You are being gaslit. I know everything feels insane, but you’re not the one who’s crazy.
It turns out that there are a group of people out there who wish to psychologically torture you. They exist in the Democratic Party and they exist in the media. They are telling you lies, and then they are telling you that for you to doubt those lies means that you are somehow crazy.
The latest iteration of this is the Trump convictions on nonsense felony charges in New York City. Anyone who watched that trial closely understood how stupid the entire case was. The entire case was predicated on the idea that Donald Trump falsified business records in 2017 in order to cover up some sort of payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in 2016 in advance of the election.
No federal crime that could be charged by the state prosecution was actually available because the Federal Elections Commission had investigated all of this and found nothing that was particularly noteworthy. But the prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, decided that he was going to bring a charge against Trump, a felony charge, come hell or high water, because he was going to get Trump. He said this as early as 2021.
The judge in this case, Juan Merchan, made very clear throughout the case he wanted Trump convicted. He basically colluded with the prosecutor in order to craft charges in such a way that they could avoid the jury’s scrutiny.
And then Donald Trump was convicted.
But the minute you say — hold up a second, it seems like Donald Trump, despite all of his bad behavior, didn’t actually commit a crime here, and of the various charges being brought against Donald Trump, this one is by far the weakest, and what it really looks like here is that you ginned up a false case and put it in New York City, in front of a Manhattan jury that hates Donald Trump, in order to simply go after him and take him out in advance of the election — the same Democrats who will tell you that the Supreme Court is illegitimate, that Donald Trump was a Russian catspaw, and that the election of 2016 was effectively rigged on behalf of Donald Trump by Facebook and the Russians, will say you are undermining America’s institutions if you point out that this prosecution of Donald Trump is crap.
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This gaslighting is led by the leader of the Injustice Society, Joe Biden. It’s hard to think of a person in American politics who has escaped justice more often than Joe Biden or members of his family.
Joe Biden has spent his entire political career being as corrupt as the day is long. Joe Biden has used his political position in order to enrich every single member of his family: his brother, his sister, his kids. Joe Biden has spent his entire career using his taxpayer-funded position in order to facilitate wins for members of his family, including tens of millions of dollars to his derelict drug-addict son, Hunter.
Yet he’s out there specifically claiming that he believes in the rule of law. This is the same president of the United States who was recently let off the hook by his own Department of Justice. Not because he didn’t commit crimes related to mishandling of classified information. He clearly did. He was instead let off because he was deemed effectively senile by Robert Hur, who’s the prosecutor at the DOJ. And now the DOJ is trying to claim under Merrick Garland that we can’t even hear the tapes of the transcripts between Biden and Robert Hur, because somehow that would violate confidential procedures of the DOJ, despite the fact we have the entire text of the transcripts. We can’t actually hear the tape because we might actually hear this doddering old fool.
Hunter Biden starts his trial today on federal gun charges. You’ll recall that he lied on a federal form and said that he was not addicted to drugs.
He was, in fact, addicted to drugs. Then he bought a gun. His girlfriend at the time, Hallie Biden, who was his late brother’s widow, actually took the gun away from him and it ended up in a dumpster near a school. And then the Secret Service attempted to cover all of that up.
Yet we’re supposed to believe that all of this is on the up and up. Then the DOJ tried to cut a sweetheart deal under Merrick Garland with Hunter Biden, whereby the gun and drug charges would be directed toward some sort of outpatient treatment facility, and in the middle of that deal was buried a quiet provision that suggested that all of Hunter Biden’s tax charges would also disappear.
It was only because the judge in that particular case looked at that settlement agreement and basically said, “What the living hell? — I’ve never even seen anything remotely like that.” Then the deal was scuttled.
This upstanding president, the man who stands up for the rule of law, deployed himself down to Wilmington, Delaware, where he will be present for his son’s trial. Last week he traveled over to visit with Hallie Biden, which can look like witness tampering.
The White House, of course, denied that the visit had anything to do with the trial.
Just a weird coincidence.
I’ve said since the beginning of the Donald Trump phenomenon that everyone in the media and the Democratic Party wants to say that Donald Trump is the murderer, that he killed American politics, that Donald Trump took an ax and bludgeoned to death American politics.
Donald Trump is the coroner. Donald Trump’s presence on the scene has just exposed what was true all along, which is American politics is falling apart and is largely falling apart because the people on the Left who despise our institutions have essentially ripped out the institutions’ guts, ripped off the face, and worn it around dancing while telling you that American institutions are still alive.
Joe Biden and his friends have helped gut American institutions and then worn their faces around, pretending that those institutions are still legitimate. That is true when it comes to the justice system; It is true when it comes to the media; true when it comes to our university systems; and it is true when it comes to the executive branch of our government.
Democrats and the Left have taken the original purpose of these institutions, gutted them, and then used the legitimacy, the historic legitimacy of those institutions as cover for the nefarious moves that they are making.
And that is what’s actually happening when Joe Biden goes out there and starts yelling about how Donald Trump is violating the concept of rule of law by calling into question this ridiculous jury trial and if you doubt the validity of the trial, you are against the rule of law and you are a threat to the Republic.
This is why everyone feels like they’re going crazy. When Joe Biden says that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy while simultaneously activating his entire party to go after Donald Trump with every law enforcement tool in their arsenal, it feels like a projection. When he says that Donald Trump is a threat to the rule of law — while he and his family have avoided the scrutiny of rule of law for decades and are currently doing so right now — it feels like projection.
Biden said,
It’s dangerous. It’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it literally is the cornerstone of America.
The trial was rigged in every way. When you go to Manhattan to file these charges in a district where Donald Trump won a tiny number of votes in the entire district, that is a form of rigging. When the prosecutor in this particular case was swearing in 2021 that he was going after Donald Trump, that’s rigging. When the judge gave money to a Stop Trump group and his daughter makes money off of Democratic activism, that is a form of rigging.
We are being gaslit and no one likes to feel gaslit — a term that comes from the movie “Gaslight” where Charles Boyer tries to make his wife Ingrid Bergman think she is crazy.
Joe Biden and the rest of the media are trying to gaslight us, and you can feel it. It’s maddening. It’s insane.
Biden gave the game away at the very end of the press conference. As he started to leave, someone called a question out to him about Donald Trump blaming him and the Democratic Party for this conviction. Biden’s response was as creepy as anything I’ve ever seen from a president. He gave a Joker grin with the full teeth and then kept walking.
He could have simply walked out. But he stopped just to give away the game.
There’s a backlash coming and it is brewing. Whether it comes in the form of Donald Trump or something else for the Republic is one of the big questions here.
A Donald Trump presidency would be excellent for the Republic at this point because it would turn back the tide.

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