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The Full Timeline Of The Fiery Candace Owens/Cardi B Feud
Candace Owens
Photo by Robby Klein

A feud between Candace Owens and rapper Cardi B blew up Tuesday evening when the “WAP” singer posted a doctored tweet and made repeated false claims about Owens and her family, sparking the conservative to announce that she will “100%” be suing Cardi.

The feud between the pair, however, did not start on Tuesday. For years, Owens, host of The Daily Wire talk show “Candace,” and Cardi, real name Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, have engaged over politics and culture.

July 2019

Owens pushed-back on Cardi’s public support for then-presidential candidate democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and offered to give $250,000 to a charity of the performer’s choosing if she were to debate her positions against Owens or another black conservative. Cardi declined.

September 2020

Owens appeared on Ben Shapiro’s “Sunday Special” in September and told Shapiro that his criticisms of Cardi’s raunchy song “WAP,” or “wet a** p****,” were correct. Owens also hit Democrats and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden for ignoring the press but making it a point to sit down with Cardi, whom Owens called “illiterate,” for an interview. Owens argued that it was “pandering” to the black community. “It’s basically saying, ‘black people, you are stupid, you are dumb,'” she said. 

“Since most black people didn’t have the spine to admit that [Ben Shapiro] was 100% correct about [Cardi B] and how her music and platform contributes to the disintegration of black culture and values…here you go,” Owens posted to her Twitter account, captioning a clip from the “Sunday Special.”

“I completely agree with your assessment about Cardi B,” Owens told Shapiro during the show. “It is one of the biggest insults — if black Americans are not insulted by the fact that Joe Biden, who has been hiding in his basement for the entire year, made an appearance and came out because he was gonna do an interview with Cardi B? Do we have nothing better to offer?”

“You’re pandering,” the “Blackout” author said of the Democrats and Biden. “You look at Cardi B’s Instagram, you see she has millions of followers, and you think, ‘okay this is an illiterate person … they think she’s cool, she’s hip, just by sitting here and taking this interview, black people will vote for me.’ It’s basically saying, ‘black people, you are stupid, you are dumb.’”


The post sparked a response from Cardi, who claimed she had to publicly support Biden because her song is number one, and her sister and her sister’s girlfriend were allegedly “harassed” by a man in a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Owens took the rapper to task about Biden’s record and Cardi’s incoherent comments on policy and told the “WAP” singer that Sanders and Biden, who’ve both worked with Cardi, believe she’s “dumb” and used her.

The feud included an attack from Cardi on Owens’ unborn child: “Your baby singing wap wap wap this some dry a** p****yyy.” This led Owens to highlight Democrats’ ties to Planned Parenthood, an abortion mill founded by Margaret Sanger, a racial eugenist.

Amid the Twitter back and forth, Cardi took to Instagram to post a video about Owens, and Owens did the same in response.

“Joe Biden sat down with me to speak with me,” the rapper says in the video. “You know that interview. Two weeks ago, Fox News was really talking s*** about me too because Joe Biden sat down with me to do the interview. But let me tell you something … why wouldn’t Joe Biden want to sit down with me, Cardi B? I have millions of followers and I pay millions in taxes. I have the number one song in this country and the number one song in the United Kingdom. I have the number one song in Australia. I got the number one song in New Zealand. I’m heard all around the world. So, just like I can make people pop their p**** and have a good time and make them feel like a bad b****, I could also encourage millions of followers to go vote.”

“Now you’re saying that Joe Biden is pandering ’cause he’s using a popular figure like me?” she added. “But your president, the guy that you f***ing love so much, he panders as well.”

“Dear [Cardi B]. You know nothing,” Owens captioned her post. “Stop using your platform to call for more black deaths. Stop lying about Trump. Stop supporting Joe Biden who supported segregation and the mass incarceration of black men. I’m almost six months pregnant but got the time to rip you a new WAP.”

“You are uneducated when it comes to politics,” Owens said in the Instagram video, adding that she did not mean to “offend” Cardi but believes Biden was indeed using her and think she’s “an idiot.”

Owens argued that Cardi was misusing her platform and “hurting black America” by echoing the myth that our police system is systemically racist and a major threat to black people. Alternatively, Owens said black communities need “more policing” to save black lives.

The commentator dismissed Cardi’s touted “number one song” status with regard to politics, encouraging the rapper to “educate” herself on the issues, noting Cardi’s “Santa Claus list” rattled off to Biden. “I want this; I want this,” Owens mocked.

The author ended the post by telling Cardi she wants to send her book “Blackout” to help educate her on the issues the rapper says she cares about.

Owens, soon after, told The New York Post that she loved the battle between her and Cardi. “I love every second of this feud,” she said. “I was playing chess and she was playing checkers.”

The exchange ended with memes depicting Owens’ rhetorical domination of Cardi flourishing online.

The fuller tweet exchange can be viewed, below:

Cardi: “You wanna know why joe gotta talk to me Candice cause I have the #1 song & yet my sister can’t go to the beach in the Hampton’s wit out trump supporters harassing cause they were by themselves & Santa Claus was harassing my sis GF all because they are a Afro/Hispanic gay couple.”

Owens: “To clarify—Joe Biden ‘gotta talk’ to you because you have the number 1 song and Santa Claus was harassing your sister? Um. K. Thanks for clearing that one up.”

Cardi: “Yes you are right I have the number 1 song & I have a huge platform and I can make millions go vote to get the MAN THAT USED YOU .I don’t want to argue with you Candace I really don’t have the time. I honestly just feel sorry for you.”

Owens: “You are encouraging MILLIONS to go vote for the man that locked up entire generations of black men. Maybe go google: JOE BIDEN AND 1994 CRIME BILL. Joe Biden used you. Bernie Sanders used you. Neither one of them like or know your music. They think you’re dumb. #Trump2020.”

Owens: “Lastly, asking racist Joe Biden to lower your taxes in the same breath that you asked for free universal healthcare is about as thick as it gets. When you stick to music, you can get left alone. When you dabble in politics, you will get called out for platforming ignorance.”

Cardi: “[And] you are encouraging millions to vote for a man who laugh [every time] a black men gets killed by a cop and tell millions of Americans to drink bleach Trump didn’t even have you talking at the Republican convention He thinks you’re dumb.MASA did you dirty but you mad at me?”

Owens: “1) Produce the clip of Trump laughing at black men getting killed, you lying fraud. 2) I turned down filming a spot for the RNC convention. 3) You encourage millions of young girls to spread their legs, & you admitted to date-raping men—so don’t even start on the bleach lie.”

Cardi: “Well paying taxes is something that as much as I hate it’s a reality I will always have to pay …but I rather my tax money go to free education then police funding ….Use my money on something USEFUL. Your president use our tax money to [fund] his empty campaign runs.”

Owens: “1) Your tax dollars already go to free education, genius. 2) No campaign uses tax dollars for funding. That is illegal. 3) Defunding police initiatives have led to 200% increases in black men getting shot in inner cities. STOP SUPPORTING BLACK PEOPLE DYING.”

Cardi: “Your baby singing wap wap wap this some dry a** p****yyy.”

Owens: “Attacking an unborn child. How very DEMOCRAT of you. While I have you—did you know your party has supported the slaughter of over 18 million black babies since 1973? Did you know the most unsafe place for a black child is in its mother’s womb because of YOUR party?”

Owens: “Malcolm X warned us years ago about the puppetry of interviews like Cardi B and Joe Biden. He always spoke out against the white liberal game of using entertainers as pawns. This isn’t really about you, [Cardi B]. This is about black America waking up to Democrat racism.”

March 16, 2021

The feud sparked back up on Tuesday when Cardi commented on Owens’ criticism of the rapper’s raunchy Grammys performance, which included simulated sex acts with another female rapper.

“Just @ me next time, directly,” Owens said to Cardi. “You are a cancer cell to culture. Young black girls are having their minds poisoned by what you are trying to package and sell to them as ’empowerment’. I’m one of the few that has courage to tell you the truth. You should thank me.”

In the midst of the feud, Owens told Cardi, “You are insecure and I irk you because I see right through the facade. You are a part of a larger cancer that is manifesting in black culture. There’s no person in America who can look you in the face and honestly say they wish [their] daughters turned out like you.”

“We hear so many women complaining about how men treat women. Cardi B begs the question — how do women treat themselves?” she continued. “We can fix black culture, we can’t do it if we keep pretending it’s not broken. That performance was disgusting. Let’s start by calling a spade a spade.”

Seemingly uncomfortable with the discussion at hand, Cardi pulled up a video clip of Owens in the kitchen speaking to followers while she was nine months pregnant. In the video, Owens, tongue in cheek, says she was making a sandwich for her husband “as a woman should do.”

While invoking Owens’ husband’s race, Cardi then accused Owens — a successful author, commentator and activist — of setting a bad example for black women by making her sandwich quip.

“And black women should be more like you? After all the fighting for equality and freedom they should be submissive to a white a man after years of abuse & rape making them a sandwich while pregnant cause in your words ‘that’s what a woman should do’? Interesting,” she wrote.

“Making my husband a sandwich is not submissive. Cooking for your family is not submissive. Yes, a good woman should take care of her family. And yes, a good man does the same. My relationship is healthy. You can’t say the same so maybe take some notes,” Owens responded.

“If you think making your husband a sandwich is a sin, but popping your vagina into another woman’s vagina in front of the world is power — you are a lost soul,” the BLEXIT founder added.

The conservative also noted Cardi’s mentions of her husband being white. “You always love to mention my husband’s skin tone — so let me ask — what color are the people that are encouraging you to strip in front of the world? Who owns your record labels? Who owns CBS and the GRAMMY’s? Who made the most money off of your WAP? You sold it to who?” Owens questioned.

“I will literally make my husband a sandwich every single day of the week,” she wrote. “You’re struggling right now to change the topic because you are ashamed of your performance, and you should be. You look foolish trying to make your on-stage lesbian simulation about a sandwich.”

“Millions of young girls follow you,” the “Blackout” author said. “At your best, you are self-deprecating and humorous. At your worst, you are naked, shoving your vagina into another woman’s vagina while thrusting atop her. You were at your worst on the Grammy stage. Do better [Cardi B].”

An agitated Cardi then posted screenshots of a fake tweet and false blog posts about Owens and her family. Owens shot back that she would “100%” be suing the rapper for the false statements.

Captioning a photoshopped tweet designed to look like it was posted by Owens, Cardi tweeted: “Not you talking about two women thrusting their vaginas together while your husband and brother slap c***s and b***s together .WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT !wow.”

The fake tweet read, “Yes, my husband did cheat on me with my brother. Yes, he said no when I asked to join them.”

Owens responded, “I am literally laughing out loud. Cardi. My dear. That is clearly a photoshopped tweet. Only one of us has a husband that sleeps around.” Cardi has publicly discussed her husband cheating on her.

In another vulgar post, Cardi insisted the photoshopped tweet was not fake.

“This wasn’t photoshopped you was trending the whole day when you tweeted this and it was published on a lot of blog outlets,” the celebrity claimed. “Your right mine sleeps around yours sleeps at yours sleep at your home with your brother C*** BOXING while you tweet me.”

“What the actual hell are you talking about?” Owens replied. “Are you dead serious right now trying to substantiate a photoshopped tweet? Asking one more time before I get the lawyers to make you publicly admit you’re lying and embarrass yourself.”

“FYI I DO have a brother, a private citizen, who you are slandering right now with this photoshopped image that you are now publicly claiming you saw tweeted in real life,” Owens said. “You want to admit you lied now, or get sued so I can expose you as a liar? I win either way.”

The rapper continued to post false stories about Owens, claiming they were real because they are found on the Internet.

“Not you being mad at me for WHAT YOU TWEETED AND is published on public blogs,” Cardi wrote. “I ain’t made it up honey Google it yourself.”

“This looks like a random blog that seems to have been dumb enough to have fallen for a photoshopped tweet,” Owens responded. “You tweeted that the photoshopped tweet was real and you saw it on a day that I was trending—which is a lie. You made that part up to help circulate a slanderous lie.”

“Yes. Just spoke with my family. I am 100% suing Cardi for that nonsense,” Owens announced. “You can’t just start throwing out wild lies against private members of my family because you’re upset someone called [you] out on your degenerate performance. I‘ll keep you all posted.”

March 18, 2021

Days later, Cardi scrubbed her account of tweets that contained the doctored tweet and false claims about Owens, as well as some other tweets attacking the conservative.

At least three of the tweets that have been removed from Cardi’s Twitter account included screenshots of a fake tweet and false blog posts about Owens and her family.

Captioning a photoshopped tweet designed to look like it was posted by Owens, Cardi wrote, “Not you talking about two women thrusting their vaginas together while your husband and brother slap c***s and b***s together .WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT !wow.”

The fake tweet read, “Yes, my husband did cheat on me with my brother. Yes, he said no when I asked to join them.”

The tweet has been removed, but The Daily Wire captured a screenshot:

In another now-deleted tweet, Cardi insisted the photoshopped tweet was not fake. “This wasn’t photoshopped you was trending the whole day when you tweeted this and it was published on a lot of blog outlets,” the celebrity claimed. “Your right mine sleeps around yours sleeps at yours sleep at your home with your brother C*** BOXING while you tweet me.”

Standing by her false claims, the “WAP” singer posted more screenshots and claimed they were real because they are found on the Internet.

“Not you being mad at me for WHAT YOU TWEETED AND is published on public blogs,” she wrote. “I ain’t made it up honey Google it yourself.”

This tweet, too, has been deleted. Screenshot below:

Owens responded Thursday morning:, “Gee. I wonder what made [Cardi B] delete the photoshopped tweets regarding my husband and brother. Too late, degenerate.”

“You mess with my family, I won’t stop until I’m the CEO and chairman of that WAP.”

Related: Candace Owens Ends Cardi B, And It’s Hilarious | Ep. 1217

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