
RNC: Leftist Woke Warriors Are Out Of Step With Americans


Last week, I spoke at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference for the first time. Strengthening partnerships with like-minded conservatives is more important than ever as we gear up for the midterm elections. November 8 will be a make-or-break moment in our country’s history, and if the primaries are any indication, Democrats are in for a rude awakening. As Republicans, we love our country, and we are ready to fight for it.

Just look at what happened in the Lone Star State last week. Mayra Flores not only won but flipped Texas’s 34th District — a region that has been held by Democrats since 1870 — in a special election. Flores legally immigrated here with her family when she was six years old. She’s Hispanic and ran on a bold platform of conservative values. Her win makes her the first Mexican-born woman ever elected to Congress.

Flores’ victory signals a sea change. This is a culturally-charged election. Our country’s traditions of faith, family, and freedom are under assault. I call this the “Woke Wars.” If you need any further evidence, consider the fact that woke activists are targeting the most vulnerable and impressionable members of our society: children.

When COVID was at its peak, Democrats shut down schools and forced masks on young children. Many parents, like myself, had to help their children navigate through virtual schooling, and when children were finally let back into the classroom, the Left bombarded them with radical gender ideology and inappropriate sexual content. We’ve heard reports of teachers who encouraged their young students to decide their own gender identity and then intentionally hid it from parents. Some on the far Left have even encouraged children to have surgeries to match whichever gender they identify with that day. Let’s be clear: These are children. They aren’t even old enough to drive. Many aren’t even old enough to stay home alone. Yet, leftist activists think they’re old enough to choose a new gender – as if that were even possible.

I’m not in the habit of quoting liberal atheists, but comedian and political commentator Bill Maher nailed it when he said, “If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”

He’s right. Parents send their children to school to learn their ABCs, not to learn about the Birds and Bees. It’s disgraceful and immoral, and here’s what the Left doesn’t seem to realize: It’s entirely out-of-step with the American people. As any parent knows, our children are the most precious things in our lives. We’d do anything to protect them — which is why Democrats’ decision to wage war on them is so infuriating.

As conservatives, we must stand strong. The far Left knows its radical, divisive, and categorically wrong agenda is unpopular, so it has turned to violence. In November, a progressive criminal allegedly drove through a Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six and injuring 62. Since the recent Supreme Court leak and subsequent ruling on abortion, at least 60 pro-life groups and pregnancy centers have been attacked, firebombed, or vandalized by far-Left activists. Earlier this month, a would-be assassin was arrested outside of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house with a gun. He told police he  traveled to Maryland in order to kill Justice Kavanaugh. 

These are all despicable acts of violence that the Left refuses to fully condemn — and that the corporate media has buried. The fake news may not want to talk about these attacks against conservatives, but we haven’t forgotten about them. We will lend our voice to the Americans who have been attacked for following their consciences and living according to their faith.

We’ll also continue to defend the sanctity of life, being blessed enough to see abortion laws decided by voters instead of nine unelected judges. Only 15% of voters believe in the Democrat Party’s position that abortion should be legal on-demand at any point during pregnancy. We’ll remain firm against the Left’s attacks and protect the unborn.

There’s also the Left’s war on religious freedom, something which Joe Kennedy of Washington state has experienced firsthand. Kennedy used to coach a high school football team where he started a tradition of praying on the field before and after every game with his team, and he soon had players from other teams joining in. However, the school system’s superintendent ordered him to stop, claiming it was inappropriate, and ultimately fired Kennedy. Coach Kennedy didn’t give up, though. He stayed in the fight for religious liberty, taking his battle to the Supreme Court. Now, his case has resulted in a landmark victory for religious freedom

In a stroke of irony, Sports Illustrated ran a hit piece on Kennedy, attacking him as an extremist. The woke Left will praise you for kneeling during the national anthem, but don’t you dare kneel for prayer. Just imagine if the scenario were a little different. Had Kennedy performed a drag show at the 50-yard line, he’d be the latest hero of the radical Left.

That’s why the Republican National Committee is working overtime to fight for religious liberty, fight for our children, and fight for our God-given and constitutionally-protected right to live out our faith. There’s just something about traditional values that the far Left can’t stand. 

That must mean we’re doing something right.

Ronna McDaniel is Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire. 

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