Fifty years ago, the United States Congress established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. At the time, the idea was to ensure that America would have a stable supply of energy in the event of a natural disaster or, more likely, in the case of a war in the Middle East. The reserve was like a fire extinguisher in a building that read, “break glass in case of emergency.” It was a last resort, to be used only if, somehow, the U.S. could neither generate its own energy, nor find oil for reasonable prices overseas.
When the Biden administration took control of the federal government a few years ago, all of that changed. For one thing, the Biden administration shut down existing drilling sites, and prevented new oil leases from being signed. Then, Joe Biden’s handlers used the strategic reserve to temporarily lower the price of gas in the weeks before the midterm elections. Nothing like that had ever happened in the history of this country. But the Biden administration insisted that this was necessary because war had broken out in Ukraine, and as a result, we needed to ban Russian oil imports. They told us, again and again, that this was a once-in-a-lifetime situation. They said it was precisely the kind of emergency that justified the use of the strategic reserve.
Less than two years later, it’s clear to everyone that the Biden administration was either lying or totally incompetent. That’s because, once again, we’re confronted with yet another war that no one saw coming, supposedly. This time, it’s a war in the Middle East — exactly the kind of conflict that Congress established the strategic reserve to deal with in the first place. So what’s the plan? What do we do now that we’ve tapped our emergency oil reserves, to the point that they’re at their lowest level in four decades?
It probably won’t surprise you to hear that no one in the Biden administration has an answer to that question. No one on the Right does, either. Instead, both political parties are now calling for U.S. military intervention in the Middle East that would deplete our oil supply even further. And when I say “military intervention,” I mean that Republicans are calling for all-out war with a nuclear power.
Here’s Lindsey Graham the other day, explaining that we need to start bombing Iran’s oil refineries:
A completely unhinged Lindsey Graham just called for retaliating against Hamas by blowing up Iran's oil refineries:
"It's time to take the war to the Ayatollah's backyard."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 9, 2023
What would happen if the Pentagon did exactly what Lindsey Graham said, and started bombing Iran? Would the price of oil instantly increase by 500 percent? Would Iran retaliate, using the nuclear weapons that they probably have by now? Who knows. What we do know is that the end result for America would almost certainly be very bad. It is hard to imagine any scenario where any average American’s life is improved by blowing up Iran’s oil refineries. But Lindsey Graham doesn’t care — he doesn’t care about Americans at all. He’s an unhinged, reckless neocon who should have been run out of political office years ago. Yet like so many other neocons in both the Republican and Democrat Parties, he remains in place, constantly hatching new schemes to hurt this country and its people.
Here’s the point where it becomes necessary to take ten steps back, and assess the situation from a distance. Pretend you’re the leader of the Communist Party of China. You’ve been looking for an opportunity to expand your borders for a very long time, with a particular eye towards Hong Kong and Taiwan. And then you see this. The government of the United States — supposedly the world’s preeminent superpower — is shutting down its own domestic energy production, at the same time it’s destroying its own domestic supply of petroleum.
Put two and two together, and the message from the Biden administration is pretty clear. That message is this: Our leaders have no idea what they’re doing. And, as if to emphasize that point, the Biden administration has stumbled over itself, repeatedly, since the invasion of Israel began over the weekend. The State Department sent not one, but two tweets out, telling Israel to sign a ceasefire without retaliating in any way for the attack on their homeland. One of those tweets was from Tony Blinken’s account. Both of these tweets were deleted within 24 hours, which really inspires confidence.
Then, on Monday, to add insult to injury, Joe Biden’s account tweeted something about how he’s going to ban “junk fees” charged by airlines and concert venues. It’s the laziest possible form of voter engagement, and it’s one that Joe Biden’s handlers keep coming back to. “Vote for us, and Ticketmaster will be more upfront with its fees!” What an inspiring platform. And by the way, we all pay a significant amount of “junk fees” every day, courtesy of the IRS. Biden wants airlines to stop bilking us of every last cent, even while his own government does the same. Perhaps he should take the plank out of the government’s own eye before worrying about the speck in Ticketmaster’s.
Again, our adversaries — in China and elsewhere — can see all of this. They see a nation that’s completely unprepared for a massive international crisis, up to and including the outbreak of World War III. The signs are everywhere. There’s really no way that anyone can deny it, at this point. We are an unserious nation, led by the most unserious people imaginable.
One of those unserious people happens to lead the Department of Interior. Here she was, just days before Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. Watch:
To celebrate LGBT History Month, I joined outdoor advocate and climate movement icon @pattiegonia to discuss how places like @StonewallNPS help tell our country’s full and honest story.
— Secretary Deb Haaland (@SecDebHaaland) October 2, 2023
That’s the secretary of the Department of the Interior of the United States. She oversees all federal lands and natural resources in this country, including regulations concerning oil and gas leasing, for what that’s worth. She can’t be bothered with the prospect of war in the Middle East. Instead, she’s off having a conversation with a grown man dressed like some sort of cracked out, weirdly fetishized, female park ranger. We are on the brink of a potential global cataclysm, and the Department of Interior is chatting about “queer joy.”
To be fair, the Department of the Interior isn’t alone in that respect. Plenty of other U.S. government agencies and departments have been wasting their time with frivolous virtue signaling. They don’t care about keeping you safe, or preparing for World War III, or better yet working to actually avoid World War III. Instead, they’re fixated on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Just a few days ago, The Wall Street Journal ran a truly extraordinary piece explaining how the U.S. military is overrun with so-called “skinny-fat” recruits.
According to the piece, “One problem the Army faces these days … is a high number of ‘skinny-fat’ recruits. These people don’t look out of shape but, indeed, are because of sedentary lifestyles that have left them with low muscle mass and frail bones and connective tissue. At Ft. Moore in Georgia, new soldiers are given calcium supplements to counter a recent uptick in broken feet and bones in the legs, according to several senior soldiers in charge of training.”
This is the state of the U.S. military, after years of purges in which so-called “vaccine skeptics” were removed from service. You’ve got a bunch of overweight slobs who are, “skinny fat.” These are the people standing between you and a foreign invasion force. How many “skinny fat” soldiers do you think they have in the Chinese army, exactly? Does anyone with a brain think the number is higher than zero?
If we lived in a serious country, we’d expel all the “skinny fat” troops from our military. We’d insist on some standards, and we’d do it fast. But we don’t live in a serious country, so instead, our government is preoccupying itself with social media feuds. The other day, the White House went after the very popular account “Libs of TikTok.” Why? Because “Libs of TikTok” did what “Libs of TikTok” always does. She revealed what leftists — particularly leftists in power — are doing. She didn’t distort anything. She didn’t lie, she just held up a mirror.
In this particular case, Libs of TikTok held a mirror up to Tyler Cherry. He’s a communications official at the Department of the Interior — the same agency that interviewed the fetishist at Stonewall, which he just showed you. Libs of TikTok posted Tyler Cherry’s photo, along with his many deranged social media posts, in which he rants about Russiagate and compares police officers to “slave patrols.” Here’s what he looks like:
This is the Communications Director for the Secretary of Interior:
— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) October 5, 2023
Of course, it’s usually not polite to mock someone’s physical appearance. But at some point, you’re allowed to look at someone and form some common sense conclusions. You can tell what corrupt ideology they subscribe to. This is one of those cases. The fact that this person moonlights as an activist on social media is just more evidence that we’re led by deeply unserious people. When a man runs around dressed like this, it is a massive red flag pointing to all kinds of potential mental and emotional issues. Healthy, normal men don’t present themselves this way.
You may recall that a bunch of us Right-wing bigots jumped to similar conclusions about the Energy official Sam Brinton, We were condemned as homophobes. And a few months later, Brinton was fired and under arrest for stealing women’s luggage from the airport. You can indeed judge a book by its cover, it turns out.
Admittedly, if you’re approaching this from a distance, all of this might seem like social media drama. It might seem inconsequential. But it’s not. This is what your government is spending its time doing, as a second major war erupts under their watch in just two years. They’re worried about Libs of TikTok. They’re concerned with backing up their fetishist in the Department of the Interior. What this means is that, if World War III does break out at some point in the near future — which seems pretty likely, considering that we are led by a parade of morally corrupt circus clowns — then we are unprepared, to put it mildly. We aren’t simply incapable of handling the next global crisis, whether it’s an invasion of Taiwan or something even worse. Our leaders can’t even run their own Twitter accounts in a responsible and coherent fashion.
This isn’t just embarrassing. For the enemies of this country, it’s an opportunity. Let’s pray they don’t take advantage of it.

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