I have a riddle for you folks, today: What’s green on the outside and red on the inside?
The answer is — are you ready for it? A watermelon. Duh. But, really the answer is also the green energy movement.
That’s what it is — that environmentalism is nothing but a watermelon. The Left is telling you it’s about protecting Earth, but in reality, it’s about inching us toward a communist society.
I bring this up because there was a recent article, claiming that America — if it really did sabotage the Nord Stream Pipelines — is to blame for Europe’s current energy crisis.
Now, I’m going to defend America in this circumstance. You cannot blame America for Europe’s energy catastrophe. Europe — and Germany in particular — did that to themselves by essentially abandoning fossil fuels in the name of climate change.
What was it that led Germany to be a nation that is so dependent upon Russia?
It was a fairy tale ideology that Western governments had to do more by transitioning to green energy. Now, Eastern nations, such as China or Russia, can emit all the carbon they want apparently, but only Western countries have to worry about the planet.
Now, with the war in Ukraine, that plan is backfiring.
In Europe — and this is very real — energy prices have skyrocketed because of a lack of resources and people are realizing they won’t have adequate energy to keep them warm this winter. So now they’re buying wood to keep their homes warm to avoid high prices.
In short, the green energy push basically sent the world back to colonial times. Right? It’s been a policy failure all around the world. And why are they doing it? The question is, why are we doing it? Why have we in the West suddenly gotten on our hands and knees for this?
It weakened the individual and empowered the government.
Now, in China, the communist party doesn’t really care about its people. Any propaganda they put out is just fluff. it’s meant to make Chinese citizens — and gullible westerners — feel good while the government gains more control.
Understanding that, we’ve arrived at the “red” on the inside of that watermelon we mentioned.
What is the definition of Communism? Communism is a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange allocating products to everyone in society.
Let me give you that in plain language — you’re going to own nothing and you’re going to like it.
OK, in a Communist regime, they tell you that it’s communal, right? We’re just all sharing everything via the government.
Of course, Leftists tell us that only the government can make sure that we’re sharing everything fairly. Those government leaders are going to kind of take everything and give you just enough to get by. But, under communism, you’re going to like it because it’s going to feel good, right?
Except, we’ve learned in every single communist nation that it doesn’t actually feel good. And if you point out that it doesn’t feel good and you can’t survive, you’re called selfish by the government and its propagandists.
Communism is an idea that is sold to the masses by good salespeople — not just the government and the politicians. In those countries, the media, celebrities, teachers and more tell you that you need to really think about how selfish you are, how selfish you are to want more for yourselves and your family.
Where have we heard that before in the Western world?
Oh, right, anytime there is an energy crisis because of green energy.
Think about it. Didn’t the left say, “How selfish were the people in California who used electricity when there wasn’t enough energy to support the grid? How selfish of you to want to turn on your AC in the summertime, right? It’s not a policy failure. It’s an individual failure. You are a selfish individual not to realize that we are all in this together.”
Pop culture icons, like we spoke about a few weeks ago, push that green energy message all around the internet.
Now, Europe is trying to make its citizens feel bad for wanting better energy options. It may not be 100% communism, but the mindset is there.
And, European governments certainly have become more powerful as they decide which energy resources can be used. America is not to blame for that continent’s decision to adopt green energy and move away from oil and gas. They did it themselves.
They listened to kids like Greta Thunberg who made them feel guilty. And now, green energy fanatics in America want to do it here.
But just remember, it’s really a watermelon: Green on the outside, red on the inside.
Be sure to watch my new documentary aimed at uncovering the truth about Black Lives Matter: THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD.

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