— Opinion —
The Democrats Play The Race Card. It’s Disgusting.
You knew it was coming: The Democrats are playing the race card.
Joe Biden announced that the federal government is going to establish the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument. The monument honors not only Emmett Till, but also his mother, who became a renowned civil rights advocate.
This is a good thing.
Emmett Till was lynched after having allegedly wolf-whistled at a white lady in the pre-civil rights era South. Courageously, his mother had an open casket at his funeral and pointed out that these are the wages of racism.
It is worth remembering the evils of American history in order to see how far we’ve come.
But that’s not the real reason Joe Biden is doing this. The real reason Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing this is so they can pretend that there are a bunch of Republicans who are just like the murderers of Emmett Till.
Racism is evil. The condemnation of racism should be something about which Americans are universally united. So why is this administration now using the announcement of a monument to target Ron DeSantis and Florida, falsely claiming that Florida is replete with the same kind of racism?
Biden spoke at the White House about complicity in racism, which morphed very, very quickly into an attack on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ political opponents. Biden said:
“Hate never goes away. It just hides; it hides under the rocks and given a little bit of oxygen by bad people, it comes roaring out again. It’s up to all of us to deal with that, up to all of us to stop it.”
When Biden says things like, “Hate never goes away … it just hides under the rocks,” does he not understand that racism in the United States has abated far beyond any other Western country? Look at the polling with regard to interracial marriage: It went from virtually no one in the United States being in favor of interracial marriage to virtually everyone in the United States being fine with interracial marriage.
But according to Joe Biden, racism never goes away, it just hides. So what does he mean by that? The implication is that even though those evil Republicans who oppose Joe Biden won’t be openly racist, quietly they’re very racist.
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Kamala Harris says the quiet part out loud. She attacked Ron DeSantis and Florida, and again, there is a reason why they are linking these two issues. She said:
“Today there are those in our nation who would prefer to erase or even rewrite the ugly parts of our past. Those who attempt to teach that enslaved people benefited from slavery, those who insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, who try to divide our nation with unnecessary debates. Let us not be seduced into believing that somehow we will be better if we forget.”
That’s garbage — no one is forgetting. People are taught about Emmett Till in Florida schools.
Harris says it’s unnecessary to have debates over America’s history.
Oh, really?
You are the ones who pushed the 1619 Project. You are the ones who suggest that the only solution to America’s racial history is “racial equity,” when it comes to American government policy. Show me the American politician of either party today who says, “I’m standing for Emmett Till’s murderers.” No one like that exists.
But it doesn’t matter because Kamala Harris believes — and she wants you to believe — that, deep down, Republicans are very much in favor of black people being murdered for no reason at all.
Joe Biden went on to say:
“At a time when there are those who seek to ban books, bury history, we’re making it clear, crystal clear … darkness and denialism can hide much, they erase nothing. … We can’t just choose to learn what we want to know, we have to learn what we should know. We should know about our country. We should know everything. The good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation.”
They’re such gaslighting liars.
All of this gets taught in Florida schools. Nothing that Ron DeSantis has signed into law in the state of Florida bars the teaching of American history. On the contrary, it preserves the teaching of American history by preventing the inculcation of lies in the curriculum. Lies like, “If you are black, you are inherently victimized in the United States.” And “If you are white, you are inherently privileged in the United States of America.” And “All systems of power in the United States are created for the explicit promotion of white people.”
That’s what Critical Race Theory teaches and that’s what they were attempting to ban in the state of Florida.
The whole narrative of the Democrats is a lie. They’re liars and it’s disgusting.
There is no disagreement in the United States about the evils of American history when it comes to racism and white supremacy. There’s no disagreement about that. The only disagreement is that Democrats say that white supremacy is still there lurking underneath America’s surface, and that all of America’s key institutions, from capitalism to the meritocracy, have been infused by that evil racism, and thus if you oppose the democratic agenda secretly, you are a white supremacist. Secretly you’re in league with Emmett Till’s murderers.
That’s the case they’re trying to make.
And it’s disgusting.
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