One of the biggest distinctions between shows that are made for adults, and shows that are made for children, is that you rarely hear much about the people who make shows for children. Studios go out of their way to promote the latest “Christopher Nolan film,” or the latest action movie directed by Michael Bay or James Cameron. Adults are expected to buy tickets to see these films primarily on the basis of the famous people who worked on them. But when it comes to productions that are intended for children, you’re left in the dark. You’re really not supposed to know anything about the people producing those shows. Instead those productions are marketed directly towards children, usually with the help of cutting-edge animation and CGI. Parents aren’t told anything about who’s putting this stuff together behind the curtain.
That’s why, the other day, I decided to take a close look at someone named Lindz Amer. Lindz Amer is not a household name. Very few people have ever heard of this person. But recently, Lindz was hired by Nickelodeon to help write for a spin-off of the hugely popular children’s show “Paw Patrol.” If you’re not familiar with “Paw Patrol,” chances are you don’t have kids. Every child under the age of seven has seen this show, sadly, for the most part. That’s not an exaggeration, by the way. According to Paramount, worldwide, more than 350 million households tune into this show.
For the record, I’ve already banned “Paw Patrol” in my house simply because it’s an incredibly annoying, obnoxious children’s show with dull, lifeless animation. Before we even get to the wokeness, it is already everything that’s wrong with children’s entertainment. There is no heart to this show. It has no soul. There is no creativity, no art, nothing at all. It is at best mindless amusement for pre-schoolers. Just lights and sounds and stimulation. It’s not the kind of thing that I want to hear in the background, and it’s not the kind of content that any child benefits from consuming.
But most families do allow “Paw Patrol” into their homes, along with its spinoff, which is called “Rubble & Crew.” As a result, with every episode, tens of millions of children are being exposed to content written and produced not just by soulless automatons but also soulless automatons who happen to be hyper Left-wing, like Lindz Amer. So it’s important to ask a basic question, which Nickelodeon and Paramount desperately don’t want you to ask. That question is simple: Who is this person?
Before I go into what I learned by reading Lindz Amer’s book, here’s a video that Amer uploaded recently to the Internet, for everyone to see. This is footage from a key writer in one of the most popular children’s television shows on the planet. To be clear, this is totally unedited. Here it is:
The reading level for this book, which is called “What’s an Abortion Anyway,” is for children ages seven and up. So the point, of course, is to indoctrinate children who can’t possibly understand the ramifications of abortion, as early as possible, before they know what they’re talking about. And if you read this book, of course, it’s the most overt pro-abortion propaganda you can possibly imagine. It includes lines like this for example: “Some people have abortions because their doctors say pregnancy could make them sick.” Another page contains this line: “Some people have abortions because they can’t take care of a new baby right now.”
Imagine actually saying this to a seven-year-old. “Mommy loves you, but sometimes Mommies don’t love their children, so they kill them! Isn’t that wonderful?” This is depraved on the deepest possible level. It’s serial killer-level crazy. As for the arguments presented for abortion in the book, if you’re seven-years-old, they might seem compelling, if not also extremely disconcerting. After all, you’re not told anything about what abortion actually is. You’re not informed that abortion means dismembering a child. Instead, you’re told that abortion makes life easier for the cartoon women in the pages you’re reading. This is the kind of book that Lindz Amer, the new Nickelodeon writer, is pushing.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
And that made me wonder: What does Lindz Amer write about in her own book? That book is called “Rainbow Parenting: Your Guide to Raising Queer Kids and Their Allies.” Here’s a paragraph from the first chapter:
“We’ll start at the very beginning: infancy. I know it might seem silly to start so early; babies can barely say ‘baba’ let alone tell you their pronouns. But I encourage you to think of infancy as a practice round! You can create a queer and gender-affirming environment in their nursery, babble to them about consent while you’re changing their diaper, and start up your well-rounded book collection.”
So this is a person who wants you to “babble” about sex and transgenderism with children who are in a nursery. This is not some fleeting thought that Lindz Amer had, she wrote it in her book and it was published. And it goes on from there:
“You can introduce [toddlers] to big abstract concepts like queerness and difference, and develop healthy skills like body kindness and consent. … Maybe infancy and toddlerhood seem a little early to introduce ideas around consent and body kindness, but it will help you build a strong and confident foundation.”
Let’s pause here for one second, to make one thing absolutely clear: If you’re talking about topics like “queerness” with a toddler, you belong in a straight jacket or in a prison or both. There’s no way to spin that to be healthy, or remotely appropriate. But that’s what the Nickelodeon writer is doing. She’s talking about the idea that toddlers — who don’t know anything about the world — can benefit from a conversation about queerness. It’s incredible that this was edited and published, but it was. And this author was not banished from civilization, she got a promotion, writing for one of the top kids’ cartoon franchises in the country.
Lindz Amer will deny that there’s anything radical about what she’s doing of course. But if you look at her YouTube channel, which is called “Queer Kid Stuff,” you’ll quickly notice a pattern, which is that Lindz Amer is bent on sexualizing kids. She even sings a whole song about kids being drag queens. Watch:
Lindz Amer has a bunch of videos like this. And instead of being denounced and condemned for this insanity, now she’s writing for the “Paw Patrol” spinoff. In that capacity, Amer has created the first “non-binary” character in Paw Patrol history. This character is called River, and he/him/they/them/whatever “rides a skateboard in the episode and wears socks and shoes that are the colors of the transgender flag.”
On X, Robby Starbuck spotted this. Here’s what he noticed about the character:
I regret to inform you that Paw Patrol has gone woke. Their new spinoff series "Rubble and Crew" added a trans character. They also hired @lindzamer as a writer. Lindz runs the Queer Kids Stuff YouTube channel that indoctrinates kids into the trans ideology. Hollywood is working…
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) September 18, 2023
A couple things to note here. First, this is not the first time that “Paw Patrol” has pushed this kind of propaganda on children. Even back in 2020 they were, as you can see here, displaying the so-called “non-binary” flag by adorning a boat in its colors. It’s not subtle at all, unless you’re in pre-school. For that audience, the idea is to get them used to seeing these colors and associating it with something good and fun and welcoming, so that when they encounter the “non-binary” flag in real life, they will draw that association. Subliminal messaging is a big part of kids’ cartoons these days. As Robby noted, it’s a part of virtually all children’s entertainment now.
Now, if you’ve ever had a conversation with a proponent of this “non-binary” concept, you will quickly notice that they struggle mightily to explain it or defend it. They cannot answer any skeptical questions about it. They claim that some people are not on the sex binary, that they exist in a state beyond male or female. But if you ask them, for example, to name the third and fourth and fifth sexes, if you ask them to give you more information about these people who possess this “transcendent” identity, they can’t do it. So how do you get people to buy into this concept — one that you can’t defend or even answer any questions about? The only way to do it is to indoctrinate them at a young age, before they can think for themselves or ask these kinds of questions. And that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s why Nickelodeon and Paramount have enlisted Lindz to write for them.
They think they can get away with this because many people on social media (some of them conservatives) still like to claim that it’s somehow frivolous or silly to complain about something like an LGBT character in a children’s show. This very segment that I’m doing right now is sure to be mocked later today on social media by leftists scoffing that I opened my show by complaining about “Paw Patrol.” But the truth — the truth that the people scoffing know very well — is that this is far more important than most of the topics that will make the top of a Fox News broadcast. This is an explicit campaign to brainwash children when they are the most susceptible to it. Under the guise of harmless entertainment — using shows with innocuous names like “Paw Patrol” — adults are trying to brainwash children into a radical and sexualized ideology that those children cannot possibly understand or question.
There’s a reason why the Left, following their usual paradoxical routine, will mock conservatives who object to including a “non-binary” character in a show for pre-schoolers but then also, in the very next breath, tearfully celebrate the inclusion of that character. This is what they always do. They insist that we should care about something and then mock us for caring about it. They say “look at this non-binary character in “Paw Patrol!” Isn’t this amazing! This is a historic moment!” And then when we object they respond, “Why do you care anyway? It’s just a kid’s show you weirdo.” This is the game they constantly play, and they expect us not to notice.
What they expect most of all — what they demand — is that we put our children in front of the television and then get out of the way. Once your kid is sitting there, the entertainment industry says, “Okay, we’ll take it from here. Go sit in the other room and stare at your phone or something.” They want us to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, or even what’s happening in front of the curtain. Just let them decide what our kids are exposed to, what ideas are presented to them, what values are inculcated. That’s what they demand. If you step in as a parent and say, “No, I’m not going to let you expose my children to this. I’m not going to give you unfettered access to my child’s brain and soul,” then they will kick and scream and mock and belittle you. And so be it. They can kick and scream away. They aren’t getting anywhere near my kids. I will protect them from this madness at all costs. And that’s the attitude that all parents need to have.
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