The reporting on Jacob Blake has sometimes mentioned in passing that there was a warrant for Blake’s arrest stemming from a domestic violence incident. The actual crime that Blake is accused of committing isn’t often described in any detail, despite the fact that the alleged crime may be relevant to the shooting on Sunday. It potentially speaks to Blake’s state of mind, his character, and his propensity for violence, and it explains why the cops were called in the first place.
According to the criminal complaint, which can be found here, Blake’s ex-girlfriend says that he entered her house uninvited early in the morning on Sunday, May 3, 2020. She reports that she woke to find him in her room, standing over her. What happened next, by the woman’s account, is downright chilling:
LNB stated at about 6AM she was woken up by the father of her children, Jacob Blake, herein known as the defendant, standing over her saying, “I want my shit.” As LNB lay there, on her back, the defendant, suddenly and without warning, reached his hand between her legs, penetrated her vaginally with a finger, pull it out and sniffed it, and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men.”
The complaint says that Blake, after allegedly committing this violent and degrading act against the victim, immediately left the room, took her key and her debit card, and drove away in her vehicle. She says he made two withdrawals with the stolen card. The complaint then provides some background insight into the relationship between the victim and Blake:
LNB stated she and the defendant have three children together but have never resided together in the eight years they have been on and off. LNB stated the defendant is unemployed, has no vehicle, and would not tell LNB where he was currently living. LNB stated over the past eight years the defendant has physically assaulted her around twice a year when he drinks heavily.
As a result of this complaint, Blake was charged on July 6 with felony third-degree sexual assault, misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct connected to domestic abuse.
If these accusations are true, then Blake is a serial abuser and a violent man who tried to control women through violence and fear. Does the fact that he is possibly a dirtbag mean that police could randomly pull up and shoot him in the back? No, of course not. Which is why it is good that they did not randomly pull up and shoot him in the back.
They came because his ex-girlfriend called 911. She reported that Blake wasn’t supposed to be there and had taken her keys. Now we potentially understand the context of why he was not supposed to be there, and why she said she was afraid of him, and what he may have been planning to do with her keys. When officers attempted to arrest the fugitive, he allegedly fought back, though his lawyer disputes the claim. At some point he appears to have either grabbed a knife or potentially reached for one in the car.
It is possible that some additional detail will rise to the surface which implicates the officer in an unlawful shooting. But everything we have seen so far seems to paint a picture that puts the blame on the shoulders of Jacob Blake. And it also raises questions about why businesses like the NBA and the NFL have come out so firmly in support of a man who is accused of committing such horrible crimes against a woman. These organizations in particular have a long and sordid history of supporting, and covering for, abusive men. And it appears they may be doing it again.
More from Matt Walsh: Police Scanner Audio Of Jacob Blake Shooting Released, Calls Into Question Media Narrative

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