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Bernie Sanders Backs Mayoral Candidate Who Declared ‘I Am Antifa’
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the runner-up to the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, has endorsed Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Ianarrone, a far-left challenger to Ted Wheeler who has previously described herself as “Antifa.”
Sanders revealed he was backing Iannarone in a Thursday addendum to his down-ballot endorsement list. The intro to the list reads in part: “We need to continue building and strengthening our movement from the ground up by electing more progressives to state and local positions. Because the truth is that the victories we accomplish in this election will lay the groundwork for the future of our political revolution.”
After the endorsement, Ianarrone responded: “I’m excited to work on behalf of the 99% to hold big corporations accountable and to fight for health care, a green new deal, and better public safety for all Portlanders and everyone across the country. Thank you.”
I’m excited to work on behalf of the 99% to hold big corporations accountable and to fight for health care, a green new deal, and better public safety for all Portlanders and everyone across the country. Thank you @BernieSanders for the endorsement. #OurPortland #VoteSarah pic.twitter.com/fZahDjEz3z
— Sarah Iannarone for Portland Mayor (@sarah2020) October 30, 2020
Iannarone has described herself as “Antifa” in tweets, and as “antifascist” during an interview where she argued that “being opposed to fascism should not be something that people shy away from in 2020.” In the same interview, she also said that she condemns violence, and “believes that violence is bad no matter who’s doing it.”
Two tweets where she has explicitly said the words “I am Antifa” can be viewed below.
To those who say Antifa are violent thugs: I am not a violent thug and I am Antifa.
I am Antifa because the Red Hats are coming after brown & black people, after Jews, after queer & trans people, and more.
They are coming after our democracy. #HolocaustMemorialDay #NeverForget
— vote sarah iannarone for mayor (@sarahforpdx) January 27, 2019
I am antifa.
I stand proudly beside the good people of this city organizing in countless ways every day to oppose hate in its myriad forms. #EverydayAntifascist pic.twitter.com/QPSGKuHHNK
— vote sarah iannarone for mayor (@sarahforpdx) September 27, 2019
During a Fox News interview earlier this year, Iannarone told Jesse Watters that she called herself “Antifa” because it’s “good to oppose fascism,” and accused incumbent Mayor Ted Wheeler of not “reigning in his police force.”
She later told Watters that she “disagreed with the premise” of a question when the Fox News host asked, “Do you understand maybe associating yourself with Antifa is maybe a bad look, considering the fact that they’ve destroyed countless cities and businesses?”
Iannarone also appears to hold sympathetic views toward communists. Gregory McKelvey, her campaign manager, admitted last year that he considers himself a communist. And earlier this month, journalist Andy Ngo posted a photo of Iannarone wearing a skirt with images of communist leaders on it, including Argentinian revolutionary figure Che Guevera and Chinese dictator Mao Zedong.
Look at the skirt. pic.twitter.com/kAu3a3PgUF
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 5, 2020
The endorsement has raised alarms even among some Portland residents who have supported Sanders in the past, such as Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying, the two former Evergreen State College professors who left the university after Weinstein was subjected to a social justice mob for refusing to partake in a day without white people on campus.
“As a Portland resident I’m stunned to see [Bernie Sanders] endorse Sarah Iannarone for Mayor. It’s a tight race, and Sanders’ endorsement could make the difference. Iannarone clearly has a dangerous distaste for the rule of law. I hope [Bernie Sanders] will reconsider and retract ASAP,” tweeted Weinstein.
As a Portland resident I’m stunned to see @BernieSanders endorse Sarah Iannarone for Mayor. It’s a tight race, and Sanders’ endorsement could make the difference. Iannarone clearly has a dangerous distaste for the rule of law. I hope @SenSanders will reconsider and retract ASAP.
— Bret Weinstein (@BretWeinstein) October 30, 2020
“Please [Bernie Sanders], rethink your endorsement of Sarah Iannarone for mayor of Portland. She’s not a progressive in any honorable sense of the term; she’s a dangerous loon. You know there’s a difference. Portland might not survive her leadership,” tweeted Heying.
Please @BernieSanders, rethink your endorsement of Sarah Iannarone for mayor of Portland. She’s not a progressive in any honorable sense of the term; she’s a dangerous loon. You know there’s a difference. Portland might not survive her leadership.https://t.co/7gzjdO0cIH
— Heather E Heying (@HeatherEHeying) October 30, 2020
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