Earlier this month, renowned mRNA tech developer Dr. Robert Malone sat down with Daily Wire host Candace Owens to discuss, among other things, the “mass formation psychosis” theory of COVID-19.
In a particularly illuminating exchange, Malone examined Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ role in the COVID-19 pandemic. Malone did not have kind words for the tech billionaire and suggested that Gates was not the brains behind Microsoft’s coding, but rather a cutthroat businessman who parlayed his domination of the computing industry into domination of the global health industry.
“Bill Gates was not a coder. He was not a software engineer. That’s not his gift,” Malone said, claiming that Gates “built Microsoft on the bones of IBM and everybody else.” Malone went on to suggest that, rather than creating and maintaining a superior product through constant innovation, Gates cornered the computing market with anti-competitive practices because he “is a monopolist….an excellent monopolist.”
After facing harsh anti-trust penalties for Microsoft’s anti-competitive practices in the late nineties, Gates set up his eponymous foundation and began funneling billions into so-called charitable initiatives. The re-branding effort was effective and over the past 25 years, Gates became an unlikely expert in everything from viruses to vaccines — despite having no background in medicine. Indeed, Gates now dominates the global health industrial complex because, according to Malone, a “tiger can’t change his stripes.”
But even before Gates became a global health expert, before he built his foundation to rehabilitate his image, and even before the Department of Justice penalized his company for anti-competitive practices, Gates engaged with America’s number one adversary.
Over the past thirty years, the American software salesman slowly but steadily built a close relationship with the Chinese communists. The decades-long relationship began with Gates issuing favorable statements for the authoritarians in Beijing which then led to a series of investments and partnerships that have proved very lucrative for the software salesman and his companies. America’s top competitor gained vast amounts of technological capabilities and intellectual property, and Gates got richer.
As my colleague Peter Schweizer details in his new book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, Gates has “always underestimated the repressive nature” of the CCP due to his “techno-optimism.” By 1995, Gates was downplaying the CCP’s effort to censor the then-fledgling internet — efforts he deemed were doomed to fail unless the repressive regime planned to have soldiers looming over the shoulders of every internet user. China disagreed and began ramping up censorship efforts shortly after Gates claimed it was not possible.
Not only was Gates wildly wrong about China’s ability to censor its population, his company actively helped China do it. By 2005, the CCP had erected its notorious “Great Firewall” and Microsoft was helping them censor words and phrases like “democracy,” “human rights,” “freedom of expression,” “Tibet independence,” and “Tiananmen incident,” on the Microsoft blogging application called MSN Spaces. When a user typed one of the forbidden phrases in, Microsoft gave them an error message. According to Amnesty International, “following a request from Chinese authorities,” Microsoft banned a Chinese journalist and critic of CCP censorship Zhao Jing in December 2005.
Shockingly, at the same time Microsoft was helping the CCP ban journalists, Bill Gates was still repeating the lie that censorship was not possible. At a lecture to Stanford students in 2008, Gates told students that he did not see “any risk in the world at large that someone will restrict free content flow on the internet.” Gates was emphatic: “You cannot control the internet.” No one accuses Bill Gates of being dumb so what was his reasoning for such an absurd statement?
In addition to his own company’s facilitation of CCP censorship, Gates pushed for Google to capitulate to the Beijing anti-free speech regime. In 2010, when news that Google was fighting against China’s restrictions on search results — Gates sided with the CCP, prompting the Chinese embassy to put out a statement emphasizing that “Bill Gates bats for China.”
At the time, Gates again tried to downplay the CCP’s censorship capabilities, stating “Chinese efforts to censor the internet have been very limited.” “It’s easy to go around it,” Gates said, without offering evidence. After years of Gates repeatedly downplaying the CCP’s censorship capabilities (while actively helping to bolster them), his claim that “keeping the internet thriving [in China] is very important,” felt a bit like gaslighting.
Just last year, Microsoft was accused of censoring information about the Tiananmen Square massacre on its Bing search engine — not just in China, but also in the United States. Microsoft claimed this was due to “accidental human error.”
Outsourcing American Jobs and partnering with Chinese Military on AI
Gates’ CCP appeasement did not end with his work reinforcing the Great Firewall, however. He also helped offshore American jobs to China. Microsoft, like so many other tech companies in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, sent hundreds of high paying jobs to China. When the government in Beijing criticized Gates for not outsourcing more American jobs, Microsoft promised to redouble its efforts.
As if helping a repressive regime stifle dissent and outsourcing American tech jobs to China were not enough, Gates also helped China gain a competitive edge in an industry with serious military implications: artificial intelligence (AI). In 2019, Microsoft partnered with a Chinese military-backed university to work on AI research.
Less than five years ago, Microsoft personnel worked with China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) to produce three research papers on AI. The CCP’s Central Military Commission oversees NUDT projects and thus Microsoft benefits from “long-running links to Chinese military-funded academia,” including partnerships with various “Tech Clubs” at multiple Chinese military-linked universities. To this day, Chinese military researchers likewise benefit from Microsoft’s AI intellectual property.
More shocking than that, Microsoft actually hired People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recruits as interns at one of its research centers in Asia.
Gates’ company did other favors for the Chinese military as well. Microsoft allowed Chinese government officers to access the company’s Skype servers to monitor the videoconferences and messages of civilians.
Essentially, if civilians were critical of the communist regime or planning to organize a protest on Skype, Microsoft allowed government “thought police” to monitor (and ostensibly interdict) this activity — an obvious human rights violation. When questioned about this egregious activity, Microsoft’s Skype issued a throwaway statement: “Skype’s mission is to break down barriers to communications and enable conversations worldwide.”
It gets worse. In 2015, Microsoft expanded its ties with the Chinese military when it announced it would be working with the CCP’s state-owned military connected conglomerate, China Electronics Technology Group (CETC). Microsoft won a huge payday through the partnership with CETC to provide “operating system technology and services for Chinese users in specialized fields in government institutions and critical infrastructure state-owned enterprises.”
CETC was the beating heart of the CCP’s digital military industrial complex. CETC’s labs, in Schweizer’s words, “designed the electronic guts for China’s first nuclear bomb, as well as its guided missiles and satellites.” Computer World and other western press outlets were critical of Microsoft’s move to partner with CETC given the “very blurred lines” between the civilian and military missions of CETC and the fact that the company supplied “the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and government agencies and state-run companies with technology products.”
The Microsoft-CETC deal was shady from the start. In order for the CCP’s military electronics conglomerate to adopt the Microsoft platform, the latter had to make changes to its operating system (which Microsoft has admitted doing). But Microsoft has thus far refused to publicize what those “changes” were.
Microsoft was not the only Gates company working to advance the CCP’s military capabilities. While Microsoft helped the Chinese communist regime’s digital capabilities, a company that Gates launched in 2008 called TerraPower helped advance the CCP’s nuclear capabilities.
TerraPower was a “next-generation” nuclear reactor company that ostensibly was only working civilian nuclear power technology. Gates’ wanted TerraPower to become a major nuclear reactor company in China generating power for civilian use. But in 2011, TerraPower began a partnership with yet another military-linked company: China’s state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC).
The American Nuclear Threat Initiative blasted CNNC for being “involved in the development of China’s nuclear energy program, both civilian and military.” Indeed, the State Department has repeatedly warned that the CCP leverages “its large, rapidly-growing, state-sponsored nuclear industry as a strategic tool with which to augment China’s ‘comprehensive national power’—both through development in the civilian sector and in support of a military buildup.”
Gates either did not know or did not care that his efforts might help the Chinese military gain a nuclear advantage over the U.S. His partnership CNNC came to a screeching halt during the Trump administration when “policy changes” made TerraPower’s relationship with CNNC untenable. The Pentagon released a list of 20 companies tied to the CCP’s People’s Liberation Army and CNNC’s inclusion on that list forced Gates to cut ties.
But Gates was undeterred. “The TerraPower thing, that was a setback,” Gates told Chinese state-run media, “but there are ways to come back and engage China in a fairly deep way later in the project.”
In addition to Gates’ collaberation with the communist regime’s military on digital and nuclear projects, he promoted a Chinese technology company tied to the PLA. The company, Build Your Dreams (BYD), has an innocuous name but nefarious connections. The BYD, according to an Alliance for American Manufacturing study, gives the Chinese military an alarming level of access to its technology and research data.
For example, BYD boasted of its “strategic cooperation” with the China Academy of Launch Vehicle technology (CALVT) in 2018. CALVT is state owned and has the “largest research and production base of missile weapons and launch vehicles in China.” Shockingly (but not surprisingly), BYD’s founder and CEO moonlights as a Chinese Communist Party official. These facts alone should have been enough for Bill Gates and his close friend Warren Buffet to avoid hyping the project.
Gates Gushes over Chinese Communist Party Leadership
Gates has long been close with CCP leadership. In 2006, when the CCP’s then-Chairman Hu Jintao (Xi Jinping’s predecessor) came to the U.S. for an official visit with President Bush, he first met with Bill Gates at his Seattle estate. ABC News recognized the Chinese leader’s priority and ran a headline: “Chinese President Meets Bill Gates First.”
More recently, Bill Gates has been complimentary of current CCP Chairman Xi Jinping. “The area of science, where China is now leading a lot of ways and willing to invest,” Gates said, before boasting to a Chinese state-run media outlet, “that’s been something I discussed with President Xi.” Gates was star-struck by the dictator and could not help but mention “impressed [he was] of how hard President Xi works.” Gates gushed on: “Now [President Xi] is involved in the committee that are looking at this problem and that problem. He’s quite amazing that he’s able to contribute in a number of ways.”
What does all this mean? Schweizer summed it up nicely: It means that one of the richest men in the world was praising the leadership of a man who runs prison camps.
To this day, Bill Gates advises the Chinese communist regime through his “lifelong” membership at the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). The CAE is controlled by Beijing’s top political body: the Chinese State Council (CSC). The CSC has an innocent sounding name but it is at the center of the CCP’s power structure—particularly the CCP’s military industrial complex. As a foreigner, Gates’ induction to the CAE required “strict political clearance.”
When Dr. Robert Malone told the Daily Wire’s Candace Owens that Gates “has systematically monopolized the global health response” to the Wuhan coronavirus, he was right to be concerned. The deep ties that Gates has to the communist regime where the Wuhan coronavirus originated (the most devastating global disaster in modern history) are even more alarming than his monopolist proclivities. Gatespattern of praise and long history of partnership with America’s top adversary should disqualify him from any role — monopolist or otherwise — in the global health response to the Wuhan coronavirus.
More information on Gates’ budding relationship with the Chinese Communist Party can be found in the #1 New York Times bestseller Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, where my colleague, investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, has revealed the shocking extent to which Gates has sold out the United States.
Seamus Bruner is the Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute (GAI). Bruner is an investigative journalist and author of the bestselling books Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption and Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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