
Fake Feminist ‘Bishop’ Turns Inaugural Prayer Service Into Woke Anti-Trump Lecture

The Episcopal church is the wokest institution on Earth.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 21: Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde delivers a sermon during the National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral on January 21, 2025 in Washington, DC. Tuesday marks Trump's first full day of his second term in the White House. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

It is a truth, long established, that a liberal woman over 50 with a lesbian haircut is sure to support the most evil ideas and policies that mankind has ever conceived. If evil had a face and a haircut, this is what it would look like. It would look exactly like Mariann Budde, the fake bishop of Washington for the Episcopal church. They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but some covers tell the whole story before you even read the first page. And when you see a woman like Mariann, especially if she is wearing priestly garments, you know exactly what you’re going to get. And that’s what we got, and what Donald Trump got, when this fake woman bishop delivered the homily at the National Prayer Service in DC on Tuesday.

Before we get to that, let’s back up a bit.

Let’s go back to the summer of 2020 when, encouraged by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the wake of George Floyd’s overdose, BLM and Antifa began rioting in the nation’s capital. No one at the Department of Justice or the FBI has ever pretended to care about this particular riot, but it was pretty substantial by any objective metric. They injured dozens of Secret Service officers, destroyed cars, vandalized monuments, and looted dozens of businesses — ultimately forcing Donald Trump to take cover in the White House bunker. The mob also set fire to a church in Lafayette Square, called St. John’s, just a block from the White House.

If you’re not familiar with it, St. John’s is an Episcopal church. It’s often called the “Church of the Presidents” because every president has attended the church since it was constructed in the early 19th century. And in 2020, because Democrats had riled up a violent mob to advance a narrative of racial injustice in an election year, the church was under attack. That’s in spite of the fact that the Episcopal church is the wokest institution on Earth. The Episcopal church makes Planned Parenthood seem far right by comparison. The Pride flag has long replaced the cross of Christ in the Episcopal church. And I use the word “church” only in the architectural sense.

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In any case, Mariann Budde was responsible for overseeing the church at the time. And after the violence and arson had subsided, she went on PBS to talk about what had happened. But instead of defending her church, or condemning the rioters who had just lit St. John’s on fire, Mariann blamed Donald Trump. She claimed that Trump, merely by appearing outside the church to survey the damage, had, “used the mantle of the church to communicate a political message.” Watch:


Again, back to judging a book by its cover. You can play that video on mute, and you can guess everything she’s going to say, pretty much word-for-word. You can guarantee she’s going to talk about the “plight of black and brown people,” and how bad Donald Trump is, and so on. She doesn’t have to open her mouth at all. We all know what’s coming.

Of course, there’s no self-awareness to any of it. This woman — the fake “bishop” — has built her entire career around using the “mantle of a church to communicate a political message.” For more than a decade, she has done exactly what she’s accusing Donald Trump of doing. And after St. John’s was torched, she doubled down on that approach.

This is worth reiterating because it was one of the single most remarkable moments of the first Trump presidency. The Left nearly burned down a church, and they made Trump into the villain of the story. They blamed him because a day later, the U.S. Park Police cleared out the violent protesters in Lafayette Square, and supposedly that was clear evidence that Trump was a fascist dictator.

And to push that narrative, every mainstream outlet sought an interview with Mariann. They even interrupted their broadcasts to make sure that Mariann’s grievances could be heard.

Here was CNN for example:

Yes, police in riot gear had to use tear gas to clear the church yard. And you’re supposed to conclude that this is completely outrageous. After all, the protesters are “peaceful,” we’re told. And yet, in that whole rant she never once mentions anything about how the church was just set on fire by BLM arsonists a day earlier. It just doesn’t come up. CNN doesn’t mention it, either. It’s as if it never happened.

This is the extent of the overt lying we were all subjected to, just four years ago. They deliberately omit all relevant information, in order to push the most extreme, false narrative they can think of. And in this case, the narrative was that Trump was the bad guy, because he was “using a church as a photo-op.” So BLM gets a pass for burning the church down. But Trump doesn’t get a pass for appearing in front of the church afterwards. He’s also apparently to blame because the violent thugs outside the church — who were throwing stones at the cops — were eventually cleared out by the Park Police. Apparently the Park Police were supposed to let those protesters continue to terrorize Lafayette Square, indefinitely.


This is all just background, of course. A lesson in recent history that most of us still remember. But here’s the reason I bring it up: It’s remarkable that Donald Trump’s advance team apparently didn’t know what they were getting into, when they sent Trump and JD Vance to listen to a “sermon” from Mariann Budde yesterday for the National Prayer Service, which was held at the Washington National Cathedral. 

Predictably, Mariann Budde used her “sermon” as an opportunity to lecture Trump and Vance about the plight of so-called “trans kids” and illegal aliens. This was entirely inevitable. There was no way that she WOULDN’T use her sermon to extol the virtues of transgenderism and illegal immigration. It’s unlikely that this woman has ever given a sermon in her entire life that didn’t extol the virtues of transgenderism and illegal immigration. Trump should not have been put in this extremely foreseeable situation. But he was, and it led to this: 


You’ll notice that, whenever anyone on the Left talks about illegal aliens, and how we shouldn’t deport them, they immediately start babbling about how illegals are willing to do menial, low-wage jobs. Leftists can’t help themselves. They will just come out and admit that they want a permanent underclass to clean the toilets and pick the crops.

“We can’t deport the illegals. Who will mop our floors?” That is literally their argument. Explicitly so. It’s not about “dignity” or “human rights” or whatever nonsense. They want slave labor. That’s what it comes down to. They don’t care if these illegal aliens broke the law to come into this country. They don’t care if these illegal aliens are raping women on university campuses, or driving drunk and wiping out entire families. All they care about is whether they can pick up some cheap labor from the Home Depot parking lot.

And then of course there’s the discussion about “transgender children,” who are supposedly “in fear of their lives.” Again, this woman is only capable of repeating stock Left-wing talking points. And in this case, she’s employing very familiar emotional blackmail. Apparently we’re supposed to conclude that the “merciful” thing to do, for these confused, supposedly “transgender children,” is to permanently sterilize and disfigure them. Mariann’s says the most Christ-like thing we can do is chop off the breasts of a 15-year-old girl. What would Jesus do? Well, according to Mariann, he would dismember them. It’s blasphemy of the most extreme kind. Hell exists for people like Mariann. Although I do admit, so-called “Trans kids” do fear for their lives. I don’t deny that. They fear for their lives because the horrifically abusive adults in their lives have told them that they should. They fear for their lives because they have been exploited and brainwashed by wicked witches like Mariann.


And of course, this grotesque display is coming from a female “priest.” You will only ever hear heresy and inanity from someone whose whole existence is blasphemous. We’ve covered the plague of female pastors before, and how the Scripture makes it very clear — repeatedly — that women can’t serve as pastors, or have authority over men in the church. But I don’t even need to make that whole argument again. I don’t need to cite the letters of St. Paul on this point — as clear and unequivocal as they are — because honestly, Mariann Budde makes the argument for me. She is Exhibit A for why women should not be pastors, priests, or bishops. She would rather engage in emotional blackmail and blasphemy, than preach the word of God. And she’ll do it while claiming, at the same time, to be engaged in some kind of pursuit for the “truth.” Watch:

You can tell from the reactions by Trump, Vance, and their families that no one expected this. Afterwards, at the White House, Trump basically said the sermon was unbearable. It was also extremely predictable, if you know anything about this fake bishop, or do five minutes of research into her. And yet, somehow, his advance team allowed this moment to happen. You can bet there are some conversations in the White House right now about how exactly that occurred.

But there’s also a lesson there for the rest of us, which is this: We shouldn’t be overconfident in the wake of Trump’s win. Yes, it was a major victory, and Trump and his supporters defied all of the odds. But the fact remains that Leftism is embedded deeply in our culture and our institutions — including and especially the Christian church in America.

Granted, a female episcopal Bishop is not a part of the Christian church. But that is exactly the point. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many Left-wing infiltrators masquerading as shepherds for Christ. The infiltration is vast in scope, and deep. Rooting out DEI in the federal government, as difficult as that may be, is still a lot easier than rooting out the cancer of heresy and leftist propaganda in America’s churches. But after yesterday’s prayer service in Washington’s National Cathedral — which somehow took a lot of people by surprise — it’s clear that it’s a fight we need to wage, and that we can’t afford to lose.

* * *

Correction: A previous version of this article misspelled the name of the Episcopal priest as Marianne. The correct spelling is Mariann. 

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