Yesterday was the ninth anniversary of the lynching of a police officer named Darren Wilson. On the morning of August 9th, 2014, Wilson tried to detain 18-year-old Michael Brown, who had just robbed a convenience store and attacked the clerk.
That’s when, according to the Obama DOJ, “Wilson and other witnesses stated that Brown … reached into [Wilson’s] SUV through the open driver’s window and punched and grabbed Wilson.” Investigators made that determination by observing “bruising on Wilson’s jaw and scratches on his neck, the presence of Brown’s DNA on Wilson’s collar, shirt, and pants, and Wilson’s DNA on Brown’s palm.” Brown then tried to grab Wilson’s gun; Wilson shot him; Brown ran away, then turned around and charged at Wilson; and Wilson fatally shot Brown in self-defense.
The Obama DOJ did everything it could to find a way to charge Darren Wilson, yet those were their conclusions. Wilson did nothing wrong, much to the dismay of those who wished to sacrifice him on the altar of racial justice. Despite media reports, not a single witness ever claimed Brown said “don’t shoot.” And all the witnesses who claimed that Brown’s hands were in the air were either contradicted by the evidence, or later recanted their testimony. Those are the factual details. If you’re so inclined you can read the full DOJ report online.
What you can’t find online, however, is what happened to Darren Wilson. His name is never mentioned in the media. It’s as if he never existed. The handful of reports on Wilson in recent years suggest he’s living a life of anonymity in the middle of nowhere, and that he’ll never be able to work as a police officer again. His life was destroyed. Nobody who defamed him as a racist killer ever apologized. Nobody who took part in the destruction of an innocent man’s life was ever held accountable.
In a country that cared about police officers, or the truth, that would be a national scandal. But we don’t live in a country like that, so instead, yesterday the only name you heard was Michael Brown. They canonized him all over again. Here’s how one local news report talked about the case:
A “ceremony to honor Michael Brown, the teenager shot and killed by a police officer after a confrontation.” That’s how a “news station” in 2023 is talking about a thug who attacked a store clerk, then tried to kill a police officer. They don’t mention any of those facts we just reviewed, because they’re inconvenient. Instead, the “news station” informs you that Brown’s body lay in the street for several hours after the shooting, as if that’s somehow incriminating or even relevant. Of course they leave out the fact that the mob made processing the crime scene so difficult that Ferguson had to call in the SWAT team to control the situation. They don’t mention all the lies that the supposed “witnesses” told the media, like the false claim that Michael Brown had been shot in the back.
It wasn’t just one news station that decided to lie yesterday. They all did it. Here’s how the local Fox station described what happened:
Again, without mentioning any details of what Michael Brown actually did, we’re told that his case has something to do with “police brutality and injustice faced by African-Americans.” That intro was followed by a sympathetic clip with Michael Brown’s family. Apparently Darren Wilson’s family wasn’t available. Maybe they’re in hiding. We really don’t know.
What we can say for sure is that there weren’t any memorial events honoring Darren Wilson yesterday in St. Louis. Instead the city put on a series of events celebrating the legacy of the thug who robbed stores and attacked a police officer. Watch:
Michael Brown “Was shot and killed followed by a confrontation,” the reporter tells us. Wow, there’s that word again. It was a “confrontation.” It doesn’t imply any kind of fault by one side or the other. It doesn’t tell you anything. It leaves you completely in the dark, which is the exact opposite of what the news media is supposed to do. They just want you to know that the community came together to quote, “honor Michael Brown’s life and legacy.” They don’t bother explaining why Brown’s life and legacy deserve to be honored.
These so-called reporters know exactly what they’re doing. Anyone with Google can prove it is a lie in about five seconds. But obviously, none of these people can think for themselves. So the question becomes, Where are they getting the idea to do it?
We know that the Obama administration benefited from lying about Michael Brown all the way back in 2014, just as they benefited from lying about Trayvon Martin and all the other race hoaxes. That’s why the Obama DOJ investigated Ferguson’s police department (and many other police departments), and claimed they must be racist because they pull over more black people than white people. It didn’t matter to the DOJ that Ferguson is an overwhelmingly black town; they just ran with that reasoning, because they knew the city didn’t have the money or the PR resources to fight them. In fact, when the city publicly announced that it disagreed with the Obama DOJ’s ridiculous reasoning, the DOJ called the city racist again, just for daring to challenge their narrative. “You’re racist, and if you deny that you’re racist, then that’s just more evidence you’re racist.” That’s basically what the DOJ said. Again, the document is online if you want to read it.
But that still doesn’t answer the question of, “why now?” Why is the media still lying now about this shooting, even nine years later, when everyone knows they’re lying?
It could be that they’re still taking orders from the Democratic Party, which, somehow, has not given up on the lie. Squad bench warmer Cori Bush (D-MO) tweeted yesterday, “Today is the 9th anniversary of Mike Brown’s killing. He would be alive today if the institutions of racism and white supremacy were eradicated. He should be alive today. We will never forget. We will continue to fight for justice and accountability.” Ben Crump and various Left-wing groups said more or less the same thing.
But it’s not just a couple of race-hustling lawyers and politicians from Missouri who are lying about Michael Brown. The Biden administration, at the highest levels, is also portraying Michael Brown as a hero. This was the State Department’s new “equity representative,” speaking yesterday as Tony Blinken looked on:
the state department's new 'equity representative' just eulogized violent thug Michael brown, with Tony blinker looking on. impossible to overemphasize how their entire movement is built on lies and repeating lies despite all evidence. it's not just cori bush and ben crump
— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) August 9, 2023
Well, that’s interesting. The State Department, which uses coordinated disinformation campaigns to inspire color revolutions overseas — with the express goal of overthrowing foreign governments — is now deliberately lying about a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri from nine years ago. They’re telling you an “unarmed black teenager” was just murdered by a cop for no reason, nine years after that narrative was completely and totally debunked.
Why are they doing that? They know exactly how destabilizing that lie has been over the past decade. Take a look at this chart. It shows the rate of violent crime in Ferguson over the past few decades. That’s the red. It also shows you how many cases police solve in the city. That’s the green. Notice any trends? It’s hard to miss. You see a big bump in violent crime around 2014, when the U.S. government decided to pretend that Michael Brown was a hero, while the number of violent crime cases actually solved goes the other direction.

You can find similar charts from every major city in America. In recent years, police were either defunded or scared away. No cop wants to be lynched for doing his job, after all. And so, predictably, cities got much more dangerous. A lot of people died. And it started with the Ferguson lie, which was the genesis of the modern BLM movement.
To the Left, all those deaths were collateral damage. They think it was all worth it, because the rise of BLM meant more political power for them. They recruited a mob of enforcers who could literally set entire communities on fire with impunity, as a message to the rest of the country. They were able to demonize local police departments, and empower the FBI, which they controlled. And, for the corporations who bankroll Democrats, the rise of BLM was also a welcome diversion from rising populist sentiments in both parties.
The lying about Ferguson, in that sense, isn’t so remarkable. The State Department and the Democratic Party are pushing for an internal revolution here for the same reason they push for color revolutions elsewhere. They want to tear down the system of government we have in this country, and our rule of law and our traditions. And they want to replace them with something very different — something “equitable,” with them in charge.
So far, their strategy is working. It’s a perfect example of how the Left plays the long game. They’ve obtained total narrative control.
Sure, their whole narrative was debunked, but what do they care? They’ll just keep repeating the lie year after year after year until eventually the other side gets tired of correcting it, and their version makes it into the history books. It does make you question how much of the stuff you find in history books can actually be trusted. If Cori Bush and the State Department and the entire media and Democrat Party can lie about something that we all remember, what happens when there is nobody left who remembers it?
The unfortunate reality is that historical lies gain more power and momentum as time goes on and we move further away from the event they’re lying about. The truth, however, does not benefit from this kind of distance. If anything, its road becomes much harder. And this is exactly what the Left is counting on.

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