June is upon us, which means that the government, media, political activists, and major corporations have all collectively decided — once again — to spend an entire month celebrating one of the seven deadly sins.
Fathers, mothers, veterans, and fallen soldiers all receive just one day on the calendar each. But people who are proud of their sexual activities are awarded four weeks of nonstop attention (on top of all the other various days and weeks they’ve earmarked for themselves). The point of this all-encompassing production is to brow-beat you into submission, to force you to join the celebration, whether you want to or not.
As anyone who was alive a few decades ago can attest, our country wasn’t always like this. Every aspect of these “festivities” is artificial, which is why every year, the facade becomes a little more obvious. It’s a bit like that old story from the Soviet Union, where no one wanted to be the first person to stop clapping for Stalin — so everyone just clapped indefinitely. And then, inevitably, the first person who stopped clapping was sent to the gulag for ten years.
Something like that happened over the weekend to the luxury carmaker BMW. This year, as they’ve done every year in recent memory, BMW dutifully changed its official profile picture on social media to reflect the gay-friendly colors. But, at the same time, BMW very conspicuously didn’t change its profile picture in Middle Eastern countries at all.
Unfortunately for BMW, someone on the Internet noticed this discrepancy, and asked BMW the following question:
How come you don’t proudly display your logos pride colors on your middle east posts ???
And then, for reasons that are not entirely clear, someone at BMW decided to respond. They wrote:
This is an established practice at the BMW Group, which also takes into consideration market-specific legal regulations and country-specific cultural aspects.
That’s the official explanation from BMW for why the Pride colors are for Western countries and not the Arab countries. “We’re just pandering,” is essentially what they’re saying. They’re admitting that this isn’t about activism or “gay rights” or whatever. They’re just adjusting their messaging for what they think people want to hear, so they can make money.
This kind of honesty from a major corporation is unusual. And if you’re the optimistic type, you might take it as a sign that things might be returning to normal, at least somewhat. There are certainly other indications that corporate America is finally retreating from the insanity. For example, last year, Microsoft’s Xbox brand removed their Pride colors from their social media accounts just four days into Pride Month. And this year, at least so far, they haven’t made any change to their branding for Pride Month whatsoever. They’ve also preemptively locked replies on Twitter and other platforms on some of their Pride Month messaging.
But for every positive sign like that, there are indications that we’re backsliding further into the abyss. For example, one of the social media accounts of the Navy SEALs posted this image, celebrating Pride Month.
The Navy Seals have gone woke. Our elite special forces. This is terrifying. pic.twitter.com/9FRsSDx4mP
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 2, 2024
This is the Navy Special Warfare Command, flying the “LGBTQ colors” and lecturing us about “equality” and “pride.” You won’t find a better illustration for why the Navy is experiencing a massive recruitment shortfall right now. It should go without saying, but the kind of people who appreciate these flags and make their sexuality into their identity are generally not the kind of people who want to endure grueling conditions and potentially sacrifice their lives behind enemy lines for America. We want people who are focused on the mission and on the defense of their country. This should be obvious to the Navy Seals. But apparently, it’s not.
And of course, that’s not even getting into the larger issue, which is that the government should not be participating in activism like this — period. There’s a lot of reasons for that. One of them is that, in many cases, it creates an obvious conflict of interest.
Consider the fact that on Sunday, the FBI was sashaying through the gay pride parade in West Hollywood. Several FBI employees were wearing FBI-issued clothing, apparently followed by FBI vehicles. Watch:
This is the same FBI that, under Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, has launched investigations into parents who questioned the indoctrination of children at school board meetings. Remember that? Parents didn’t like their kids reading books that vividly described various gay encounters. So the school board group complained, and the FBI started looking into the whole situation. Now that same FBI is marching at a parade that’s explicitly a celebration of these gay encounters.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
It was also a celebration of abortion, too, which is why Planned Parenthood participated. And of course that’s another conflict of interest, because the FBI notoriously doesn’t seem to care very much about attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers. But they’ll show up in pre-dawn raids to haul away pro-life protesters who dare to protest at abortion clinics.
This parade in West Hollywood, by the way, is traditionally one of the most disturbing and hyper-sexualized pride parades that takes place every year. And this year was no different. I went through some of the footage from the parade yesterday. Most of it’s too graphic to even show you without blurring it. Here’s what I can show you:
It’s one of the most disturbing clips you’ll ever see — in part because the local news station is broadcasting all of it, enthusiastically, as if it’s all normal.
There’s strippers on stripper poles. There’s men dressed as firefighters in their underwear. There’s an “Abbey” float with a cross with even more guys in their underwear. And there’s nuns in drag. There’s men in BDSM gear. And then there’s a bunch of children there — some of them are even participating, as you saw. In fact, the commentators are celebrating the fact that there are so many kids in attendance — and that there’s so much “skin” being displayed.
This kind of thing, as grotesque as it is, wasn’t just happening in West Hollywood. At the supposedly family friendly Dallas Pride event this weekend, as Sara Gonzales and Alex Stein reported, announcers made graphic jokes about genitals with children in attendance. There was also sexually explicit merchandise, which I can’t even describe on-air. And a state representative was filmed bringing children to the event. Watch:
This is what “Pride” means. It’s what every major power center in this country — from the FBI to the Navy SEALs to the media— is supporting.
Even the VA Hospital in Orlando is celebrating this. Take a look at this footage.
VA Hospital in Orlando has an LGBTQ+ Pride flag in place of an American flag: pic.twitter.com/1oYSkD4C53
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 1, 2024
It’s hard to see in the clip, but there’s at least three Pride-themed items in that lobby, including the flag. There’s also a little sign that tells patients to inform the receptionist of their pronouns. Again, you talk about a recruitment crisis in the military? This isn’t helping. It’s shameful.
So is this event in Philadelphia, which just put on the largest drag queen story hour for kids ever, at least according to Guinness Records. Watch:
As Meg Brock pointed out in response to this clip, “The good news is that in a city of almost 1.6 million only 263 people showed up.” That was the world record. 263 people at a drag event intended to indoctrinate children, in a city of 1.6 million people.
That’s 263 people too many, of course. But it does underscore the fact that this is not a mainstream ideology. In fact, it’s not even mainstream on the Left at this point. That’s why not everything went according to the plan at Philly Pride this year.
At one point, for example, Pro-Gaza protesters ran into Pride Month protesters. If nothing else, the clash provided the first moment of unintentional comedy so far this Pride Month — and we’ll probably be seeing a lot more incidents like this in the months to come. Watch:
If there’s one genre that will never get old, it’s watching Left-wing “intersectionality” backfire. In this case it literally backfired, in an intersection. You can pretty much guarantee that all of these Pride protesters are “Free Palestine” people. (There were “Free Palestine” chants at the WeHo parade, for example.) But the real “Free Palestine” people — the ones who actually understand what they’re supporting — don’t take too kindly to Pride parades. It’s amazing to watch, like a “defund the police” congressman having to call the cops after he gets smacked by the reality of what he supports. As the Left continues to import more of the Arab world, they’re going to have to get used to this. This is new, but it’s not going away.
At the same time, for every indication that Pride Month is different this year, there was another reminder that not much has changed. For example, Walmart just aired this Pride Month advertisement, as if the whole Target boycott didn’t happen last year. They don’t appear to care that Target lost billions of dollars in market cap. Watch:
"Queer people have magic"
Walmart goes ALL-IN on Pride Month 2024. You know what to do. pic.twitter.com/qcu1UBj4Ae
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 31, 2024
“Queer people have magic,” says Walmart — as if you needed any more proof that LGBT activism is a secular religion. This is a cult. And as I discussed on Twitter recently, some of the most popular children’s content creators — people whose videos are viewed by tens of millions of children all over the world — are the cult’s biggest evangelists.
Take Rachel Accurso — known by her stage name Ms. Rachel. She has more than 10 million subscribers on YouTube, where she’s best known for her series “Songs for Littles.” For the most part, these videos are age-appropriate stuff, like nursery rhymes.
But over the past year or so, Ms. Rachel has started explicitly pushing LGBT indoctrination on her audience. It wasn’t hard to see this coming. After all, Ms. Rachel’s co-host, Jules, identifies as a “white, non-binary, trans-masc human” and claims that, as a 2 year old, she realized “something’s not right” with her body. And at 12, a teacher first exposed her to gender ideology.
But early last year, things reportedly got more direct. According to The Post Millennial, Ms. Rachel personally invited Dylan Mulvaney on her program to sing a song for children.

This is what Ms. Rachel posted below one of Mulvaney’s videos: “Sometime when you’re in NYC you should be on our show, Songs for Littles! We love you & your singing!” If that wasn’t bad enough — and if it wasn’t clear enough that this woman hates the conservative parents who account for a large portion of her audience — Ms. Rachel doubled down in a video celebrating Pride Month. Watch:
Ms. Rachel is an extremely popular YouTuber who makes content for babies and toddlers. She just posted a video celebrating Pride Month. This is a message to conservatives parents. She doesn’t want your business. You should respond accordingly. pic.twitter.com/1YE5ZAs8mR
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 2, 2024
So Ms. Rachel’s approach is the loving one, she says. If you don’t want your kids watching Dylan Mulvaney and take your kids to “family friendly” Pride events, then there’s something wrong with you. You are a hateful person or a bigot.
Of course, the real point here isn’t to be “loving.” As Jules has said, the point is to, “encourage and nurture a sense of curiosity” in kids, and to teach them that there are “infinite” ways to exist in the world, and “one isn’t better than another.” The point, in other words, is to indoctrinate more kids with lies and falsehoods. And this is a falsehood, of course. There are not, actually, infinite ways to exist. When it comes to our sex, there are actually only two ways — male and female. A very finite system. And when it comes to the lifestyles and choices people make, some indeed are better than others. So this message might be delivered with a smile, but that doesn’t make it any better or any less wrong.
In any case, the indoctrination continued this weekend at the Queer Fam Jam in Chicago. This event was sponsored by Lululemon. Jules — the Ms. Rachel co-host — was a headline performer. Watch:
“You can’t be what you can’t see.” That really sums it up. These activists understand that their agenda must be foisted, imposted. It has to be shown to people — particularly children. Kids will not come up with any of this stuff on their own. We knew the local news media wouldn’t cover the whole story. So The Daily Wire’s field reporter, Spencer Lindquist, was at the event in Chicago. Here’s some of the footage he recorded:
So the children were subjected to a grown man in a skin tight leopard print onesie with heels, shaking his body around while collecting a dollar bill from a small child. The children were then trained in the gay “vogue” dance style by a grown man, learning to “strut” and “shimmy.”
This is creepy, obviously, which is probably why the local news didn’t cover exactly what took place. But it’s a good illustration of the state of Pride Month in the year 2024. It’s more explicitly targeted towards kids than ever before, but there’s also a sense of shame about it. If The Daily Wire hadn’t been there, it seems likely that no one would have ever aired footage like this.
What this means is that, if you have kids, it’s never been more important to pay attention to what they’re watching and what events they’re attending. It also means that everyone — whether they have kids or not — needs to reject this insanity, because it appears the pushback so far is having at least some effect. The stakes couldn’t be clearer: Only a disturbed, doomed culture celebrates pride. That’s biblical wisdom that happens to be common sense. And with every depraved, supposedly “family friendly” event that’s exposed this month, hopefully many more people — finally — will wake up to that fact.

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