O.J. Simpson died on Thursday at the age of 76, and the media didn’t quite know what to do.
They didn’t know what to do because O.J. Simpson was a murderer, and everyone knows he was a murderer. But he spent the last half of his life being treated by some in the media as though he was a sort of controversial figure.
A headline from the Washington Post summed this up: “How will O.J. Simpson be remembered?”
The answer for everyone who remembers the O.J. Simpson murder trial is that he will be remembered as a person who very obviously murdered his ex-wife and a person named Ron Goldman, and then proceeded to be alleviated of the criminal responsibility for that double murder by a jury of people who were politically motivated, to the celebration of a wide swath of the American population.
He’ll be remembered as a person who dramatically widened the gap between the races in the United States, which, in some ways, has never truly closed. It seemed as though that between the trial of O.J. Simpson and the election of Barack Obama, America was becoming more racially reconciliatory.
But Barack Obama opened those gaps wide again in 2010, 2011, and 2012.
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The O.J. Simpson trial was the moment when Americans realized that the attempts of the 1960s and 1970s to move beyond America’s terrible history of racism had some pretty impactful consequences, and that there were two sides to the racial conflict in the United States because up until the Civil Rights movement, there really was only one side.
That side had been American white supremacists treating black people as chattel and as trash. After the Civil Rights movement, the idea was that we would put all of that behind us. We were going to move forward in a country that tries to actually meet the guarantees of the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal.
But then, in the O.J. Simpson trial, it became very clear to a lot of Americans that the standard of equal justice for all was not only a matter of if that could be reached, but it was also a matter of if everyone wanted that standard to be reached.
That’s what the O.J. Simpson trial meant for a lot of people. And that’s why he will be remembered as a double murderer who got away with it for racial political reasons.
Simpson left the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown in his wake. Not just that; he still owed more than $100 million to their families because they won civil trials against him after losing the criminal trial in favor of convicting him.
The evidence against O.J. was overwhelming. Everyone knew he was guilty. No one legitimately believed he was innocent. It was just a question of whether you wanted to see him acquitted because of racial reasons.
Those racial reasons were explained at the time and are being explained even now by people who believe that somehow, some sort of revenge was deserved for America’s terrible racial history.
After he killed two white people, suddenly his cause became a “racial cause.” And that racial logic has kept up even until today.
Marc Lamont Hill, a true believer in the perverse ideology of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and critical race theory, tweeted yesterday,
O.J. Simpson was an abusive liar who abandoned his community long before he killed two people in cold blood. His acquittal for murder was the correct and necessary result of a racist criminal legal system. But he’s still a monster, not a martyr.
So he acknowledges O.J. Simpson murdered two people in cold blood and was a monster, but he still deserved to be acquitted.
No country obviously can survive for very long on the basis that, as long as you are a member of a particular race, you deserve to be acquitted for murdering somebody else of another race in that sort of pure, unbridled hatred and racism. It wrecks societies.
The more faith you show in the political narrative, the more you’re willing to pick a bad example and say even it applies to your narrative. And O.J. is the worst example of all.
At the time of the trial, some black people and white people responded incredibly differently to the verdict.
Even today, there are people who are trying to make excuses for why O.J. was acquitted because the real question is not really why O.J. did what he did. He was a sociopathic murderer who murdered two people in cold blood. The real question is why the legal system did what it did and why Americans reacted the way they did.
O.J. Simpson died a free man. The idea that there is some underlying question of justice with regard to O.J. Simpson that would have allowed for the moral imprimatur to be placed upon his acquittal is morally unrighteous foolishness.
O.J. Simpson was a double murderer. He should have gone to jail. And if you believe that questions of race should take precedence over questions of actual blood guilt, that makes you a bad person. That is not how justice works.
When social justice, which is what this is, trumps individual justice, when the idea is that a racial narrative — a true racial narrative about black victimhood in America — is supposed to trump the fact that a black man killed two white people, you have lost the thread of decency and morality.
Justice cannot work under these circumstances.

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