Declared 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lengthy record bit him in the behind again on Thursday, as racially charged comments from Biden back in 2007 began to recirculate online.
When Biden was asked by The Washington Post about the discrepancy in school performance in Iowa compared to schools in Washington, D.C., the Democrat cited the high population of African-Americans and other minorities in the D.C. area.
“There’s less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with,” he told the paper.
At the time, the Post chalked up Biden’s comments as a “stumble” — leeway the mainstream press would not likely afford to anyone on the Right, certainly not in 2019.
The Democrat went on to discuss “dysfunctional homes” in minority communities and suggested minority mothers don’t talk to their children “from the time they’re born.”
“When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there’s no books, where the mother from the time they’re born doesn’t talk to them — as opposed to the mother in Iowa who’s sitting out there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300-word larger vocabulary at age three,” Biden said. “Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom.”
According to a CNN report published shortly after Biden’s comments, the Democrat’s “campaign quickly sought to clarify the remarks, saying in a statement that the senator was not making a ‘race-based distinction,’ but rather a ‘socio-economic’ one.”
Similarly, a racially charged clip of Biden from 2007 discussing condom use in the black community and AIDS testing re-emerged online last week. “On a debate stage alongside Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, Biden bragged about spending his entire summer trying to convince black men to wear condoms, scolded ‘the community’ for being ‘in denial’ about AIDS, and praised Obama for getting an AIDS test,” The Daily Wire previously reported.
“As Hillary points out, there’s neglect in the part of the medical and the white community focusing on educating the minority community out there. I spent last summer going through the black sections of my town holding rallies in parks trying to get black men to understand it’s not unmanly to wear a condom, getting women to understand they can say no, getting people in the position where testing matters,” said Biden. “I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There’s no shame in being tested for AIDS. It’s an important thing.”
Obama made note during the debate that he got tested for AIDS alongside his wife Michelle in an effort to raise awareness about the disease.
“The fact of the matter is, the community, the community is engaged in the community. They’re engaged in denial. No one wants to talk about it in the community,” the former VP continued.
“And we do not have enough leaders in the community and outside the community demanding we face the reality; confront the men in the community, as well as the women, letting them know there are alternatives,” added Biden.