Mid-way through Joe Biden’s second term as vice president, his son Hunter Biden and an associate involved in Hunter’s international money-making ventures discussed plans for creating a firm that apparently would include them, Hunter’s now-deceased brother Beau, and eventually Joe Biden himself, emails reviewed by The Daily Wire show.
“In order to develop this as a platform for both JRBs I think it is imperative we (the three of us) have full control come 2016 when JRB1 comes on board,” Hunter wrote to Jeff Cooper in November 2014.
JRB is the now-president’s initials, while Beau’s real name is the same as his father’s.
“I think we can pull this off,” Cooper wrote.
In a list of desired compensation, Hunter specified that Beau would require “500+” to work as a law partner, noting that he had medical bills. Beau died in 2015 of brain cancer.
Cooper is the founder of an investment firm called Eudora Global and CEO of an “international online gaming enterprise” called Ocho Global. He was also “founder of SimmonsCooper Andrew, a law firm that specializes in complex, high value litigation,” a professional biography says.
Before Beau became attorney general of Delaware, Beau’s law firm worked with Cooper’s on asbestos lawsuits. As Senate Judiciary Committee member, Biden blocked reform of asbestos lawsuits, the Madison Record reported.
In 2010, Cooper entered into an agreement with Hunter’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners. “Eudora agrees to partner with Seneca on various projects dealing with both domestic and international transactions. On such projects, Seneca will receive 25% of Eudora’s share of equity in said projects. Seneca agrees to utilize it’s [sic] wide array of knowledge and relationships to aid the projects to the best of it’s [sic] ability,” the agreement said.
In 2011, President Barack Obama invited Cooper to the White House to dine with the Korean president.
Cooper was involved with Hunter and his much-scrutinized dealings in the Ukraine, where Hunter was reportedly paid some $50,000 a month to sit on the board of gas company Burisma, and other dark corners of the world.
In a March 2015 email with the subject line “Burisma,” Cooper asked Hunter: “Any idea what their Mx plans are going to be?”
Emails show Cooper and Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer attempting to broker a deal between Burisma and PEMEX, a state-owned Mexican petroleum company. Archer was later convicted of fraud related to a different deal.
Hunter wrote to Cooper in 2013, “I told Devon he should come next week to MC. I want to loop him into what we are working on and I would like you both to get to know each other better. I trust him 100% and would want him involved regardless. Is that OK?”
“Sure man. Whatever you want,” Cooper said.
“I want love peace and harmony and a jet,” Hunter replied.
Cooper served as an intermediary for Miguel Aleman Magnani, a Mexican billionaire whose father was once a Mexican governor. He wrote of Aleman in 2014:
He wants us to try to bring a Burisma exec with us on our trip (which he is still trying to figure out exact timing). He says the Pemex CEO was extremely excited about their potential involvement and has “a perfect project” for them. What are your thoughts on that?
Cooper was simultaneously intertwined with Joe Biden’s world. Also in 2014, Hunter wrote to a White House staffer: “Hey buddy. Do you have pictures from the lunch I had in dad’s office (I think on 2/26) with Miguel Alleman [sic] Sr. And Jr. And Jeff Cooper?”
In 2013, an associate connected Cooper and Hunter with a potential Latin American contact, writing: “I want to introduce Hunter Biden and Jeff Cooper to you, who are investing in several technology sectors, and more recently in the gaming/gambling one. They are interested in exploring the Chilean market.”
In 2014, Cooper and Hunter discussed holding parties with international billionaires to create what Cooper called “a global cooperation group that will assist each other in our respective regions in whatever manner possible.”
“We need a Canadian billionaire and a certified American billionaire to ad[d] to list. Also I think the Phillipines, Israel, Turkey and UAE (maybe Youssef Al’Otiaba). We could drop Colombia and or Argentina. Finally, an African preferably from Ghana or Tanzania,” Hunter wrote.
In February 2016, Joe Biden invited Hunter and Cooper to accompany him on a trip to Mexico, according to emails.
Hunter and Cooper did not return requests for comment from The Daily Wire.
“Wealth creation”
In April 2016, Hunter also exchanged emails with talent agent Craig Gering about other possible plans for Joe Biden post-vice presidency, which included a possible office for Hunter and “wealth creation.” Gering’s recap of a meeting said:
1. School of Public Policy at University of Delaware.
-Will be renamed with the VP. The Biden School of Public Policy (like G. Ford did). Concentration on domestic political science.
-Of course, the University gains an infusion of prestige, money, notoriety, and professors.
-University to raise all of the capital for the new center building on the quad.
-Within the building will be a Vice Presidential Center or Library. First of its kind about studying of the Office of the Vice President [not just Biden].2. The Biden Foundation in Wilmington, Delaware.
3. The Biden Institute of Foreign Relations at the University of Pennsylvania.
-Focus on foreign policy.
-In addition to the institute at U of Penn, the school has an existing office in DC that will be expanded to house a DC office for VP Biden (and Mike, Hunter and Steve?). Operates like The Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise.4. Wealth Creation.
Hunter replied: “Yes- in theory that’s the way I would like to see it shake out— BUT please keep this very confidential between us because nothing has been set in stone and there’s still a lot of sensitivity around all of this both internally and externally. He hasn’t made any decisions and this could all be changed overnight.”
In 2017, Joe Biden signed with Gering’s agency, CAA. In 2018, the University of Delaware’s School of Public Policy was renamed after Biden.
“Future earnings potential”
In 2010, when it was uncertain whether Barack Obama and Joe Biden would win a second term in the White House, Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin separately handled a “JRB Future Memo,” according to an email from Hunter’s laptop. Schwerin wrote:
Mike has a pretty good draft of this done. Does it make sense to see if your Dad has some time in the next couple of weeks while you are in DC to talk about it? Your Dad just called me (about his mortgage) and mentioned he’d be out a lot soon and not really back until Labor Day so it dawned on me it might be a good time (also he could use some positive news about his future earnings potential!)
Hunter’s consultancy, Rosemont Seneca, earned money by playing a middleman role in various international ventures by virtue of having connections to the rich and powerful.
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In 2017, James Gilliar, a business partner, infamously wrote to Hunter and other partners Rob Walker and Tony Bobulinski: “At the moment there s a provisional agreement that the equity will be distributed as follows:” 20% for Hunter, 10% for Jim Biden, and 10% “held by H for the big guy ?.”
Bobulinski publicly said “big guy” referred to Joe Biden, and that “Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true.”
White House involvement
Hunter and his Rosemont Seneca partners appeared at times to be involved with Joe Biden’s vice presidential activities, according to the emails.
In 2010, Chuck Harple, who that year was a lobbyist for the Teamsters Union, wrote to Hunter that the union was not happy with the vice president.
“I don’t even want to get in what I have heard that they were told why the Vp couldn’t meet,” he wrote.
Hunter replied, “I’ll work on it- but is there any issue I should know about before I go around everyone and straight to him- if I ask he will do it- but if I am missing something legit then i will get killed by staff.”
Harper wrote, “They should be s***ting their pants thinking that – because of miscommunication, the Building Trades think they are being dissed by the Vice President.” He recommended that Hunter call Building Trades union Secretary Treasurer Sean McGarvey and say “you want to get all the facts before you talk to the big guy.”
Five days later, Hunter wrote that General President Mark Ayers “and JRB spoke live today and plan to meet in New Year.”
Harple responded, “Talked to Sean. He and Mark Ayers totally credit you for saving the day.”
In 2012, Michael Karloutsos wrote to Schwerin and indicated that Hunter was working channels involving Greece alongside his father.
“Secretary General Kaskarelis now understands that we have been working on this effort thru Hunter and the VP for quite some time and has relayed that message to Ambassador Panagopoulos. That said and per our conversation an official request will be submitted thru the proper protocols,” he wrote.
Schwerin indicated that he was in contact with Joe Biden’s office on Karloutsos’ behalf.
“Michael, I have a call in to find out more but haven’t heard back, but give me another day to see what I can find out. After the fiscal cliff negotiations a lot of the VP staff took some time off,” he wrote.
The Daily Wire confirmed the authenticity of 17,000 emails on the laptop Hunter Biden left at a Delaware repair shop.
After the New York Post broke the story of the laptop shortly before the 2020 election, media, Democrats and former intelligence operatives went into overdrive suggesting that the contents could be an elaborate ruse.
Days before the election, Al Jazeera reported, “Has anyone else verified the emails as definitively true or false? No, but dozens of retired US intelligence officials signed a letter stating that while they do not know if the emails purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden are genuine or not, they have ‘all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’”
Promoting his book last month, Hunter told CBS he has “no idea whether or not” the laptop was his.
Also last month, CNN said a “law enforcement source” told the network that the FBI still did not know if it was really Hunter’s laptop. “A law enforcement source has told CNN that the assumption is that it is Hunter Biden’s laptop. But the FBI is still working through the content and the integrity of what is on it,” CNN reported.
Yet metadata known as DKIM enables researchers with far fewer resources than the FBI to quickly confirm that emails on the laptop are real. DKIM is an anti-spam measure that sends a “hash” of the email’s contents back to the purported sending server to confirm whether it really came it, and to confirm that the email was unaltered.
Of tens of thousands of emails reviewed by The Daily Wire, the largest group of emails were authenticated by DKIM. Others could not be confirmed for various reasons, typically because the sending server did not use the technology. Most of the emails that could not be confirmed through DKIM were anodyne, such as newsletters from Politico and the Washington Post.
Rudy Giuliani, the onetime lawyer for Donald Trump who received a copy of Hunter’s laptop hard drive from the repair store owner, said last month that when the FBI raided his apartment on a search warrant, agents took other hard drives, but refused to take the device he told them contained Hunter’s files.
Part 2: Hunter’s World: Biden Son Had Tentacles In Dark Corners Of the World Far Beyond China, Ukraine

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