There’s a video that has now gone viral, and it is indicative of the current chief issue in the 2024 campaign: human migration.
Human migration is the big issue of our time. It’s causing vast turmoil in European politics. It’s causing vast turmoil in Africa. It’s causing vast turmoil in the United States because it turns out that large swaths of human beings crossing borders willy-nilly causes conflict.
So, what we are seeing in the United States are the results of that conflict.
The video came out on Tuesday. It shows an illegal immigrant mob pounding a pair of cops in New York’s Times Square over the weekend. The 10 to 12 immigrants jumped two cops, beating them on the streets.
As I explained in the documentary I made, to understand what is happening at the southern border, you have to understand the signal action the Biden administration initiated: an immigrant need only say the magic words to a Border Patrol agent to get into the United States of America: “I fear to go back to my home country.”
Those words amount to an asylum claim. At that point, an immigrant is not held in Mexico, pending a hearing on whether they, in fact, have the right to seek asylum. They are not actually held in detention. They are processed and released to the interior, where they go to New York and beat the living hell out of cops. That is the way immigration is working in the United States.
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Now, of course, the vast majority of people who are crossing the border are not doing this. But why should any of this be happening? It should not be. They claim to be seeking asylum. But in reality, they are criminals who are seeking to participate in criminality.
The New York Post reported on this story:
The footage shows an NYPD officer and lieutenant initially telling the migrants to move along around 8:30 p.m. Saturday on West 42nd Street in Manhattan — before things quickly get rowdy as a scuffle breaks out between the cops and a suspect who is wrestled to the ground.
That’s when the rest of the punks converge on the officers, raining kicks to the head and body of the pair of New York’s Finest as the cops rumble with their pal … Police initially busted four of the asylum-seeking thugs, identified by sources as Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19, Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, Juarez Wilson, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24. All four were charged with assault and released without bail, sources said.
A fifth suspect, Jhoan Boada, 22, was arrested Monday night and charged with attempted assault of a police officer, according to police sources. … The two assaulted cops, who were not identified, suffered minor injuries and were treated at the scene. One sustained cuts to the face while the other had bruising to the body, according to sources. One of the men, Reveron, has two open cases in Manhattan for assault and robbery.
In November, he allegedly “pushed, punched and bit” a Nordstrom Rack employee who caught him lifting a $130 item from the Union Square store’s display rack, according to law enforcement sources. Last month, Reveron also allegedly “punched with a closed fist” a loss prevention officer at the Herald Square Macy’s after trying to pull off a robbery with two other suspects, the sources said.
So this guy’s just a career criminal in the United States pretending he has an asylum claim. This is Biden’s America and immigration policy. This is Biden’s choice to let people like this into the country. He has the law on the books that would allow him to stop all of this.
This wouldn’t have happened under Donald Trump’s immigration policy. People like this would be turned back at the border. They would have remained in Mexico awaiting their asylum hearing.
Why are people like this in our country? There is no right to be in our country if you are a citizen of another country and you are not legally claiming asylum, if your asylum claim is bullcrap.
And yet the wild Left has captured the Democratic Party to the extent that they are refusing to say the obvious, which is: These people should not be in our country.
Even some Democrats are starting to see the problem, from Senator John Fetterman to the Democratic mayor of Denver to Eric Adams in New York and Brandon Johnson in Chicago.
In fact, they’re all seeing it. They’re just pretending they don’t.
But you can only pretend that reality doesn’t exist for so long before even your typical voters start to turn on you.
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That is what is happening with regard to immigration and Biden; he is losing that issue by leaps and bounds. His only response is going to be using abortion as an issue; he’s not going to even deal with the immigration issue. Instead, the immigration issue is just going to simmer the entire year as Biden redirects on abortion in an attempt to get suburban women to vote against Trump based on their supposed need for an abortion — despite the fact suburban women aren’t actually having that many abortions in the United States at this point in time.
But the immigration issue for a huge number of Americans is going to continue to grow in size as well. It should.
All it would take is, God forbid, one serious terrorist attack by an illegal immigrant crossing the American southern border — as there are countries that are attempting to funnel terrorists across America’s southern border given that it is wide open at this point — to completely shift the nature of American politics, perhaps for a generation. Because the great promise of America, in terms of what the government is supposed to provide, is free markets and security.
Those are the things that America historically has done incredibly well, and it seems as though both are in danger.

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