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5 Things You Need To Know About Black Lives Matter

According to the mainstream media, Black Lives Matter is a peaceful group fighting for civil rights. But this narrative flies in the face of hard truths concerning Black Lives Matter’s conduct since its inception in 2012.

Especially in light of the recent acts of anarchy and cop assassinations committed by members and sympathizers of the movement, it’s important that the public know exactly what this group participates in and stands for.

Here are five things you need to know about Black Lives Matter:

1. Black Lives Matter pushes a false narrative based on lies.

Leaders in the Black Lives Matter movement have expressed outrage over white cops allegedly targeting and murdering black men in cold blood with racial animus. The movement has depicted such horrors as an “epidemic.”

But such a narrative is false; statistical evidence has wholly debunked these claims and a new study has actually found no racial bias against blacks in police shootings.

Further, even the blown-up stories in the media helping to build the false narrative are built on lies: The Black Lives Matter movement earned its claim to fame by promoting the lie that Michael Brown was fatally shot by white officer Darren Wilson while he was surrendering with his “hands up.”

This is false. It never happened. Instead, Brown was believed to have been reaching for Wilson’s gun moments before he was shot and killed in an act of self-defense. This was evidenced in the Justice Department’s own investigation, which completely exonerated Wilson of wrongdoing.

Still, even today, Black Lives Matter protesters chant the lie over and over again.

2. Black Lives Matter calls for anarchy, and they follow through on it.

Black Lives Matter protesters’ staple chant is “no justice, no peace.” They have also explicitly called to “dismantle this system.”

We built this country and we will dismantle this system #pdx

— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) July 8, 2016

And yes, they act on those calls for anarchy.

For instance, in response to the acquittal and total exoneration of law enforcement office Darren Wilson, movement members set the city of Ferguson, Missouri on fire. Innocent people had their businesses trashed and looted while the peaceful people of Missouri (black and white alike) awakened to find their city in shambles, literally on fire.

Further, just this weekend, over 300 people were arrested at Black Lives Matter protests held in New York, Chicago, Minnesota and Louisiana.

3. Black Lives Matter has explicitly called for dead cops and the “lynching” of white people.

Black Lives Matter members have disturbingly called for the murder of innocent white people, white police officers in particular.

Here are four videos calling for such action.

At a Black Lives Matter protest held in Portland, Oregon on Sunday, one attendee told fellow protesters to evade the law and murder cops if they feel they have been targeted by an officer for a crime they did not commit:

“You pull out your pistol and you bust them.” Speaker at #PDX protest of police killings #BlackLivesMatter

— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) July 8, 2016

Black Lives Matter protesters chant “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” at the Minnesota State Fair:

Black Lives Matter protesters chant “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner:

A radio host affiliated with Black Lives Matter agrees with an anonymous caller demanding that white people be a “sacrifice” for alleged racially-motivated police brutality. The caller suggests that after black people murder innocent white people, they should “hang them from a tree, take pictures of it and send it to mother f*ckers.”

4. Black Lives Matter has pushed for segregation, even from Black Lives Matter sympathizers and their own members who are not black.

In November of 2015, Black Lives Matter members openly promoted segregation: “Activists” at the University of Missouri demanded a “blacks only healing space” where white “allies” and sympathizers of their cause were kicked out. This counterproductive move was in response to perceived “racial injustices” and “white privilege” at the college.

Earlier this month, Black Lives Matter members reportedly refused to sell a white supporter of the movement a Black Lives Matter t-shirt because of the color of his skin. Apparently the t-shirts were reserved for blacks only.

5. The Obama Administration has legitimized Black Lives Matter.

Despite all the racist, hateful acts committed and promoted by members of the Black Lives Matter movement, our president continuously legitimizes the group.

As recent as February of this year, Mr. Obama invited race-hustlers and prominent Black Lives Matter figures such as Deray McKesson to speak about race at the White House. He reportedly told McKesson and the other so-called “activists” that they have done “outstanding work” and “made history.”

“We’ve got some young people here who are making history as we speak.”

Barack Obama, praising Black Lives Matter supporters

“We’ve got some young people here who are making history as we speak,” said Obama. “People like Brittany [Packnett] who served on our Police Task Force in the wake of Ferguson and has led many of the protests that took place there and shined a light on the injustice that was happening. People like Deray McKesson who has done some outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues — and to see generations who are continuing to work on behalf of justice and equality and economic opportunity is greatly encouraging to me.”

Of course, the left as a whole, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and the mainstream media at large, have also pitched in to legitimize and pander to the hate group.

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