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The Origins Of The Anti-Human Depopulation Agenda

About a decade ago, a successful Hollywood producer named Aaron Russo sat for an interview that no one talks about anymore. Russo was Bette Midler’s manager, and he worked on the film “Trading Places.” In this interview, Russo goes into some detail about a conversation he had with one of the members of the Rockefeller Family. Specifically, Russo claims that the Rockefeller Foundation and the U.S. government spent a lot of money funding the feminist movement, for reasons that aren’t remotely related to “equal rights” or “empowering women.” Watch:

Watching that footage, there are a lot of reasons to be skeptical. Even though pretty much every conspiracy theory from the past decade has been proven correct, it’s still hard to say whether Russo is a credible source of information.

But if Aaron Russo is a fraud, he has one thing that most frauds don’t have, which is corroboration. This corroboration comes in the form of a document that was drafted not by some online troll, or  a dastardly MAGA Republican, or anything like that. Instead, this document was written by a vice president at one of the most powerful Left-wing activist groups in the country: Planned Parenthood. Every year, for decades, Planned Parenthood has received hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer funding.  In terms of political impact, they are maybe the single most influential nonprofit in the United States. I use the term “nonprofit” very loosely, just like Planned Parenthood does.

About five decades ago, in 1969, Planned Parenthood produced a step-by-step roadmap for depopulating the United States. This document is called the “Jaffe memo,” after the man who drafted it: Frederick Jaffe, who is also the founder of the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. He wrote the document in response to a letter from Bernard Berelson, who was the head of the Population Council. Berelson wanted a summary of expert opinions on how to make sure we have fewer people in this country.

Jaffe’s memo makes clear that the feminist movement is a core component of a much broader depopulation agenda. And that agenda has been achieved, for the most part. Point by point, it has become reality, just like they drew it up. If you want evidence that pretty much every problem facing Americans today wasn’t just predictable, but planned, then this memo is a very interesting read, to say the least. And if you want to know where the depopulation agenda is heading in the future, then it’s vitally important that you understand every word of the document.

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That’s why I’m going to go through it. This is a memo that I’ve alluded to at various points over the years. We’ve never spent much time analyzing it in detail, but today we will. That’s because it may be the single most important document that most people have never heard of. 

The Jaffe memo begins with this statement: “Continued U.S. population growth will inevitably cause a deterioration in the quality of life of this and future generations.” The document adds that many experts believe that, “explicit U.S. policy to encourage or compel smaller family size in the U.S. is necessary.” 

What policy proposals might achieve this goal of depopulating the planet? 

Here’s the first column of a chart included at the end of the Jaffe memo: “Restructure family: Postpone or avoid marriage. Alter image of ideal family size. Compulsory education of children. Encourage increased homosexuality. Educate for family limitation. Fertility control agents in the water supply. Encourage women to work.”

Let’s go through those one-by-one: “Restructure family: Postpone or avoid marriage.”

They accomplished that one, obviously. In the 1960’s, the median age of first marriage for men was 23. For women, it was 20.

Now, the median age for men at their first wedding is over 30. For women, it’s 29. This has been a slow and steady climb, and it’s still increasing. For women, fertility starts to decline rapidly at the age of 30. And that is right at the moment that many women are now getting married. Of course there have always been women who marry later in life, and there’s nothing wrong with that on an individual level. But as a general, societal strategy, it’s a recipe for decline, and eventually disaster. And this is a recipe that was, as it turns out, quite intentionally concocted. 

Now let’s take the next part of the memo: “Alter image of ideal family size.”

That happened very quickly. The Jaffe memo was written in 1969. Just a couple of years later, Pew reports, people suddenly wanted much smaller families:  “In 1971, there was a shift in attitudes, as Americans’ ideal family switched from four kids to two kids).” So just as contraception is being legalized, suddenly everyone wants fewer kids. Another goal of the anti-human forces was achieved.

The Jaffe memo continues by calling on policymakers to “Encourage increased homosexuality.”

In black and white, Planned Parenthood is saying two things at once. First, that homosexuality can be “encouraged.” It’s not a naturally occurring phenomenon — at least not in their opinion. And then Planned Parenthood is admitting that the goal of “encouraging increased homosexuality” isn’t about equal rights. It’s about curbing the human population. 

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In various corners of Left-wing media, you’ll find tacit admissions that this is the reason they’re so adamant about promoting homosexuality. The Huffington Post, for example, published an article in 2017 entitled, “Homosexuality as Population Control? Why Gays & Lesbians Are Essential to the Balance of Nature.” The article stated that, “Even without a causal link established between homosexuality and population management, the obvious reduction in population growth attributable to homosexuality by itself indubitably works to preserve the species.”

If you’ve ever wondered why it’s always the case that the climate nutjobs are in complete agreement with the LGBTQ club — if you’ve been curious what exactly environmental Marxism has in common with gay marriage — there’s your answer. The Left views the climate agenda and the gay agenda as two components of a larger plan, which is about one thing: depopulating the planet.

The first column of this memo ends with these two action items: “Fertility control agents in the water supply. Encourage women to work.”

A compilation of ideas for reducing the U.S. fertility rate shared in the “Jaffe Memo” and reproduced in the article, “U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature” in the journal of ‘Family Planning Perspectives,’ Oct 1970.

The “Jaffe Memo,” reproduced in the article, “U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature” in the journal of ‘Family Planning Perspectives,’ Oct 1970. Twitter/X.

It goes without saying that they’ve encouraged women to work. There are more women in the workforce than ever. There are also more women taking SSRI’s and divorcing their husbands. So mission accomplished. But the other bullet point needs some more explanation. “Fertility control agents in the water supply?” What could that possibly mean? Outside of chemicals spilled from train derailments, have we seen that anywhere?

Well actually, yes. We have. Again, pretty much no one talks about it. But it’s true. Here’s an article from The Daily Mail from October 2020: “Birth control hormone is making its way into streams and hindering fish’s ability to reproduce.” The article notes that, “Up to 90 percent of birth control is unmetabolized and flushed down the toilet.” The piece continues: “A 2015 study from Washington State University found a link between [synthetic estrogen] and the growing decline in sperm counts, which have plummeted up to 38 percent in a decade. “

This synthetic estrogen can have effects on humans, even in very limited concentrations. Frederick von Saal, a biology professor at the University of Missouri, told the National Catholic Register that the fake estrogen, “can cause effects in human tissues at concentrations in blood below one part per trillion, so this is an extremely potent drug.” Is that why sperm counts in men are plummeting? Is that why birth rates are dropping? No one’s been able to offer an explanation for what’s happening to sperm counts, but it’s clearly a major problem. Watch:

Does this crisis  have anything to do with the chemicals we’re putting in the water supply, and in pharmaceuticals? If so, it would be yet another bullet point achieved by Planned Parenthood in their agenda. Let’s go through the rest of it:

A compilation of ideas for reducing the U.S. fertility rate shared in the “Jaffe Memo” and reproduced in the article, “U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature” in the journal of ‘Family Planning Perspectives,’ Oct 1970.

The “Jaffe Memo,” reproduced in the article, “U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature” in the journal of ‘Family Planning Perspectives,’ Oct 1970. Twitter/X.

“Modify tax policies: Substantial marriage tax. … Tax married more than single. Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave or benefits.”

For most couples, we don’t have any kind of tax penalty for marriage in this country, at least not yet. That’s one element of the Jaffe memo that remains unfulfilled. But maternity leave and benefits are definitely on the decline. CNBC reports that, “In 2022, organizations offering employees paid maternity leave dropped to 35% from 53% in 2020 … Currently, there isn’t a federal paid leave program, and only 11 states plus the District of Columbia offer the benefit.”


Then if you go down the list, you’ll find these two words: “chronic depression.” That’s under the column heading of, “Economic deterrents/incentives” for depopulating the planet. They want to make sure as many people are as depressed as possible, and then they won’t want to start a family. This is something you never hear anyone say out loud. We’re supposed to pretend that everyone’s trying to prevent chronic depression, that the SSRI’s are making everything better, et cetera. But at least for Planned Parenthood, and the rest of these eugenicists, depression has some upsides.

To that end, they don’t want anyone owning any property: “Housing Policies: Discouragement of private home ownership.” That’s a version of the W.E.F.’s line about how you’ll “own nothing and be happy,” and Planned Parenthood wrote it all the way back in 1969.

Then there’s the last column:

A compilation of ideas for reducing the U.S. fertility rate shared in the “Jaffe Memo” and reproduced in the article, “U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature” in the journal of ‘Family Planning Perspectives,’ Oct 1970.

The “Jaffe Memo,” reproduced in the article, “U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature” in the journal of ‘Family Planning Perspectives,’ Oct 1970. Twitter/X.

The final column reads, “Payments to encourage sterilization. Payments to encourage contraception. Payments to encourage abortion. Abortion and sterilization on demand. Allow certain contraceptives to be distributed non-medically. Improve contraception technology. Make contraception truly available and accessible to all.”

Again, mission accomplished. With Planned Parenthood leading the charge, so-called gender affirming care is now available on demand in much of the country. Children can take hormones that will sterilize them for life. Major corporations are paying employees to fly out of state to murder their children.

Of course, not everything in the Jaffe memo has come true. “Compulsory abortion,” for example, isn’t yet the law of the land. We’re not forcing people to commit murder, at least not yet. But that may be coming — sooner than you think.

Consider the fact that euthanasia — known as “MAID,” or “Medical Assistance in Dying” — is now reportedly the sixth-leading cause of death in Canada. MAID does not require a terminal diagnosis. In fact, Canada’s government is killing some people simply because they’re disabled, or mentally ill, or can’t find housing. They’re even planning to open MAID up to so-called “Mature Minors” nationwide. Disabled people in Canada are openly talking about how eager the government is to kill them. Watch:

What’s Canada’s government doing about this? Are they trying to reverse course, and find a way to help these people live?

Just the opposite, actually. Just this week, Statistics Canada, which is the agency in Canada’s government that catalogues how people are dying in Canada, announced on social media that it’s effectively going to start hiding the statistics on MAID. Here’s what they wrote about their record keeping practices going forward: “The underlying cause of death is defined as the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death. As such, MAID deaths are coded to the underlying condition for which MAID was requested.”

In response to that post, one Canadian asked for some clarification. He wrote, “How do you classify people with a disability that do not have a foreseeable death or people that chose MAID because of mental health issues?”

Here’s how the agency responded: “Deaths are coded using the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). In the case of a disability, deaths are coded to the underlying disability or mental health issue that MAID was granted for.”

In other words, if someone is depressed, and the Canadian government puts them down, Canada will record that as a death due to depression — not euthanasia or suicide.

If it doesn’t seem like something like this could ever happen here, you should know that already, efforts are underway to bring MAID to the United States. In November, at a meeting of the American Medical Association, a resolution was proposed to remove this line from the association’s guidelines: “Physicians must not perform euthanasia or perform assisted suicide.” Instead of that line, members of the AMA proposed this revision: “RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association adopt a neutral stance on medical aid in dying and respect the autonomy and right of self-determination of patients and physicians in this matter.”

At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before we adopt Canada’s MAID program wholesale in this country. It’s only a matter of time until we have a marriage tax, just like the ones Frederick Jaffe was writing about. With every passing year, we get closer and closer to realizing every single wish-list item on the Jaffe memo. We have seen this agenda unfold, in front of our eyes, for decades. It is not natural. It is not inevitable. It was preplanned, and even now, it’s still in progress.

When you realize that, it puts the fake debates over “climate change” and “gender affirming care” in context. Whatever branding they come up with, the end goal is, and has always been the same: depopulation. That just happens to be where all of this activism leads.

You can choose to believe that’s a coincidence. You can come up with some alternative theory for why every single Left-wing cause happens to match perfectly with the Jaffe memo. But whatever the case, there’s one thing you can’t deny — which is that all the way back in 1969, Planned Parenthood planned all of it.

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The Daily Wire   >  Read   >  The Origins Of The Anti-Human Depopulation Agenda