It used to be conventional wisdom in the field of economics that corporations should do everything they can to make a profit and maximize shareholder value. That was the whole point of a corporation. It was taught in every high school econ textbook, just like the principle of supply and demand, there was this idea that, if for some reason a corporation decided to spend a ton of money on social causes, instead of growing the business, then they were doing something wrong. They were misusing shareholder funds. They were engaging in a form of social engineering, which is unethical, and maybe even illegal. Pretty much everyone agreed with that.
In the last decade or so, though, this reasoning has fallen completely out of favor. Major corporations now see social engineering as their primary objective, whatever the consequences might be. Blackrock and Vanguard are fixated on E.S.G. scores, which means making sure that companies are promoting values like “sustainability” and “inclusivity” and so on. They care about E.S.G. more than profitability in some cases.
You often hear this phenomenon being described as “wokeness.” But that doesn’t fully capture what’s happening. Wokeness implies a kind of pie-in-the-sky naivete. It suggests that corporate executives from the coastal states are being earnest when they, for example, schedule “Pride Nights” at NHL games, or pay Dylan Mulvaney to promote Bud Light.
What’s actually happening is more sinister. Corporate wokeness is coordinated. It’s disingenuous. Its aim is not “inclusivity,” whatever that means. Instead, the goal of these corporations is to ensure that conservatives never hold any power in this country ever again. What’s often called “wokeness,” in reality, is best described as a hatred of traditional values. It’s an effort to stamp out conservatives and to destroy them. With very few exceptions, no matter what the company, no matter what the industry, this is the goal of corporate America. They don’t see their role as selling products. They understand that their true purpose is to promulgate Left-wing ideology to the point that it’s dominant and totally unchallenged.
Companies rarely admit this out loud, for obvious reasons. Usually, they bombard you with Left-wing marketing, but they don’t tell you what their actual objective is. But there is one notable exception that we’ve just found. We’ve come across a company that — internally, at least — is willing to say that, yes, they want to wage political warfare on conservatives, and to bring back the glory days of the Obama administration. This is a company that effectively acknowledges that its woke marketing, and indeed its entire product line, is a kind of Trojan horse for something very different.
The company is called “Harry’s.” They make razors. You might know that The Daily Wire has some history with them. Harry’s surfaced a few years ago as a low-cost alternative to big brands like Gillette. Take a look at this recent advertisement from Harry’s, to get a sense of their marketing these days:
Harry’s Razors partnered with a “trans man” (female) to promote their razor set
100% of the profits from this set go to the Trevor Project, which promotes gender surgeries for minors
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 6, 2023
As you can see from the text in that video, Harry’s is promoting this idea that it’s “gender-affirming” for women to buy razors and shave. The point of buying a Harry’s razor, in this case, isn’t really to fulfill any useful function. It’s to make women feel like men.
The ad is, among other things, an endorsement of self-mutilation. Harry’s has selected an actor — apparently a woman who had her breasts cut off — and they’re celebrating that decision. Pause for a second to consider how remarkable this is. You might remember that it wasn’t too long ago that the Left claimed to abhor female genital mutilation, in places like Africa. And now here they are, endorsing the practice to sell cheap razors.
The key question is: Why is Harry’s doing this? Do they really think this is going to help them sell more razors? Are they just hopelessly naive?
We don’t have to look far to find the answer to that question. Here’s the CEO of Harry’s, suggesting that something else might be going on. This is a clip that was just unearthed by the popular Twitter account “End Wokeness.” Watch:
Here is the CEO of Harry’s Razors
He calls dads “non-birthing parents” and moms “birthing parents”
He says the company is “socially-minded”
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 6, 2023
The CEO of Harry’s is using terms like “birthing parents” to describe women, and “non-birthing-parents” to describe men. He sounds more like a Berkeley coed than the leader of a major company. If you ran a poll, you’d probably find that a very small percentage of the country talks like this. Maybe something like .0001%. So why is he doing it? If he’s not trying to increase profits or grow his business, what is he doing exactly?
Those are good questions. So, after seeing that clip, we decided to take a closer look at Harry’s. And now we have the clearest possible answer to that question. We’ve unearthed Harry’s internal “global strategy” agenda from 2018. The document is called “Painting the World Orange: Positioning Our Way Into a More Progressive Future.” It was put together by an external agency that Harry’s selected.
Here’s a direct quote from that document. As you read this, keep in mind that again, this is supposedly a company with the primary purpose of making razors:
“We recognised that rigidly binary gendered constructs were part of the toxic scaffolding we needed to slowly dismantle. … ‘The Future is Orange’ became our internal shorthand to refer to the thinking and ‘orange’, we hoped, would begin to refer to all the behaviours by which we would embody progressive values for men everywhere. We were excited. This was a brave, bold positioning that could, we hoped, shift culture significantly.”
The document goes on to mourn the fact that Barack Obama is no longer in office. It then explains that, if you voted for Trump, supported Brexit, or recognize that boys are boys, then you’re “blatantly racist,” “divisive,” and “toxic.” The strategy document states that Harry’s, as a company, needs to “fight.”
Harry’s staffed up accordingly. Per this strategy document, Harry’s then took a company-wide turn to become “an army of energized and motivated social change agents” for “progressive masculinity.”
What’s amazing about all this is that it contradicts Harry’s own studies on this topic. Around the same time that this strategy document was released, Harry’s commissioned something called a “masculinity report.” The report found that men who valued traditional gender roles were more likely to have a positive mindset than men who didn’t.
But Harry’s didn’t change their approach in light of this research. Instead, they enacted a policy to cut off business relationships with companies that don’t align with their radical views. In other words, you must share Harry’s “progressive values,” or lose any contract you have with Harry’s.
One of the companies that Harry’s dropped, as you might have heard, was The Daily Wire. Harry’s was upset, allegedly, that Michael Knowles said boys are boys, and girls are girls. You probably know that story. The Daily Wire’s co-founder, Jeremy Boreing, launched Jeremy’s Razors in response.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
But Harry’s didn’t simply cut off companies like The Daily Wire. They also started putting a lot of money into groups that sexualize children.
Since 2019, for example, Harry’s has partnered with The Trevor Project, which bills itself primarily as a suicide hotline. Harry’s has given seven figures in contributions to the Trevor Project, in fact. As we’ve mentioned before on this show, the Trevor Project has lately been pushing the lie that castrating and surgically mutilating children will reduce their mental distress. The New York Post reports that the Trevor Project also runs a chat room for children in which adults discuss quote, “nullification surgery,” meaning “removing all external genitalia.” People in the chat room also detail their masturbation addictions, autogynephilic tendencies, and BDSM practices — all of which could be viewed by children.
Harry’s also donated 100% of the profits from its recent “Pride” campaign to organizations such as the U.K. organization, “Mermaids,” which is unapologetically in favor of sexualizing and supposedly “transitioning” minors. The Daily Telegraph found that Mermaids offered “advice to users who present themselves as young as 13 that controversial hormone-blocking drugs are safe and ‘totally reversible.'” Additionally, Mermaids offered chest binders to children as young as 13-years-old, without any parental consent. A Mermaids moderator also reportedly “congratulated a teenage user for deciding that they were transgender by the age of 13 and deciding that they wanted drugs and ‘all the surgeries.’”
It’s clear that, regardless of how they bill themselves, Harry’s isn’t really a razor company. It’s a vehicle for Left-wing ideologues who want to transform this country.
And Harry’s isn’t alone. The only thing that separates Harry’s from pretty much every other major corporation in the country is that they put all of this in writing. That’s it. So-called “woke” corporations like Harry’s aren’t misguided, or overly idealistic, or stupid. They know exactly what they’re doing. They hate you and they want to destroy you. It is nothing less than an act of self-flagellation to voluntarily give your money to businesses like this. They are spitting in your face, and you are paying them for the service. And if that’s how Harry’s or any other Left-wing company wants to operate, that’s their prerogative. But we are still a country where the vast majority of people don’t refer to mothers as “birthing parents,” and don’t think it’s a good idea for women to have cosmetic double mastectomies, and don’t believe in sterilizing and castrating children.
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Jeremy’s Razors was started because you shouldn’t be giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. For woke-free razors and more go to today!

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