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Perpetually Offended Feminists Shame Steve Martin For Sweet Tweet About Carrie Fisher

Is there anything feminists don’t find offensive? Don’t try to rack your brain, the answer is a resounding no.

Actor Steve Martin took to Twitter on Tuesday to remember iconic actress and author Carrie Fisher after news broke of her tragic death at the young age of 60.

“When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well,” he wrote.

“How sweet, innocent and candid,” thought sane people everywhere.

Enter: Perpetually offended feminists.

New York Magazine’s The Cut blasted Martin for his “extremely bad” tweet in a piece titled “Steve Martin, This Is a Bad Tribute to Carrie Fisher.”

His sin? Finding Fisher, a beautiful woman, beautiful.

“Princess Leia’s status as the catalyst of male sexual awakening has been alluded to countless times in pop culture,” says The Cut. “And on Tuesday, Steve Martin helpfully reminded us of this fact in a now-deleted tweet when he said that for him as a young man, ‘she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.'”

The Cut argues that Martin’s tweet objectified the actress and that Fisher herself would be offended by the tweet: “But that characterization of Leia — as a wet dream for prepubescent men — is something Fisher spoke out against her whole career,” shrieked the feminist writer.

To put this in perspective: A heterosexual man finds a woman beautiful (gasp!). He finds out she’s witty and intelligent. He states this in candid tweet upon her death. Feminists clutch their pearls and shame him.

Twitter users succinctly called out the Outrage Police in 140 characters or less.

Martin was ultimately shamed into deleting his tweet, which is also pathetic. But that’s a product of feminism that shames men for showing any sort of natural masculinity, such as simply finding a woman beautiful. Soon, all we’ll be left with are Obamacare-style Pajama Boys.


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