

Are The Russell Brand Allegations True Or Is This A Media Takedown?


I have a different perspective than most conservatives on the allegations that have surfaced about Russell Brand. I wanted to wait to hear the allegations so I could understand them — because I never just simply believe allegations. So I pressed pause before saying anything about Brand, who is now a reformed addict. He was addicted to heroin, he was a sex addict, and he’s been very open about that. This story made me pause on the basis of Brand being a recovering addict because I have a history with them.

I have addicts in my family — all sorts of addicts — and I too have been open about that. When people are in their addictions, they do things that are incomprehensible and unimaginable. I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is utterly confounding. If you know an addict but are not one, you cannot understand it. I do not understand how addiction works in anybody’s mind, and it is hard for me to comprehend what an addict is capable of doing. So when Brand’s story broke, and allegations from a very long time ago surfaced — 2012 and pre-#MeToo — I thought I should research the allegations.

Anytime an onslaught of #MeToo victims start shouting, they never have any proof. They say something happened a long time ago, but they didn’t tell anyone or go to the police or confront the person. Then suddenly, when there is a political opportunity to take someone down, they say, “Oh, me too. Me too. Me too.” And I find that to be crap. However, according to the investigation of the Los Angeles woman making accusations against Brand, messages have been presented to verify what she said in her statement: that Brand raped her and then apologized for raping her. She went immediately to a rape crisis center, and her visit to that center in 2012 has been confirmed. I have reviewed these text messages, and they appear legitimate to me. Maybe Brand will say they were doctored, so for now, Brand allegedly wrote these. And who could say she is lying while looking at these messages?

Perhaps these messages could be read another way; maybe he just did not use a condom. Obviously they had had consensual sex in the past, and then obviously this time she said “no” to something. And Brand proceeded to do whatever he wanted to do with a glazed look in his eye. She then went to a rape crisis center within 24 hours. So yes, these allegations are credible.

Despite the fact that we may all love who Russell Brand is today — and I do love who Russell Brand is today — he used to be a leftist commie in the media, the same media who applauded him everywhere. He was celebrated by the same media who are now attempting to take him down. That is the part that is suspicious.

Why did the media wait until Brand was clean, sober, married, and on the brink of having his third child to speak out about this? Why wait 11 years to bring these allegations out? Obviously this is a plot to take him down now that he is standing up and speaking out about big government, COVID, and wokeness. The media kept his secret when he was their friend, when he was a horrible, rotten person, when he was living like Hunter Biden. They were willing to keep and bury everything. But now that he’s sober and speaking more conservatively, they choose to take him down. That should bother us all.

WATCH: Candace Owens – My Unexpected Take on the Russell Brand Allegations

Two things can be true at once: Brand is being intentionally pursued by the media, but this allegation against him is also credible. And, of course, the story doesn’t end here. YouTube has suspended Russell Brand from making money. They have completely demonetized him due to the sexual assault allegations. These allegations are just that: allegations. He has not been tried in the court system, so who is YouTube to say he is demonetized until further notice? It doesn’t make sense. YouTube is not a courthouse.

Furthermore, numerous people on YouTube have openly admitted to crimes they have committed and have served time. There are convicts on YouTube. But they are allowed to have a YouTube channel. They can even keep their YouTube channels while they are in prison. Sammy the Bull admitted to murdering 19 people, and he has a YouTube channel. So what exactly is the policy? How does any of this make sense? It seems if you have allegations out, they’ll take you down, but if they have confirmation of guilt, they will allow you to continue making money.

So, there seems to be a coordinated effort to take down Russell Brand — because this has never happened before and it does not make sense. We all have a right to have allegations heard in a proper setting, and that proper setting is not the mainstream media. The media do not get to convict someone. That can only happen in a courthouse.

This is what it means to be a celebrity in Hollywood. If you are on the Left, they own you but they will protect you. But as soon as you step out of the leftist talking point, they will collect enough evidence to take you down. It’s as if they are waiting for you to step out of line so they can ruin your life. And that’s exactly what’s happening to Russell Brand.


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The Daily Wire   >  Read   >  Are The Russell Brand Allegations True Or Is This A Media Takedown?