While leftist Democrats are frothing at the mouth over Donald Trump’s recently unearthed misogynistic comments on women, they seem to forget that Democrats have a bad habit of standing by sexual abusers when they happen to be affiliated with the Democrat Party
Here are seven times where Democrats stood by sexual abusers.
1. Bill Clinton. As the Daily Wire‘s Amanda Prestigiacomo has chronicled here, the former impeached perverted Democrat president has been accused of sexual abuse by at least 14 women. Clinton’s wife, Hillary, led the efforts to smear and degrade the women rather than stand up to her husband’s philandering escapades. The media has always whitewashed these accusations against Clinton rather than do more thorough investigative journalism into the matter.
2. Hillary defended an alleged child rapist in 1975. The Daily Wire‘s Frank Camp details here how the Democratic presidential nominee was able to get the alleged rapist’s sentence reduced and how she tore down the victim, a 12-year-old girl, as someone who “is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing” and has a history of making “false accusations about persons” in the past. Clinton cackled about the case in an interview years later.
3. Former Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA). The book The Nixon Tapes, unearthed recordings from within the Oval Office during Richard Nixon’s presidency revealing Henry Kissinger discussed with the president how Kennedy was “allegedly groping and harrassing Cristina Ford, the wife of Ford executive Henry Ford II, during a dinner party at Kennedy’s house.”
“All during the dinner she had to fight him off because under the table he was grabbing her by the legs,” Kissinger said, prompting Nixon to exclaim: “Oh Christ!”
Their conversation continued:
Kennedy’s attempted wooing of Ford then got more intense, Kissinger explained. “Then, she said, he followed her to New York. They [the Fords] have an apartment there, in the Carlyle Hotel. He [Kennedy] rented one ten floors down. Walked up the stairs, practically beat her door down.’’
“And she said she’s been pursued by many men in her life, but Teddy, just, is impossible! She finally told him, ‘What if the newspapers get this?’ He said, ‘No newspapers are going to print anything about me. I’ve got that covered,’ ’’ Kissinger said.
“Jesus Christ!’’ Nixon said. “That’s pretty arrogant.’
It’s also worth noting that Kennedy–well known for being a sexually-depraved drunk–is responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne after the late Massachusetts senator drove off a bridge and left Kopechne in the backseat of the car to die as he went back ashore and failed to call for help. Kennedy also allegedly blackmailed John F. Kennedy, Jr., the late son of former President John F. Kennedy, to go to the 1991 trial of his cousin, William Kennedy Smith and support him. Smith was accused of rape. The late senator is also accused of asking Carrie Fisher point blank if she would have sexual intercourse with Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), and she said no.
Despite Kennedy’s ways, he has always been affectionately known by the left as “the Lion of the Senate.”
4. Former Rep. Mel Reynolds (D-IL). Reynolds was found “guilty on two counts of solicitation of child pornography, four counts of obstruction of justice and three counts each of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and criminal sexual assault” in 1995, according to the Chicago Tribune. On the last day of his presidency, Clinton granted clemency to Reynolds, allowing the former congressman to go free.
5. Former Sen. Brock Adams (D-WA). Adams, who at one point was adored by leftists as a rising star in the Democrat Party, was accused in 1987 of assaulting a woman named Kari Tupper, who claimed that Adams had drugged her, and when she woke up began “weeping and feeling nauseated, with Adams fondling her hips and breasts and kissing her on the lips,” according to the Washington Post. It took over a year for a journalist to a report her story, and when it finally was reported, there was little to be heard from leftists.
“No feminist groups rushed to Tupper’s defense,” reported the Post in 1992. “No calls were raised for a Senate investigation. No debates raged on radio talk shows in the nation’s capital.”
Eventually, eight other unidentified women came forward with similar accusations, prompting Adams to forgo his re-election for Senate.
“His critics and his supporters, Republican and Democrat, seem to speak of him with the same words: ‘tragic waste,’ ‘brilliant mind,’ ‘lost his way,’ ‘I hope he gets help,'” reported the Post.
6. Former Rep. Fred Richmond (D-NY). In 1978, Richmond was arrested for soliciting “sex from an underage male prostitute” and received “psychiatric counseling” as a result, according to U.S. News and World Report. He stayed in Congress until 1982, when he plead guilty to drug possession and tax evasion.
7. Former Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI). Inouye was accused of constantly sexually harassing his hairdresser in an incident in which they had “nonconsensual intercourse 17 years ago and persistent gropings in years since.” The hairdresser, Lenore Kwock, “was tricked into telling her story by a female campaign worker associated with Mr. Inouye’s Republican opponent, State Senator Rick Reed,” according to the New York Times. Kwock didn’t press charges against Inouye, but she “passed a lie-detector test and, among likely voters, 42 percent said they believed her at the time versus just 20 percent who believed Inouye’s denials,” according to Hot Air. A Hawaii Democratic state senator claimed there were more women that Inouye allegedly harrassed, but the Senate Ethics Committee didn’t launch an investigation because none of the women wanted to cooperate.
Inouye also once reportedly told Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), “Don’t lose too much weight now. I like my girls chubby.”
Inouye has been widely admired among Democrats, as President Barack Obama called Inouye his “earliest political inspiration.”