WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 20: Top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to accusations by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., as he testifies before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, July 20, 2021 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Cases of COVID-19 have tripled over the past three weeks, and hospitalizations and deaths are rising among unvaccinated people. (Photo by
J. Scott Applewhite-Pool/Getty Images


How COVID Edicts From Fauci And The Elites Produced Public Rebels


The following excerpt is taken from the new book Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up, by Rand Paul, (Regnery Publishing, October 2023)

In April of 2020, Martin Kulldorff, Harvard professor of medicine and one of the world’s most respected biostatisticians and epidemiologists, wrote an article called “COVID-19 Counter Measures Should Be Age Specific” and posted it on his LinkedIn page. In the article, he stated, “Among COVID-19-exposed individuals, people in their 70s have roughly twice the mortality of those in their 60s, 10 times the mortality of those in their 50s, 40 times that of those in their 40s, 100 times that of those in 30s, 300 times that of those in their 20s, and a mortality that is more than 3,000 times higher than for children. Since COVID-19 operates in a highly age specific manner, mandated counter measures must also be age specific. If not, lives will be unnecessarily lost.”

Why did one of the most respected scientists in the world have to resort to publishing on his LinkedIn page? Why would no medical journal publish his work? He was censored for the crime of questioning the lockdown edicts—despite the fact that his statistics were correct. His work threatened the consensus that schools must be closed, society must be shut down, that COVID threatened civilization as we know it. 

In other words, his work threatened the control being seized across the country by Democrat governors. 

In addition to the elderly, the obese were more at risk due to the increased inflammatory response in the body. Yet since it was deemed politically incorrect to speak the truth, our public health officials did not stress diet and exercise during the pandemic. Instead, they closed the gyms. They put DO NOT ENTER tape around outdoor walking trails and playgrounds. They took the hoops off of basketball goals and poured giant dump trucks full of sand into skate parks. 

A young man paddle-boarding alone off the coast of California was followed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, hauled in, and cited for breaking COVID lockdown rules. 

It was utter madness. And yet the George Floyd protests, and the riots and looting they spawned, were encouraged and supported by everyone from Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to Kamala Harris. Harris went on social media to encourage people to contribute to bail funds for the rioters, one of whom was promptly bailed out and later went on to commit murder. Vice President Harris was never criticized. As Dr. Aaron Kheriaty reminds us in his excellent book The New Abnormal, “thousands of public health ‘experts’ rushed to sign a statement declaring racism a public health emergency during the BLM protests of 2020.” So, according to these experts, the public health emergency of “racism” was a valid exception to the COVID public emergency lockdowns. 

Children — at statistically zero risk for COVID — were denied fresh air, exercise, outdoor play, and most important, school. They were marooned in front of screens at home. Thousands of kids from struggling homes or with neglectful parents lost all structure and completely fell off the grid. Rich kids like California Governor Gavin Newsom’s four children were quickly back in person at their $60,000-a-year private Country Day School. They had access to private clubs for outdoor play, tennis, golf, and swimming. And yet Newsom shut down public schools, parks, and playgrounds as being “too dangerous” for the rest of the children in his state. 

California had some of the most draconian lockdowns in the country, with public school children denied in-person education for nearly a year and a half. 

The teachers’ unions nationwide opposed keeping the schools open. An internet watchdog group, Guerilla Momz, caught the head of a California teachers’ union, Matt Meyer, on camera dropping his child off at school, even though Meyer was spearheading a fight to enforce the local public school lockdown. 

Guerilla Momz presented the video with this message: “Meet Matt Meyer. White man with dreads and president of the local teachers’ union. He’s been saying it is unsafe for *your kid* to be back at school, all the while dropping his kid off at private school.” 

Credit: Regnery Publishing

Stanford professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya, one of the heroes of COVID for his brave stand against the anti-science madness, was relentlessly censored and shadow-banned on Twitter by government demand. Bhattacharya tweeted, “Gov. @GavinNewsom kept my kids out of their public schools for nearly a year and a half with no good scientific or epidemiological justification. His record on education is the worst in the country.” Even when they did finally return to school, California required kids to wear masks through March of 2022, well after it was shown that masks did nothing to mitigate the spread. 

While Gavin and his wife dined at French Laundry (with California “healthcare” lobbyists—oh, the irony!) and spent thousands on wine, mom-and-pop restaurants in his state were shuttered by his edicts. Of course, it was too dangerous for the common folk to eat out or send their kids to school. The list of Governor Newsom’s hypocrisies is long, but unfortunately, he was not alone in his zeal to deny civil liberties in the name of “safety,” with Governor Gretchen “Gardening is Verboten” Whitmer and my own governor, Andy Beshear, coming in right behind him. 

As the pandemic wore on, an unnameable unease was growing. Despite the unrelenting fearmongering from the media and government, with daily death counts inflated to include anyone who tested positive—even if they died in a car accident — the truth began to come out. People could see for themselves who was at risk for severe disease, with over 99 percent of people under seventy recovering from illness similar to a moderate-to-bad flu. 

The unease was not fear of impending death or sickness but of discomfort from prolonged quarantine and loss of freedom. The elites continued to revel in levying pronouncements and edicts, but the common man began to rebel. A spontaneous convoy of truckers clogged the streets of Ottawa, honking their horns at the Byzantine COVID rules hurled at them by Trudeau’s heavy hand. The government responded with anti-riot soldiers and sent bank police to freeze the truckers’ accounts. Taking over their money and livelihoods wasn’t enough. The authoritarian Trudeau demanded that private crowd-funding sources deny the truckers access to fundraising from private citizens to feed their families and pay their rent. The truckers had to be broken completely. They had to comply. Where was free speech in the supposedly “free” world? 

After the first months of the pandemic, when I had finished nearly three weeks of quarantine for my asymptomatic COVID-19 infection, I was back to flying twice a week to Washington. As I walked through mostly empty airports, something unusual started happening. I was used to getting reactions like a request for a selfie, a “thumbs up,” or occasionally a scowl, but now people were quietly approaching me to whisper, “Keep it up.” “Don’t let Fauci’s lies go unanswered.” “We’re behind you…” 

The American people were tired of busybodies and boors. Their patience was growing thin. The American streak of independence and rebellion was percolating as the government’s lies were becoming ever more apparent. And people wanted me to know they appreciated my fight for the truth.


U.S. Senator Rand Paul, M.D., (R-KY) is one of the nation’s leading advocates for liberty. Senator Paul serves as the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. He has represented Kentucky in the U.S. Senate since 2011. He and his wife, Kelley, live in Bowling Green and are the parents of three sons.

This excerpt is taken from: Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up by Rand Paul. Copyright © 2023 by Rand Paul. Reprinted by permission from Regnery Publishing, a division of Salem Media Group.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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