There are a lot of threats facing America these days.
One is the threat of fiscal collapse.
Mid-to-long-term, America’s economic system is increasingly unsustainable. We’re running a $33 trillion national debt; our actual national debt, including unfunded liabilities, runs another $80 trillion over the next 75 years. Virtually all of those figures are driven by Medicare and Social Security shortfalls. This means, sooner or later, we’re going to have to radically increase taxes, cut benefits, or inflate our currency.
Another threat is the threat of foreign aggression.
The United States is lucky in that we are surrounded by an ocean on one side, Mexicans to the South, and Canadians to the North.
But that doesn’t mean we’re invulnerable. As the world becomes a more dangerous place — as American power recedes — we will feel that everywhere from our pocketbook to our military budget. American hegemony has created a global economy which has paid off for the American consumer in extraordinary ways. That can easily be reversed — and indicators are, it will be.
A third thread is the threat of internal moral collapse.
Indeed, this threat is the chief factor behind the first two threats. As our communities die, our local institutions lose credibility and loyalty, we stop having children, and our economy turns upside down. The government grows, but the population that has to fund it doesn’t; government spending increases, but the population supporting it doesn’t. As the post-American future takes hold at home, it will similarly take hold abroad, with our enemies ready to fill the gap.
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That last threat is the truly frightening one.
It is the reason for America’s polarized politics: We once shared basic values, particularly at the local level, but now, those values have fallen away, replaced with hatred and rage at Christians and white Americans.
Take, for example, James Carville. Carville is a Clintonian political voice and a person who has routinely urged the Democratic Party to move away from its most extreme and radical positions, understanding they are electoral poison. But now, he has apparently decided that the Republican Party in general is a threat to the United States — that it is a Christian nationalist party.
What does he mean by that term? Apparently, he doesn’t mean that many Republicans prefer to see a revitalized church at the center of American life, a proposition with which I wholeheartedly agree as an Orthodox Jew. No, he means the Republican Party is — in the words of far-Left Daily Kos founder, Markos Moulitsas — an American Taliban.
Carville said on Bill Maher’s show on Friday night, “(House Speaker) Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States. I know these people. (Christian nationalists). This is a bigger threat than Al Qaeda to this country. … They have the Speaker of the House; they got at least two Supreme Court Justices, maybe more. Don’t kid yourself.”
Democratic strategist James Carville claimed that Speaker Mike Johnson and “at least two Supreme Court justices” are Christian nationalists who represent a bigger threat to the United States than Al-Qaeda terrorists.
— Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) December 4, 2023
Now, this is truly nutty stuff. In Carville’s view, two Supreme Court justices and the Speaker of the House are leading the charge for a Christian theocracy. And they are a bigger threat than the terrorist group responsible for September 11.
Carville isn’t the only Democratic voice who sees traditional Republicans as the enemy. There is also grifter extraordinaire Ibram X. Kendi, who says his fellow Americans are generally white supremacists.
This, apparently, will be the Democratic Party’s campaign in 2024: Republicans are Christian theocrats and white supremacists. The entire Republican Party is dominated by a desire for white Christian fascism — or something like that.
The response, presumably, would be an alliance of the secularists and people of color. Not shockingly, that’s precisely the coalition the Democratic Party seems to be wooing.
And they are doing so with ugly scare tactics.
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That’s why the Atlantic is dedicating its first issue of 2024 to suggesting that a vote for Donald Trump in 2024 is a vote for a fascist regime. A note from official Obama jockstrap-carrier Jeffrey Goldberg, editor of the rag, reads, “I encourage you to read all of the articles in this special issue carefully (though perhaps not in one sitting, for reasons of mental hygiene). Our team of brilliant writers makes a convincingly dispositive case that both Trump and Trumpism pose an existential threat to America and to the ideas that animate it.”
Yes, according to the Atlantic, if you vote for Trump, you have handed away America’s future.
This sort of messaging is being promoted by Republicans experiencing “Strange New Respect™” (i.e., the respect you receive when you start mimicking Democratic lines), like Liz Cheney, who is mirroring the doom-mongering of the Left.
Ironically, this very alarmism is one of the root threats to America.
Countries in which both sides start speaking about how the next election is the last election — about how their political opponents, if they win, mean the end of the country — are in serious danger. That sort of scaremongering may get out votes, but it also sets the house on fire in the name of saving the house.
Understand, I want Joe Biden to lose. I think he is a terrible president doing dangerous things that will be difficult to rectify. But the end of America is not nigh in 2024 — not unless, ironically, everyone keeps saying it is. The closer both sides draw to the abyss — the more each party says the next election is the last election — the more that fantasy draws closer to reality.
And that is a true threat to the Republic.

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