past five years, during which Mr. Putin took credit for most foreign policy decisions and the government was responsible for domestic policy. Over the same period, Russians’ living standards have fallen and economic growth has slowed,” the outlet noted.
“What’s happening here? Putin appears to be changing the constitution, including shifting powers to PM, to allow him to continue to rule Russia after term limit as president is up,” CNN’s Jim Sciutto reacted to the news.
What’s happening here? Putin appears to be changing the constitution, including shifting powers to PM, to allow him to continue to rule Russia after term limit as president is up. https://t.co/YaYseaBLh9
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) January 15, 2020
Putin has been president or prime minister for nearly two decades, noted NBC. The Russian leader “was due to finish his fourth presidential term in 2024, after which the constitution would bar him from immediately running for president again.”
Putin’s latest announcement confirms speculation from Russian media outlets that the president would try to stay in power past 2024.
“The main point of Putin’s message: what kind of idiots (and/or crooks) are all those who said Putin will leave in 2024,” posted anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny in response to the news. “Remaining the sole leader for life, taking ownership of an entire country, and appropriating wealth to himself and his friends is the only goal of Putin and his regime.”
Главный итог послания Путина: какие же олухи (и/или жулики) все те, кто говорил, что Путин уйдёт в 2024 году. Оставаться пожизненным единоличным лидером, захватив в собственность целую страну, присвоив себе и своим друзьям её богатства – единственная цель Путина и его режима.
— Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 15, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter tied the developments to President Donald Trump.
“Putin dissolved Russia’s government to keep himself in power. Jealous as you may be [President of the United States], you can’t do this here,” wrote Christine Pelosi via Twitter.
“You are #ImpeachedForLife,” she added, “and will be voted out of office within a year – one way or anothe[r].”
Putin dissolved Russia’s government to keep himself in power. Jealous as you may be @POTUS, you can’t do this here. You are #ImpeachedForLife and will be voted out of office within a year – one way or anothe https://t.co/duS3w0Pu8P
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) January 15, 2020
Speaker Pelosi has long accused President Trump and the GOP of having nefariously ties to Putin and Russia. On Tuesday, Pelosi “continued to play up claims that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is beholden to Russian interests during a caucus meeting,” National Review noted.
“Pelosi told her colleagues in private that Mitch McConnell is acting like a rogue Senate leader, as she’s said before. She mused that sometimes she wonders whether McConnell has Russian connections, per attendees,” reported CNN’s Manu Raju.