In response to the breach of the United States Capitol on Wednesday, democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who offered a defense of violent rioting over the summer, said Sunday that President Donald Trump should be removed from office with a “complete barring” from ever being allowed to run for office again.
On ABC News, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said Trump is a “clear and present danger” to Congress, and to the U.S. more broadly.
“If we allow insurrection against the United States with impunity, with no accountability, we are inviting it to happen again. That is how serious it is,” AOC said.
“We came close to half of the House nearly dying on Wednesday,” she continued, adding, “And if … another head of state came in and ordered an attack on the United States Congress, would we say that that should not be prosecuted? Would we say that there should be absolutely no response to that? No.”
“It is an act of insurrection, it’s an act of hostility, and we must have accountability because without it, it will happen again,” she asserted.
The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh noted in an op-ed this week that violent left-wing riots consumed blue cities over the summer; the violence was excused and even cheered by some Democrats and their allies in the establishment media. In fact, during an Instagram video posted in May, Ocasio-Cortez said a call for peace was akin to a call for the “continuation of quiet oppression.”
“If you are calling for an end to this unrest, and if you are a calling for an end to all of this, but you are not calling for the end of the conditions that created the unrest, you are a hypocrite,” the congresswoman said in an Instagram video. “So if you’re out here calling for the end of unrest, then you better be calling for health care as a human right, you better be calling for accountability in our policing, you better be supporting community review boards, you better be supporting the end of housing discrimination. … Because if you don’t call for those things and you’re asking for the end of unrest, all you’re asking for is the continuation of quiet oppression.”
“I just can’t, I cant with folks who are saying we need to stop this unrest, we need to stop violence, as though charging someone $1,000 a month for insulin that they need to survive isn’t violent,” AOC said. “That is violent. And allowing people to die in these systems is just wrong. … We have to really ask ourselves the question as to why so many people were okay ignoring these problems until a window got broken.”
Walsh, writing at The Daily Wire, expanded on the context of the violent breach by Trump supporters on Wednesday:
“We do not need to widen our lens very much to see that the rioting and violence on Capitol Hill this week happened after many months of violent left-wing riots, all of which were defended, even romanticized, by prominent voices in the media and government,” he wrote. “It is not ‘whataboutism’ to point this out. It is not ‘whataboutism’ to observe that this latest bit of chaos did not erupt in a void, mysteriously disconnected from all events that came before it. The simple fact is that left-wing mobs spent the entire summer and much of the fall reigning chaos upon our cities and leaving burned buildings, looted stores, and dead bodies in their wake. They did this in D.C. as well — multiple times, in fact, over the summer — and the aerial shots of the city after their ‘protests’ looked like something out of Baghdad in 2003.”
“Rioters infiltrated and torched police stations in Minneapolis and Portland. A federal courthouse was under sustained and violent attack for weeks. Add in all of the police cars that were incinerated or demolished by the mob,” Walsh highlighted.
“Recall Chris Cuomo back in June laughing at the very idea that protests should be peaceful,” the conservative noted. “And celebrities like Trevor Noah reclining thoughtfully in their mansions and pontificating about how sometimes protests must involve violence and arson. And BLM leaders, like the president of the Greater New York Black Lives Matter in an interview with Tomi Lahren, declaring that ‘rioting is the language of the unheard’ and that it is a ‘tool of white supremacy’ to insist on peaceful protests. And of course Democratic leaders like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez insisting that to call for peace is to call for ‘injustice to continue.'”
Related: WALSH: Democrats And Media Want Us To Forget They Encouraged Rioting For Months. We Shouldn’t.